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T NNERRE. b -n decay spectroscopy. TAS Workshop Caen, March 30-31, 2004. The b -decay-n decay Spectroscopy TONNERRE : specifications Results of Physics Experiments Conclusions and Perspectives. J.C. Angélique for TONNERRE Collaboration.
T NNERRE b-n decay spectroscopy TAS Workshop Caen, March 30-31, 2004 • The b-decay-n decay Spectroscopy • TONNERRE : specifications • Results of Physics Experiments • Conclusions and Perspectives J.C. Angélique for TONNERRE Collaboration
When N>>Z : Qb , Sn b-delayed neutrons emissiondominant decay mode Exple: 11Li : Qb=20.6 MeV Sn=0.7 MeV Pn~92% b-n decay A-1Z+1N-3 Enaccess to the location and structure of unbound levels Eneutrons Eg A-1Z+1N-2 T NNERRE essential information to map the b-strength function comparisons with theorical predictions (Shell Model…) complete b-g-neutron spectroscopy The b-delayed neutrons decay b-decay: fundamental tool for the investigation of nuclei far from stability. • decay mechanism (Fermi or Gamow-Teller transitions) is well understood J,p • complementary to other processes: transfer reactions... • applicable at low intensities AZN S2n b-decay Qb Sn Eg AZ+1N-1
TONNERRE TONneaupour NEutRonsREtardés A new detector for Delayed-Neutron Spectroscopy (Collaboration LPC Caen - IFIN Bucarest) SCINTILLATORS Buta A. et al., NIM A455 (2000) pp. 412-423 T NNERRE • Up to 32 scintillators plastic bars • En by TOF , 200 keV < En < 5 MeV • solid angle : up to 45% of 4p • DE(1 MeV): ~ 80 keV • e(1 MeV) ~50 % First test in April 98 (GANIL)
T NNERRE A. Buta et al, NIM A 455 (2000) 412-423 TONNERRE STATUS
know better the region near "island of inversion" around N = 20 N=20 35Al 32Al 33Al 34Al 31Al Si Al 26 Mg 32Mg -926 33Mg -1090 34Mg -685 2 hw excitations Na Ne 24 22 F island of inversion 8 O 20 31Na -502 32Na -1295 33Na -427 18 N C B 16 12 14 Be 30Ne -698 31Ne -891 32Ne -128 Li 10 He 8 E.K. Warburton et al., PRC41(1990) A. Poves et al., NPA 571 (1994) Y. Utsumo et al., Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 4 6 H 2 E333: b-n-decay of 32,33Mg and 34,35Al Complete neutrons and gammas spectroscopy T NNERRE
Low energy neutron det Leps beam Implant. plastic Exit window Si detector Clover • HI and b : Plastic (N=20) • gammas : 2 Ge clovers (EXOGAM) + 1 LEPs • neutrons : Plastics scintillators T NNERRE E333 Set Up GANIL April 2000 • production of neutron-rich nuclei below 36S • by projectile fragmentation ( 78 MeV/A) • Be (target) • selection using the LISE3 spectrometer • 32, 33Mg, 34, 35Al
34Al g spectrum ISOLDE: 1999 Beam Time ~ 12 h 34Al g spectrum ( zoom) Intensity ~ 30 pps 12 little neutrons detectors 34Al b-g-n coïncidence TOF(a.u.) GANIL: 2000 Beam Time ~ 8 h 34Al b-g-one neutron coïncidence Intensity ~ 300 pps 19 modules of TONNERRE T NNERRE TOF(ns) 34Al b-nDecay
To mix or not to mix ? 34Al S. Nummela et al. Phys. RevC 63 (2001) T 1/2= 56 (5) ms b-n S. Piétri thesis LPC-Caen T02-03 (2003) En (MeV) 3.57 2.64 2.091.731.23 0.86 B. Fornal et al.,PRC 49 2413 (1994) W. Mittig et al. EPJA (2002) N. Iwasa et al. Phys. RevC 67 (2003) n Pn =26(4)% 1435 1010 0 7/2- 7/2+ 1/2+ 3/2+ 1/2+ 3/2+ Sn = 7530 keV sd-shell 33Si b 2+ 4+ 4970 4379 4255 3326 2133?? (3,4,5)- (3,4)- 3- 2+ 4519 1193 1193 keV ??? 2+ 02+ ??? 02+ e+ e- C.E. T NNERRE 01+ 0 MCSM 34Si sd-shell Y. Utsuno et al.,PRC 64 011301R (2001)
Our results on the 32Mg b-decay : - t1/2:85 ± 5 msec (120 ± 20 msec) M. Langevin et al., NPA414(1984)151 - Pn :3.4± 0.2 % (2.4± 0.5 %) - neutrons : 350 300 250 20015010050 5 1 4.51 MeV 2 2.79 MeV 3 1.78 MeV 4 1.28 MeV 5 973 keV 6 680 keV 7 370 keV number of counts 6 3 4 2 7 1 T NNERRE 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 time of flight (ns) - g' rays :222 - 735 - 2465 - 2735 keV (old) D. Guillemaud-Mueller et al., NPA426(1984)37 564.5 – 787.5 – 1743.5 - 2030 -3202 keV (new) number of counts 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 energy (keV)
What are the limits of the "island of inversion” ? After Before E333 experiment low energy structure 32Al not pure usd • New g-lines in the 33Al structure • Alimentation of 4+ and 4- levels in 32Al by b-n decay of 33Mg 33Al unknown 32Mg 32Mg b-n b-n T 1/2= 120 (20) ms T 1/2= 120 (20) ms 33Mg 33Mg (3/2)+ (3/2)+ Pn=2.5 % Pn=2.5 % T 1/2= 86 (5) ms b b 2 + not usd T 1/2= 90 (20) ms T 1/2= 90 (20) ms Pn=17.5 % Pn=17.5 % 1+ 1 + usd T 1/2= 93 (11) ms En (MeV) 2.48 1.92 0.630.460.41 0.28 1+ 3 + b-n b-n n 2 + 3 + (4-) (4-) (4+) (4+) isomer 200ns isomer 200ns b b 2+ 2+ 2+ 4+ 1+ 1+ 1+ usd 32Al Eg (keV) 4735 2894 2761 2364 2096 1838 1646 1617 1467 1046 594 80%occurs to normal USD configurations 20%occurs to more complicate structure B. Fornal et al., PRC55 762(1997) B. Fornal et al., PRC55 762(1997) T NNERRE I.O.I. has no sharp boundaries M. Robinson et al., PRC53 R1465(1996) M. Robinson et al., PRC53 R1465(1996) 33Al C. Timis thesis LPCCaen T01-01 (2001) M. Langevin et al., NPA 414 151 (1984) M. Langevin et al., NPA 414 151 (1984) S. Grévy et al., NPA to be published
Theoretically Modification of the shell structure at N=28 • Shell model (Retamosa et al.) • erosion of the shell gap N=28 p3/2 28 36S20 16 f7/2 20 Z=20 d3/2 d3/2 16 s1/2 Z=16 s1/2 d5/2 d5/2 p n J. Retamosa et al. PRC55(1997)1266 Z=14 p3/2 28 44S28 16 f7/2 20 • Rel. Hart. + Bogol. (Lallazissis et al.) d3/2 d3/2 shell gap N=28 is well broken s1/2 s1/2 14 d5/2 d5/2 T NNERRE • Experimentally - t1/2 and Pn around 44S Sorlin et al. (GANIL) - COULEX of S and Si isotopes Glasmacher et al. (MSU) - Mass measurement below 48Ca Sarazin et al. (GANIL) • In-beam g-spectroscopy in S (GANIL) D. Sohler et al. PRC66(2002)054302 p3/2 28 44S28 16 f7/2 20 d3/2 d3/2 s1/2 s1/2 14 • Hart.Fock + Bogol.(Péru et al.) d5/2 d5/2 p n p3/2 28 42Si28 14 f7/2 20 d3/2 d3/2 s1/2 s1/2 14 d5/2 d5/2
beam • HI and b :DS-Strip Si + 2 plastics • gammas : 3 Ge clovers (EXOGAM) + 1 LEPs • neutrons : Plastics scintillators T NNERRE E377 Set Up GANIL June 2001 • production of neutron-rich nuclei below 48Ca • by projectile fragmentation ( 77 MeV/A) • Be (target) • selection using the LISE3 spectrometer • 40, 41, 42Si, 42,43,44P , 44,45,46.S, 46,47.Cl
EVIDENCE OF STRONG DEFORMATION ? • Are the Si isotopes deformed ? 39Si QRPA t1/2(39Si) = 47.52.0 msec 42Si t1/2 (Qb-E*)-5 time (msec) sphérical exp. exp. exp. exp. t1/2(40Si) = 33 1 msec 40Si time (msec) K. L. Kratz and B. Pfeifer 41Si t1/2(41Si) = 20.02.5 msec deformed time (msec) 42Si t1/2(42Si) = 12.53.5 msec time (msec) T NNERRE -0.3 -0.2 0 0.2 0.3 déformation (e2) • half-lives of Si isotopes
46Ar28 48Ca28 N=28 - complete spectroscopy of 44,45,46Ar 18 20 f7/2 f7/2 d3/2 d3/2 d3/2 p3/2 s1/2 s1/2 s1/2 s1/2 28 d5/2 d5/2 d5/2 d5/2 20 20 14 5/2- 2420 7/2- 2260 2140 1/2- p n 1/2- 1790 J. Mrazek, S. Grévy et al, 5/2- 1330 p3/2 1240 3/2- 28 3/2- 420 20 20 7/2- d3/2 SM (Nowacki) 14 Very good agreement Expt. vs. SM up to 2 MeV. p n • (3/2-)1 state at 543 keV (only 15% intruder) • progressive reduction of the N=28 shell gap when protons are removed • (3/2-)2 state at 1340 keV • main part of the intruder strength T NNERRE 16 n
Problematic of the potassium isotopes • Inversion of the ps1/2-pd3/2 orbitals • b decay of K→Ca: connection between the two problematics Characteristics of b decay for neutron rich nuclei : • large Qb window (~15 MeV in K) and low Sn (~4 MeV) • high emission probability of 1 or 2 delayed neutron (Pn~40-90%) Different prediction on Jp ground state for N>28 depending on the interaction We need a very efficient neutron and gamma detection to perform b-g and b-n-g coincidences IReS Frédéric PERROT Interest of heavy calcium isotopes 2+ levels systematic in even-even Ca isotopes Evidence of the semi-magic character of 52Ca: • Shell closure at Z=20 • Subshell closure at N=32: high Ex of the 2+ state at 2.56MeV with a (np3/2)3-(np1/2)1 configuration How to get information on the position of the f5/2 orbital ? • Ex of the 4+ state in 52Ca: (np3/2)1-(nf5/2)1 • Ex of the 2+ state in 54Ca: (np1/2)1- (nf5/2)1 discrimination between two interactions
ISOLDE Experiments : September 2002 and July 2003 (Z=20) IReS
TOF spectrum from 52K decay IReS Fréderic Perrot
53K decay: preliminary results in progress IReS
T NNERRE Conclusion Use with Gamma detectors ( EXOGAM, MINIBALL...) High performance instrument for decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei Actual physics programms Spectroscopy in the region of N 20: 32, 33Mg, 34, 35Al Spectroscopy in the region of N=28 : 40, 41, 42Si, 42,43,44P , 44,45,46.S, 46,47.Cl Spectroscopy in the region of Z 20: 51,52,53K Mobility of TONNERRE ISOLDE, GANIL (LISE) ... …. Why not on SPIRAL low energy ? Need some minimum conditions………….
T NNERRE …..Conditions: 1) What beam will be available ?????? region of A 20: 19,...C , 21,...N, … region of N 20: 30,...Ne , 33,...Na, 34,…Mg, … region of N=28 : 44,…Si , 45…P, 48…Cl,... region of Z 20: 54,... K, 54,...Ca, … 8He ? 2) What intensity > LISE, SISSI , ISOLDE..???? > 1 pps, b (T 1/2) > 10 pps, b-g or b-n > 100 pps, b-g -g or b-g -n , ... 3) What identification ????? Event by event , T 1/2, b, g 4) What experimental area??? Background,area>20 m2
T NNERRE COLLABORATION T NNERRE LPC - Caen – France N.L. Achouri, J. C. Angélique, G.Ban, S. Grévy, F. R. Lecolley, E. Liénard, N. A. Orr, J. Peter and S. Pietri IFIN – Bucharest – Romania C. Borcea, A. Buta, F. Negoita, D. Pantelica and M. Stanoiu IreS – Strasbourg - France P. Baumann, G. Canchel S. Courtin, P. Dessagne, C. Jollet, F. Maréchal, F. Nowacki and F. Perrot FLNR – Dubna - Russia Y. Penionzhkevich, S. Lukianov and O. Tarasov GANIL - Caen – France F. de Oliveira, M. Lewitowicz, I. Stefan and C. Stodel IPN – Orsay – France F. Ibrahim, D. Guillemaud Mueller, F. Pougheon, O. Sorlin DAM – Bruyères le châtel J. M. Daugas, V. Meot and O. Roig Univ. of Surrey - UK W. Catford and C. Timis Nucl. Phys. Inst. – Czech Republic Z. Dlouhy and J. Mrazek
Nuclei A at/s ISOLDE at/s ALTO K 49 50 51 52 53 5.4.105 7.4.104 9.103 1.2.103 4 Na 33 34 40 2 Nuclei A at/s ISOLDE at/s SPIRAL 2.102 3-6.103 1.5.104 4.105 Al 34 35 2.6 8 Kr 71 72 73 74 75 3.5 3.103 5.105 2.106 1.8.107 Ni 69 70 4.104 2.104 2.104 1.104 Cu 76 77 78 79 4.104 4.103 4.102 1 2.104 2.103 2.102 Sr 75 76 77 78 5 4.103 2.105 9.2.105 Zn 76 78 80 3.2.107 2.106 2.104 5.9.105 2.105 2.104 Rb 74 2.103 Ga 62 400 Sn 128-132 133 134 135 136 137 4 - 6.108 3.107 4.106 2.105 6.103 2.102 1.2.106 Yield information ISOLDE :http://isolde.web.cern.ch/isolde/ Ulli Koster SPIRAL: http://www.ganil.fr/operation/available_beams/ radioactive_beams.htm ALTO: Fadi Ibrahim (preliminary estimation)