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Our national tradition - Folklore. Adriana Bušfyová - Slovakia.
Ournationaltradition - Folklore Adriana Bušfyová - Slovakia
Slovakia is a country withrichculturaltraditions and customs. Ourfolkloreisverydistinctive and interesting. Slovaks are veryproudoftheirtraditions and theypasstheir folk songs, music and dancefromgeneration to generation. There are many folk artisticgroupskeeping and representingthesetraditions.
Folk costume • Folk costumeexpresses an identity through costume which is usually associated with a geographic area or a period of time in history, but can also indicate social, marital and/or religious status. Such costumes often come in two forms: one for everyday occasions, the other for festivals and formal wear. • In areas where contemporary Western fashions have become usual, traditional garments are often worn at special events or celebrations, particularly those connected with cultural traditions, heritage or pride.
Musicalinstruments Fujara Violin
Folk clubis a groupofvariousagepeopleinterested in nationalheritageconserved in dances, songs and musicofpreviousgenerations. • The folk clubspreferthepresentationofourculture on stagesat folk festivals. The show containsdancing, singing and musical part.
The most famous folk groups in Slovakia • Lúčnica • Sľuk • Šarišan
Lúčnica - Slovak NationalFolkloreBallet • The Lúčnica is Slovak Nationalfolkloreballetwhichwas set upbefore 62 years. In thehistorythereweredanced over 2000 dancersvariousage. Itbelongs to the most importantrepresentantsof Slovak nationaltraditions and had presenteditsart in over 60 countriesaroundtheworld.
Thehatdance– Isthetypical Slovak dancewhichisdanced just by menduringweddings. Menwillstand in thecircle, puthats on theirheads and catchtheirshoulders. Thenwillstartthemusic and menwillchangetheirhatseachother. Themusic tempo willgraduateuntilthe end ofthe song.
Sľuk • The Slovak folk artisticgroupSľukistheproffesionalgroupwhichwas set up in 1949. • TheSľukislocated in thecapital city of Slovakia – Bratislava, in the city part called Rusovce, whereisalsoitsowntheatre. Itpresentsournationaltraditions in Slovakia and had presentedit in more than 60 countriesaroundtheworld.
Šarišan • Itisthe folk grouprepresentingthe metropol Prešov in theeastSlovakianarea – Šariš. • Itwas set upbefore over 45 years and nowadaysit has over 60 members. • Thisgroup has 70 performances per year and had represented Slovakia in 32 countiresaroundtheworld on 110 internationalperformances.
Top Folkfestivals in Slovakia • Folkfestival in Myjava • Folkfestival Východná • Folkfestival Detva • Upper Hron Festival of Song and Dance in Heľpa
RomaPeople and theirCulture • Thereliveabout 90,000 ofcitizensregistered to haveRomaninationality in Slovakia. SomespeakRomani/Gypsy language. Theyhavetheirowntraditions and culture. Veryoftentheyhavenaturalmusical talent. Usuallythey are goodsingers, dancers and theycanplay on musicalinstruments. Romapeoplehavetheirspecial type ofthemusic and dance, theyhavetheirownfolklore.
Typicalmusicalinstruments are forexamplecymbalo and violin. • Theircultureischaracteristic by speciallyrhythmical and dynamicmusicanddancing. • Theircostumes are verycolourful and usuallythey are embellished by differentscarves and jewellery.
There are fewRomagroups and singersthatpublishtheirmusic on CDs. Astheirmusicisfulloffun and energy, itisquitepopular. Excepttraditional folk festivalsthere are alsoorganizedRoma folk festivals. A MuseumoftheRomaniculturecanbefound in Martin.