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Cherries 7

The cherry: beauty, softness, its heart-shaped plastic has inspired artists since Antiquity ...<br>The assigning of symbolic meanings to colors is probably as old as symbolism itself.<br>In fact, words are well adapted for description and the arousing of emotion, but for many kinds of precise thought other symbols are much better. (John B. S. Haldane)

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Cherries 7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. C H E R R I E S A. Sornay - Natura morta con ciliege

  2. Giovan Pietro Rizzoli, detto Giampietrino (Italian, 1480/85-1553) Madonna delle ciliegie

  3. Adela Jean   (Romanian, 1868-1941)  Natură statică cu cireșe, 1929

  4. Ion Hope Dezideriu Cireșe,1937 Sabin Nemes (Romanian, 1924-1984) Cireșe

  5. Clara von Sievers (German, 1854-1924) Cherries and daisies

  6. Still life with berries Clara von Sievers (German, 1854-1924) Cherries

  7. Tiziano Vecellio Madonna of the Cherries, 1515 Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

  8. Micaela Eleutheriade (Romanian, 1900 - 1982) Natură statică cu cireşe

  9. David Croitor (Romanian, 1958) Cireșe, 2016

  10. Aurel Maxim Coșcu cireșe, 2011

  11. Ion Dumitriu (Romanian, 1943) Cireșe XI, 1998 Farfuria cu cireșe

  12. Mihai Olteanu (Romanian, 1962) Cherries

  13. Leopold Lambert - Musical Automaton ‘Laughing Child, Cherries and Birdcage’ Edwardian Christmas chocolate box

  14. Emile Pierre Metzmacher An amorous couple picking cherries 1869

  15. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955) Cherries

  16. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955) Cherries In love with cherries

  17. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  18. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  19. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  20. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  21. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  22. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  23. Peter Mitchev (Bulgarian, 1955)

  24. George Hitchcock (American, 1850-1913) The cherry thieves The cherry thieves II

  25. Hubert Bellis (Belgian, 1831 - 1902) Still life with cherries

  26. Hubert Bellis (Belgian, 1831 - 1902) Grapes, strawberries, apricots and cherries in a wicker basket Sold GBP 11,532

  27. Sassetta, Madonna delle ciliegie, 1440-50, Duomo di Grosseto

  28. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) A fruitful conclusion

  29. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) Sweet and juicy

  30. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) Cherries with Japanese bowl, 2005 Cherries in a jar, 2008

  31. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) Cherries in a jar, 2008 Cherries in a vase, 2006

  32. Going to pot Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) Yellow tin with linen

  33. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) Just hanging on

  34. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) A poetry evening Twins

  35. Ian Mastin (Scottish, 1949) Dark cherries, 2014

  36. Eugene Henri Cauchois (French, 1850-1911) Still life with cherries

  37. Jacqueline Gnott (American, 1959) Bowl of cherries Porcelain bowl with cherries

  38. Jacqueline Gnott (American, 1959) Cherries & crystal bowl Karl Zipser (American, 1969) Cherries in cup, 2010

  39. Karl Zipser (American, 1969) Cherries in Bowl, 2011 Cherries

  40. William Mason Brown (American, 1872-1875) Fruit and wine Still lIfe with Queen Anne cherries

  41. Johannes Eerdmans (Dutch, 1950)

  42. Johannes Eerdmans (Dutch, 1950)

  43. Johannes Eerdmans (Dutch, 1950)

  44. Walter DolphynBelgian, 1963) Belgian, 1963) Cerises dans une coupelle blanche

  45. Walter Dolphyn (Belgian, 1963) Walter Dolphyn Cherry overboard

  46. Willem Dolphyn (Belgian, 1935) A bountiful harvest Summer's bounty

  47. Willem Dolphyn (Belgian, 1935) Arabic treasures

  48. Willem Dolphyn (Belgian, 1935)) Black Forest cherries

  49. Willem Dolphyn (Belgian, 1935)) Cherry reflection

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