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Iran Pasargadae The Cyrus tomb - UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Pasargadae was the first dynastic capital of the Achaemenid Empire, founded by Cyrus II the Great, in Pars, homeland of the Persians, in the 6th century BC. Its palaces, gardens and the mausoleum of Cyrus are outstanding examples of the first phase of royal Achaemenid art and architecture and exceptional testimonies of Persian civilization.

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Iran Pasargadae The Cyrus tomb - UNESCO World Heritage Centre

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  1. Pasargadae

  2. Pasargadae (average elevation of 1832 meters above the sea) is one of the oldest residences of the Achaemenid kings, founded by Cyrus the Great (r.559-530). It resembled a park of 2x3 km in which several monumental buildings were to be seen. The small tomb of king Cyrus is situated a little to the southwest. It was venerated by later rulers; the Macedonian king Alexander the Great, ordered restorations in 324 BCE. Pasargadae (altitudine 1832m) este una dintre cele mai vechi reşedinţe ale regilor Imperiului Ahemenid, fondat de către Cyrus cel Mare (r.559-530). Aceasta semăna cu un parc de 2x3 km, în care existau mai multe clădiri monumentale. Mormântul regelui Cyrus se află un pic la sud-vest. Acesta a fost venerat de către domnitorii care i-au urmat. Se spune că Alexandru cel Mare a dispus restaurarea în anul 324 î.Hr.

  3. Cyrus II of Persia commonly known as Cyrus the Great, was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire. Under his rule, the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East, expanded vastly and eventually conquered most of Southwest Asia and much of Central Asia, parts of Europe and the Caucasus. From the Mediterranean sea and Hellespont in the west to the Indus River in the east, Cyrus the Great created the largest empire the world had yet seen. He also pronounced one of the first historically important declarations of human rights via the Cyrus Cylinder sometime between 539-530 BCE. The Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus's rule became the largest empire the world had yet seen Cirus al II-lea al Persiei cunoscut ca Cyrus cel Mare, a fost fondatorul Imperiului Ahemenid. Sub domnia sa, imperiul s-a extins foarte mult şi a cucerit în cele din urmă cea mai mare din sud-vestul Asiei şi o mare parte din Asia Centrală, părţi ale Europei şi Caucaz. De la Marea Mediterană şi Hellespont, în vest, până la râul Indus, în est, Cyrus cel Mare a creat cel mai mare imperiu din lume. El a elaborat, de asemenea, una dintre primele declaraţii istorice importante ale drepturilor omului, gravate pe Cilindrul lui Cyrus (cca 539-530 î.Hr.) aflat la British Museum Sydney Olympic Park - Cyrus

  4. Tomb of Cyrus is today an archaeological site and one of Iran's UNESCO World Heritage Sites

  5. Pasargadae's most famous monument is the tomb of Cyrus the Great. The great king was buried here in after his death in the summer of 530. According to literary sources, more than two centuries later, Alexander the Great ordered the tomb to be restored. Archaeologists have found no traces of repairs, however. Cel mai faimos monument de la Pasargadae este mormântul lui Cyrus cel Mare. Marele rege a fost îngropat aici, în vara anului 530. Potrivit unor surse literare, două secole mai târziu, Alexandru cel Mare, după ce a distrus Persepolis a făcut o vizită la Pasargadae, unde se afla necropola regilor perşi, şi a ordonat restaurarea mormântului lui Cyrus al II-lea cel Mare, întemeietorul Imperiului persan. Arheologii n-au descoperit însă urme de reparaţii, cu toate acestea.

  6. The monument as a whole measures about 13¾ x 12¼ meters and is about eleven meters high. The upper part consists of two chambers: one is the real tomb, a square room, and the other is an attic. The tomb chamber itself is two meters wide, two meters high, and three meters deep. It once contained a gold sarcophagus, Cyrus' arms, his jewelry, and a cloak. This garment played an important role in the Persian inauguration rituals Monumentul măsoară aproximativ 13,7 x 12,3 metri şi are o înălţime de cca unsprezece metri. Partea superioară constă din două încăperi din care una este camera mortuară propriu-zisă, o sală de 2x3m. Camera mormântului are o înălţime de doi metri. Aceasta conţinea odată un sarcofag din aur, armele lui Cyrus, bijuteriile sale şi o mantie, articol de îmbrăcăminte ce a jucat un rol important în ritualurile persane de investitură

  7. Private Palace

  8. Palace P has an inscription in Old Persian cuneiform script, which mentions that this building was made by king Cyrus. Because this type of writing was designed in 521 - it was used for the first time in the Behistun Inscription, which also states that this "Aryan script" was designed especially for the purpose - the text in the Palaces P and S must have been added by Darius I the Great. Probably, this king, an usurper, tried to show continuity with the founder of the Persian Empire by stressing that they belonged to the same Achaemenid family. Palatul P are o inscripţie în persana veche care menţionează că această clădire a fost făcută de regele Cirus. Deoarece acest tip de scriere a fost proiectat în anul 521 (folosit pentru prima dată în inscripţia de la Behistun unde s-a specificat că a fost conceput special pentru acest scop) – se deduce că textele de la Palatele P şi S de la Pasagradae, trebuie să fi fost adăugate de Darius I cel Mare. Probabil acest rege, un uzurpator, a încercat să demonstreze continuitatea faţă de fondatorul Imperiului Persan, subliniind că acestea aparţineau aceleiaşi dinastii ahemenide.

  9. The garden had several small channels and must have been very green. The park at Pasargadae was more than just a nice and lofty place to stay on a hot afternoon: the king here presented himself as a gardener, as the man who brought culture to the wilderness. Gardens and parks were an important element of the royal ideology.

  10. Audience Palace

  11. The reception hall. The white column, the oldest known stone pillar in Iran, is more than 13 meters high, which gives an indication of the size of the building. The black capitals resembled bulls, griffins, lions, and horses. The hall itself was 32¼ x 22¼ meters. there is an inscription in the Old Persian cuneiform script. I, Cyrus the king, an Achaemenid. Sala de recepţii. Coloana albă, cea mai veche coloană de piatra cunoscută în Iran, are mai mult de 13 metri înălţime, ceea ce oferă o indicaţie asupra dimensiunii clădirii. Capitelurile negre reprezentau tauri, grifoni, lei, şi cai.Sala în sine a fost de 32 ¼ x 22 ¼ de metri. Şi aici există o inscripţie adăugată ulterior Eu, Cyrus rege, un ahemenid

  12. Like the monument above, there is an inscription in the Old Persian cuneiform script. Because this type of writing was designed in 521 - it was used for the first time in the Behistun Inscription, which also states that this "Aryan script" was designed especially for the purpose - the text in the Palaces P and S must have been added by Darius I the Great. Probably, this king, an usurper, tried to show continuity with the founder of the Persian Empire by stressing that they belonged to the same Achaemenid family. Ca şi la monumentul anterior, există o inscripţie în cuneiforme. Deoarece acest tip de scriere a fost proiectat în anul 521 (folosit pentru prima dată în inscripţia de la Behistun unde s-a specificat că a fost conceput special pentru acest scop) – se deduce că textele de la Palatele P şi S de la Pasagradae, trebuie să fi fost adăugate de Darius I cel Mare. Probabil acest rege, un uzurpator, a încercat să demonstreze continuitatea faţă de fondatorul Imperiului Persan, subliniind că acestea aparţineau aceleiaşi dinastii ahemenide. King Darius I the Great (522-486) built a new capital, Persepolis, forty-three kilometers downstream along the river Pulvar. However, Pasargadae remained an important place, probably as the religious capital of the Achaemenid empire where the inauguration of the kings took place.

  13. The fish man is known from Babylonia and Assyria, and is probably identical to Ea or Oannes; After the Creation, Oannes taught humankind all kinds of useful knowledge. The fishman were often used as protective talismans, but the relief in Palace S is unusually large. The bull man is another protective demon but may also have belonged to a Creation story. He is usually presented as an attendant of the sun god Šamaš. Omul-peşte este cunoscut din Babilonia şi Asiria, şi este, probabil, identic cu EA sau Oannes; După Creaţie, Oannes i-a învăţat pe oameni tot felul de cunoştinţe utile. Omul-peşte a fost deseori folosit ca talisman, dar reprezentarea de la Palatul S este neobişnuit de mare. Omul-Taur este un alt demon protector, dar poate fi, de asemenea, participant la miturile Creaţiei. El este de obicei prezentat ca un însoţitor al zeului soare Samas.

  14. During the Islamic conquest of Iran, the Arab armies came upon the tomb and planned to destroy it, considering it to be in violation of the tenets of Islam. The caretakers of the grave managed to convince the Arab command that the tomb was not built to honor Cyrus but instead housed the mother of King Solomon, thus sparing it from destruction. As a result, the inscription in the tomb was replaced by a verse of the Qur'an, and the tomb became known as the "tomb of the mother of Solomon". It is still widely known by that name today

  15. The entrance hall, called Gate R contained a relief, showing a bearded man with four wings (a cherub, in other words), dressed in an Elamite garment, wearing an Egyptian crown. He is probably another apotropaic (evil-averting) figure. One is reminded of the cherubs who, according to the Biblical book of Genesis (3.24) guarded the Garden of Eden. One inscription, written in the Persian ("Aryan") cuneiform script that was designed for king Darius I the Great (r.522-486), led to theory that the man on the relief represented king Cyrus himself. Sala de primire, numită Poarta R, conţinea un relief care prezenta un om cu barbă, cu patru aripi (un heruvim, în alte cuvinte), îmbrăcat într-o haină Elamită şi purtând o coroană egipteană. El este, probabil, o altă figură apotropaică (pentru îndepărtarea răului). El aminteşte de heruvimii care, în conformitate cu cartea Genezei (3.24), păzeau Grădina Edenului. O inscripţie, scrisă în persana "ariană", (scris cuneiform proiectat pentru regele Darius I cel Mare)​​, a dus la teoria că aici a fost reprezentat regele Cirus însuşi.

  16. Sydney Olympic Park - Cyrus

  17. Text: Internet Pictures:SandaFoişoreanu Nicoleta Leu This page - The Cyrus Cylinder All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Hassan Kassai - Raze Ney II - Segah

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