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The collection of glass and clay works that are on display at the Glassware and Ceramic Museum in Teheran is among the rare collections in Iran. It comprises clay pots dating back from the 4th millennium B.C. up to the present time as well as glass works from 1st millennium B.C. up to the contemporary era.
Teheran Muzeul de Ceramică şi Sticlă
Clădirea care adăposteşte Muzeul de Ceramică şi Sticlă a fost construită la începutul secolului XX din ordinul lui Ahmad Qavam (Qavam-ol-Saltaneh, primministru al Persiei) ca reşedinţă personală şi birou. The Glassware and CeramicMuseum of Iran or simplyAbginehMuseumislocatedat 30 Tir Street in Tehran. The premisesthat have been turnedintomuseumwhere glass and clayworks are on display werebuilt about 90 yearsagouponorders of Ahmad Qavam (Qavam-ol-Saltaneh) for hispersonallodging (residence and working office
Situată într-o grădină de 7000 de metri patraţi,clădirea a fost folosită de Qavam până în anul 1953 când a fost vândută Egiptului, devenind ambasadă pentru şapte ani. Când deteriorarea relaţiilor cu Egiptul a dus la închiderea ambasadei egiptene din Iran, clădirea a fost cumpărată de o bancă. The building issituated in a gardenwith a span of 7000 square meters and wasused by Qavamhimself till the year 1953. Later, the building were sold to the Egyptians as the new premises for the embassy of Egypt and remained in their possession for seven years. When relations were strained between Iran and Egypt at the time of Abdul Nasser and subsequent to the closure of the Egyptian embassy in Iran, the Commercial Bank purchased the building
În anul 1976 edificiul a fostcumpărat de Farah Pahlavi şi a fosttransformat de treiechipe de arhitecţi (iranieni, austrieci şi francezi) în muzeu. Muzeul a fostdeschis în anul 1980 Sold to Farah Pahlavi’s bureau in 1976 wasturnedinto a museum by three groups of Iranian, Austrian and French architects. The museumwasopened in 1980 and wasregistered in the list of national heritage in 1998.
În exterior s-au folosit circa 50 de tipuri de cărămizi de diferite mărimi şi cu modele florale sau geometrice diferite, realizând modele din epoca selgiucidă. About 50 types of bricks in various designs and with different geometric and floral patterns have been used in the exterior of the building and are reminiscent of the fine arts of the Seljuk era Arhitectura clădirii este o combinaţie a stilului tradiţional iranian cu arhitectura europeană a secolului XIX. Decoraţia exterioară constă din cărămidă aparentă The main establishment of the museum that occupies an area of 1040 square meters is a two-storey octagonal building with suspended pillars and a basement. The architectural style of the building is a combination of the traditional Iranian style and the European architecture of the 19th century.
Muzeul dispune de o bibliotecă şi de săli de studiu. There is a Proffessinoal library was built on the recent years located on the northwest side of the museum Yard, including 4,000 books in the field of Archaeology and Art History
Decoraţia interioară constă din stucatură, mozaic de oglindă, lemn sculptat şi intarsia. Scara interioară care duce la primul etaj este în stil rusesc. The exterior and interior of the museum comprise such decorations as brick works, plaster works, mirror works and inlaid works.Mirror works in citron-like or geometric designs couldbeseen in the second floor of the museum on the borders of plasterworks. The first floor is connected to the second one through wooden steps in Russian style
The interiorplasterworksbelong to threeperiods: Plasterworksdating back to the time of the construction of the building (Qavam-ol-Saltaneh) thatcouldbeseen in parts of the entrance hall and someother halls; plasterworksthatwere made at the time when the building wasturnedinto the Egyptianembassyexamples of whichcouldbeseen in the basement and plasterworksthatwere made in 1984 by the IslamicRepublic as a combination of calligraphy and painting thatcouldbeseen in the entrance hall of the second floor
Cele mai vechi vase de ceramică expuse în muzeu datează din mileniul IV î.C. iar obiectele cele mai vechi din sticlă dinmileniul I î.C. The collection of glass and clayworksthat are on display at the museumisamong the rare collections in Iran. It comprises clay pots dating back from the 4th millennium B.C. up to the present time as well as glass worksfrom 1st millennium B.C. up to the contemporaryera
Sunt expuse şi obiecte europene de sticlă din secolele 18 şi 19 (mai ales că în epoca safavidă Şahul Abbas cel Mare (1571-1629) invitase un mare număr de meşteri sticlari veneţieni pentru a impulsiona producţia din Iran). European glass worksbelonging to the 18th and 19th centuries are also parts of the collection. The collection is on display in six halls and two entrance halls in separate sections depictingdifferenthistoricaleras and subjects.
O masă din ceramică glazurată (şapte culori) din epoca Qajar (secXIX) înfăţişează scene din epopeea iraniană Shahnameh scrisă de Firdoussi în jurul anului 1000 (care prezintă trecutul legendar şi istoric al Persiei de la creaţia lumii până în secolul VII la cucerirea arabă) Also a table belonging to the Ghajarid era is glazed in seven colors and decorated with faces of Shahnameh characters with their names above
Grădina are 7000 de metri patraţi The building is situated in a garden with a span of 7000 square meters and was used by Qavam himself till the year 1953
Fotografii:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical: Tasnif-e Rast - Saman Booyan