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Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations. Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations. DWR, USBR, and CVP/SWP water contractors met in mid-July and developed a proposal for improved integration of the two projects
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations • DWR, USBR, and CVP/SWP water contractors met in mid-July and developed a proposal for improved integration of the two projects • This proposal defines the context of discussions with DFG, USFWS, NOAA Fisheries, Bay-Delta Authority, and interested stakeholders regarding the components of the proposal and the characteristics of a long-term EWA.
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Meeting necessary to resolve issues: • Schedule of the CVP/SWP Operations Criteria and Plan (OCAP) • Support for continuation of the EWA • Accounting under the Coordinated Operation Agreement (COA) • Sharing of planned increased export capability (8500) • Operation of DMC/CA Intertie
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Components of the Proposal Conveyance • SWP conveys up to 100,000 af of Level 2 waterfowl refuge supply CVP Storage Accounting • Up to 75,000 af of CVP north-of-Delta water supply used to meet SWP Delta water quality/flow requirements
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Components of the Proposal (con’t) Environmental Water Account • Fully support EWA continuation • Commit to developing a long-term EWA with DFG, USFWA, and NOAA Fisheries having adequate assets, operational flexibility, and financing ESA Commitments • Multi-year, multi-species ESA commitment in exchange for long-term EWA asset commitments.
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Components of the Proposal (con’t) CVP/SWP Operations Criteria and Plan (OCAP) • Include Freeport Regional Water Project, SDIP (8500), the DMC/CA Intertie, a long-term EWA, and the other components of the integration proposal. • The associated Biological Opinion to cover these projects, and be considered a long-term opinion
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Components of the Proposal (con’t) Delta Water Quality • Implemented within a balanced CALFED Program, which includes projects to improve water quality Upstream Reservoir Coordination • SWP may borrow storage in CVP reservoirs for greater certainty in delivery allocation early in the year.
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Components of the Proposal (con’t) San Luis Reservoir Coordination • DWR develops a program to assure SLR storage does not drop below 200,000 af above dead storage. • Program increases certainty of CVP delivery allocation early in the year. Storage for Water Transfers • USBR stores for SWP contractors water obtained through transfer agreements. If reservoir enters flood control operations, stored transfer water first to spill.
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Components of the Proposal (con’t) Operational Implementation Process • Steps to improve coordination of projects to increase allocations earlier in the water year. COA Accounting Issues • Agreement on accounting for new facilities/agreements (North Bay Aqueduct, Freeport Regional Water Project, SDIP, DMC/CA Intertie)
Proposal for Improved CVP/SWP Integrated Operations Next steps • Define process for stakeholder involvement • Define the characteristics of a long-term EWA • Refine schedules of Integrated Key Milestones