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Blood Ch. 7 The Functions of the Circulatory System

Blood Ch. 7 The Functions of the Circulatory System. Oxygen intake. Food and water intake. Elimination of carbon dioxide. The Human Body. Respiratory system. O 2. CO 2. Nutrients, salt, water. Water, salts, metabolic waste. Digestive system. Urinary system. Circulatory system.

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Blood Ch. 7 The Functions of the Circulatory System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blood Ch. 7The Functions of the Circulatory System Oxygen intake Food and water intake Elimination of carbon dioxide The Human Body Respiratory system O2 CO2 Nutrients, salt, water Water, salts, metabolic waste Digestive system Urinary system Circulatory system Metabolic waste Transport to and from all cells Elimination of food residues, metabolic wastes Elimination of excess water, salts, metabolic wastes Figure 7.1

  2. The Functions of Blood • Transportation • Nutrients, waste, hormones • Regulation • Temperature, water volume, pH • Defense • Against infections and bleeding PLAY Animation—Blood

  3. The Components of Blood • Plasma (55%) • Water • Electrolytes • Proteins (albumins, globulins, clotting proteins) • Hormones • Gases • Nutrients and wastes • Formed elements (45%) • RBCs • WBCs • Platelets

  4. Red Blood Cells • Functions: transport oxygen and carbon dioxide • Measurement: hematocrit, hemoglobin • Origin: stem cells • Life span: 120 days in humans • Control of production: erythropoietin

  5. White Blood Cells • Functions • Protection from infection • Regulation of the inflammatory reaction • Two Types • Granular: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils • Agranular: lymphocytes and monocytes

  6. Hemostasis • Three Stages • Vascular spasm: constriction of blood vessels to reduce blood flow • Platelet plug formation: sealing of the ruptured blood vessel • Coagulation: formation of a blood clot

  7. Blood Types Determine Blood Compatibility Figure 7.12

  8. Blood Typing Concepts • Antigen vs. antibody • ABO system • Rh system and Rh factor in pregnancy PLAY Animation—Blood Types

  9. Blood Disorders • Anemia: reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity • Leukemia: a form of cancer • Multiple myeloma: a form of cancer • Mononucleosis: Epstein-Barr virus infection • Septicemia: “blood poisoning” • Thrombocytopenia: reduction in platelet number

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