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Evaluating Introductions

This module focuses on evaluating the technical expertise and delivery style of interviewers during introductions. Skills such as developing an effective introduction style, good listening skills, and addressing objections are highlighted. Other important aspects include pacing and matching the respondent, volume and tone of voice, enunciation, and building rapport.

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Evaluating Introductions

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  1. Evaluating Introductions CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  2. Evaluating Introductions The Interviewer’s job has two parts: • Technical Expertise • Delivery CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  3. Evaluating Introductions • When the Supervisor is evaluating an Interviewer’s delivery of an Introduction, both technical expertise and delivery style are important. • The Supervisor must pay attention to the following skills: CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  4. Evaluating Introductions • Development of an effective and confident introduction style. • Good listening skills. • Ready to give appropriate answers to objections at the first sign of refusal. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  5. Evaluating Introductions • Conversational delivery of the survey without violating verbatim rules. • Ability to develop rapport and trust with the Respondent. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  6. Evaluating Introductions The Basics… CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  7. Evaluating Introductions • The majority of all refusals occur during the introduction. • It is important for Interviewers to sound professional, speak clearly and at an appropriate pace at the beginning of the interview. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  8. Evaluating Introductions • Often the Respondent has questions or objections, and the Interviewer must be able to address these issues. • Successful Interviewers are quick to answer these objections in an appropriate and professional manner. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  9. Evaluating Introductions • An effective introduction includes: • Proper use of selected phrases. • Assumptive opening. • Answered objections with right cue-tip/probe. • Warm, personable and professional demeanor. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  10. Evaluating Introductions What to look for… CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  11. Pace / Match the Respondent • Pace is the tempo or speed with which the script is read to the Respondent. • There is no set pace that is best for all Respondents. The key is to match the Respondent’s pace. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  12. Pace / Match the Respondent • Was the pace too fast, too slow or just right for the Respondent? • Matching the pace of the interview with that of the Respondent increases the success of completing the interview. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  13. Pace / Match the Respondent • Did the Interviewer detect “signals” such as elderly Respondents who require a slower pace? • How about Respondents who have time constraints and need a faster pace? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  14. Pace / Match the Respondent • The pace may be too fast for the Respondent if an Interviewer must repeat more than one question. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  15. Pace / Match the Respondent • If a Respondent is in a hurry and the Interviewer makes no attempt to increase the pace, then the Interviewer may be speaking at too slow a pace. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  16. Volume Was the Interviewer’s voice too loud, too soft or just right for the Respondent to hear? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  17. Tone • The pitch of an Interviewer’s voice sets the tone for the interview. • A professional image is projected when the Interviewer sounds enthusiastic and is focused on the survey and the Respondent. CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  18. Tone • Was the Interviewer’s delivery of the survey natural, conversational, enthusiastic and genuine? • Or was it robotic, unenthusiastic or false? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  19. Tone • Was the Interviewer’s tone warm, or did it sound rigid and distant? • Was the Interviewer’s voice monotone, or did it vary and was it modulated? • Was there a smile in the Interviewer’s voice? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  20. Enunciation • Was the Interviewer’s speech clear or unclear? • Did the Interviewer sound smooth or choppy, exaggerated or sincere? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  21. Converting Reluctance • Was the Interviewer too assertive or not assertive enough? • When met with resistance, did the Interviewer make two efforts to convert? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  22. Converting Reluctance Did the Interviewer’s answer match the Respondent’s real concern? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  23. Rapport • Did the Interviewer acknowledge feelingsand concern and show empathy? • Could the Interviewer adapt to Respondent situations that occurred? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  24. Rapport • Did the Interviewer sound genuine? • Was there unnecessary banter? • Was the rapport inappropriate – bad jokes or poor choice of subjects? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  25. Evaluating Interviewer Style Measure Interviewer Style Using This Checklist… CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  26. Supervisor Checklist / Evaluating Interviewer Style • Pace for the Respondent • Too slow? • Too fast? • Right on target? • Voice modulation • Monotone? • Natural? • Not sincere /genuine? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  27. Supervisor Checklist / Evaluating Interviewer Style • Introduction • Correct use of selected phrases? • Assumptive opening? • Answered objectives with correct cuetip/probe? • Warm, personable and professional? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  28. Supervisor Checklist / Evaluating Interviewer Style • Enunciation • Unclear? • Clear? • Exaggerated / choppy? • Flexibility /Adaptability • Able to adapt to Respondent and situations that occurred? • Unable to adapt to Respondent and situations that occurred? Flustered? Lost place? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

  29. Supervisor Checklist / Evaluating Interviewer Style • Rapport • Too much? Not genuine? Too much banter? • Not enough rapport? Did not respond to objections / questions? • Appropriate amount of rapport? Respondent returned dialogue? • Inappropriate rapport? Poor choice of subjects, bad jokes? CMOR- MRA Interviewer Training Modules Evaluating Introductions

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