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Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs. Users’ Satisfaction with Statistical Information and services, 2010 Results of the Survey. www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs. About the Survey. Aim of the Survey
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Users’ Satisfaction with Statistical Information and services, 2010 Results of the Survey www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
About the Survey Aim of the Survey obtaining feedback information on users’ habits and needs in order to improve presentation methods according to the level of users’ satisfaction, also including better quality of the Office’s data and services regarding the dissemination area. Periodicity and method of data collecting The Survey was conducted in the period June 17th to July 8th , 2010. The data were collected by: completing electronic version of the questionnaire and completing the paper version of the questionnaire. Reporting units and coverage regular users of statistical data, including individuals and institutions in the Republic of Serbia and abroad, registered during 2009 and 2010 in the Dissemination and public relations Division and regional divisions. The Survey encompassed users from the Republic of Serbia and abroad, meaning that English version of the questionnaire was also created. The Survey was carried out on the sample of 1652 users. Response rate 26% www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How do you inform about the SORS statistical products and services offer? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Where do you get the necessary statistical data? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Which publications do you use the most frequently? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
You use statistical data for www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How useful do you find the statistical information? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Which method of obtaining the statistical information suits you best? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Required statistical data relate to? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How would you evaluate the statistical data obtained from SORS? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How do you evaluate thetariffs and prices of SORS products / services? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How often do you request SORS products? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How often have you visited SORS website in the last 6 months? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How would you mark the contents of SORS website? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
According to the functionalities, SORS websiteis: www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Do you know that Publications’ and Press Calendar have been placed on SORS website? www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
How do you appreciate: www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Age group of the respondent www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Sex of the respondent www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Highest level of school completed www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Professional status of the respondent www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Respondents work in www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia • Belgrade, Milana Rakica 5 • Phone: 2412-922 • Fax:2411-260 • Dissemination and Public Relations Division Phone/Fax:2401-284 • library: 2412-922/251 • www.stat.gov.rs • stat@stat.gov.rs www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs