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Exploring Strong Coupling QCD Continuum in Valencia - Mass Generation & Confinement Study

Dive deep into strong coupling Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) continuum theory in Valencia, analyzing mass generation mechanisms, confinement, and more. Explore QCD equations, asymptotic freedom, perturbative and non-perturbative QCD aspects, mass generation from nothing, and gauge invariance.

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Exploring Strong Coupling QCD Continuum in Valencia - Mass Generation & Confinement Study

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  1. Strong Coupling Continuum QCD Valencia

  2. q Strong Coupling Continuum QCD Valencia

  3. Q C D q ( i D - m ) q = q QCD q=u,d,s,c,b 1 - G G 4 1971

  4. confinement strong coupling 0.5 0 -15 0 10 r (m) QCD asymptotic freedom strong QCD pQCD strong QCD

  5. confinement perturbative QCD non-perturbative QCD

  6. Masses from Nothing perturbative mass m0

  7. Schwinger-Dyson Equations

  8. Schwinger-Dyson Equations 2 equations 2 equations 12 equations QED

  9. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - wavefunction renormalisation mass function

  10. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 -

  11. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - -1 -1 - + . . . + + quenched rainbow

  12. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 -  = cutoff quenched rainbow

  13. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - quenched rainbow Landau gauge:  = 0 quenched rainbow

  14. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - M(p) = 0 m0 = 0 quenched rainbow Landau gauge:  = 0 quenched rainbow

  15. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - M(p) = 0 m0 = 0 quenched rainbow Landau gauge:  = 0 quenched rainbow

  16. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - quenched rainbow Landau gauge:  = 0 quenched rainbow

  17. Fermion mass generation -1 -1 - m /  m/ quenched rainbow Landau gauge:  = 0 quenched rainbow

  18. BUT in other gauges

  19. gauge dependent BUT in other gauges mass  = cutoff

  20. Ward – Green –Takahashi m q m -1 -1 = k p k p k p q m

  21. mass  = cutoff almost gauge independent Gauge Invariance and Multiplicative Renormalizibility CP vertex

  22. Schwinger-Dyson Equations Ward-Green-Takahashi: q -1 -1 q k p k p Gauge Invariance & Multiplicative Renormalizibility QED

  23. Schwinger-Dyson Equations Slavnov-Taylor Identity axial gauges BBZ covariant gauges QCD

  24. ghosts Studies in covariant gauges ghost functions = 1 QCD

  25. ghosts ghost functions = 1 Studies in covariant gauges QCD forget ghosts

  26. STI Studies in covariant gauges first just gluons Pagels, Mandelstam, Bar-Gadda

  27. Studies in Landau gauge Brown & P 1988

  28. s = 0.25 Nf = 2 Studies in Landau gauge Brown & P 1988

  29. SB QCD running coupling (Q2) > 1 for Q2 < Q022 Williams, Fischer, P

  30. SB chiral m 0 = QCD running coupling (Q2) > 1 for Q2 < Q022 Williams, Fischer, P

  31. QCD vacuum < qq >0 ~ - (240 MeV)3 chiral m 0 =  SB + 1 Maris & Roberts

  32. Mass < qq >0 ~ - (240 MeV)3 Mass generation 300 MeV Batley et al 0 Ke4 results 10-17 10-14 r (m) DIRAC experiment

  33. a 0 V  m mq Lattice QCD model QCD

  34. a 0 V  Lattice QCD

  35. a 0 V  Lattice QCD

  36. a 0 V  Lattice QCD

  37. Lattice and SDE results Bowman et al Roberts et al

  38. q Hadrons & quark confinement q

  39. q q Hadrons & quark confinement q Q Wilson area law

  40. interquark potential gluon propagator M + + …

  41. interquark potential gluon propagator M + + …

  42. gluon propagator rp ~ 1 Coulomb : OBE r << 1, p >> 1 r >> 1, p << 1 interquark potential

  43. rp ~ 1 Coulomb : OBE r << 1, p >> 1 r >> 1, p << 1 interquark potential Richardson Potential

  44. Charmonium Binding energy [meV] Ionisation energy 0 3 D 3 S 3 S 3 1 3 3 D 1 2 0 1 2 3 D 3 -1000 1 2 P 3 2 P 3 D 3 2 1 2 S 3 2 2 S 1 1 2 P 1 3 ~ 600 meV 0 1 2 P 3 0 10-4 eV -3000 -5000 1 S 3 8·10-4 eV 1 S 1 1 0 -7000 0.1 nm + - e e positronium of QCD • Charmonium • Positronium Mass [MeV] 4100 y ¢¢¢ (4040) P (~ 3940) 3 2 3900 D 3 (~ 3800) P (~ 3880) 3 3 1 P (~ 3800) D 3 1 y ¢¢ (3770) 0 2 D 3 D 3 2 1 Threshold ¢ y (3686) 3700 h ¢ (3590) c c (3556) 2 h (3525) c c (3510) 1 3500 c (3415) 0 3300 y (3097) 3100 C 1 fm h (2980) C c 2900

  45. Tübingen studies in covariant gauges QCD von Smekal, Alkofer et al

  46. Deep Infrared 0.02 20 2 0.2 distance (fm) Tübingen, Graz, Darmstadt Ghost Fischer Gluon

  47. Deep Infrared 0.02 20 2 0.2 distance (fm) Tübingen, Graz, Darmstadt Ghost Fischer Gluon

  48. Confinement potential QCD von Smekal, Alkofer et al

  49. rp ~ 1 (p) 0, p 0 interquark potential Richardson Potential how does confinement happen?

  50. Alkofer, Fischer, Llanes-Estrada & Schwenzer + + + …

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