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The Shah Mosque of Esfahan is one of the everlasting masterpieces of architecture in Iran. It is registered, along with the Naghsh-i Jahan Square, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its construction began in 1611, and its splendor is mainly due to the beauty of its seven-colour mosaic tiles and calligraphic inscriptions.
2 b L u e and l u e b Isfahan Shah Mosque Internet image
The Naghsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan is one of the largest city squares in the world and an outstanding example of Iranian and Islamic architecture. It has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Piaţa regală a fost construită de Şahul Abbas cel Mare (1587-1629) care în anul 1598 hotărăşte construirea noii sala capitale, cea mai impozantă capitală a lumii islamice, supranumită „perla orientului” sau „jumătate de lume” Esfahan
Standing in the public square, or Maidan, the entrance-iwan (gateway) to the mosque takes the form of a semicircle, resembling a recessed half-moon and measuring 27 meters in height, the arch framed by turquoise ornament and decorated with rich stalactite tile work, a distinct feature of Persian Islamic architecture. At the sides rise two minarets, 42 meters high, topped by beautifully carved, wooden balconies with stalactites running down the sides.
Masjed-e Shah, the Pinnacle of Safavid Architecture, the Jewel in the Naghs-e Jahan Square (which would replace the much older Jameh Mosque in conducting the Friday prayers), is one of the finest and the most stunning buildings in the world. The portal, almost a building in itself and understood as an aspect of the Maidanrather than of the mosque, forms a welcoming embrace, inviting and guiding the throngs outside into the refuge, security and the renewal the mosque provides. Pepartea de sud a PieţeiNaghsh-iJahan (denumirea sub care estecunoscută de mareamajoritate a turiştilorstrăini), se aflăMoscheea Imam din Esfahan, Iran, un veritabilexemplu al arhitecturiiislamiceşiconsideratădeopotrivădrept o capodoperă a arhitecturiipersane. De fapt, aspectulinteresantesteacela căPiaţa Imamuluişiedificiulistoric care o înconjoarăsuntmagnificapunereîn practică a proverbuluipersan „Esfahanestejumătate din lume”
Great jasper and marble bowls like fonts each made of a solid stone block, can be seen near the portal gate, under the western and eastern domes, and in the cloisters on both sides of the great southern prayer hall. These are unique in terms of delicacy and care with which they were made. They used to be filled, on various with water 91 sherbet to quench the thirst of worshipping throngs in summer
Legendaspune că Esfahan estelocul ales de Adam dupăizgonirea din Rai, pentru căîiamintea de ţinutulcelest, iariranieniisusţin că Esfahan reprezintă „jumătatealumii", deoarece, dacăaitrecutpeaici, e ca şi cum aificolindatjumătate din Pământ.Şiîntr-un felesteadevărat, pentru că Esfahan e un universfabulosşicaleidoscopic, un oraş „saturat" de comori ale arteişiarhitecturii, un loc plin de nenumărate monumente, unul mai surprinzător şi mai enigmatic decât celălalt. The legend says that Esfahan is the place Adam has chosen after the expulsion from Heaven, because he reminded him of the celestial land, and the Iranians claim that Esfahan is "the half of the world," because if you crossed it here, it's as if you were strolling half Earth, and in a way it is true, because Esfahan is a fabulous and kaleidoscopic universe, a city "saturated" by treasures of art and architecture, a place full of countless monuments, one more surprising and more enigmatic than the other.
The place of women in Muslim countries depends on the degree of Sharia Law operating in each country, but in general, it is unusual for women to be seen travelling alone without their families, and women have rigidly defined roles. In order to visit a mosque or holy shrine, women should wear a chador before entering. Chadors are sort of like cloaks. If you don't have a chador, sometimes there are kiosks where you can rent one. The only place we are required to put on chador when visiting mosque
Iran Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu All copyrights belong to their respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Zohreh Jooya - Tonight I am so Enraptured