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Iran Tehran Saadabad Palace2

The Saadabad is a palace built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran. The complex was first inhabited by Qajar monarchs and royal family in the 19th century. After an expansion of the compounds, Reza Shah lived there in the 1920s. And his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi moved there in the 1970s.

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Iran Tehran Saadabad Palace2

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  1. TEHRAN 2 Mellat National Museum (White Palace)

  2. The Saadabad Palace is a palace built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran. The complex was first inhabited by Qajar monarchs and royal family in the 19th century. After an expansion of the compounds, Reza Shah lived there in the 1920s. And his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi moved there in the 1970s. After the Iranian Revolution, the complex became a museum. However, the current presidential palace is located adjacent to the Sa'd Abad compound. Complexul de palate Saadabad din cartierul Shemiran din Teheran a fost locuit de monarhii dinastiei Qajar şi familia regală în secolul XIX. După extinderea şi reamenajarea palatelor Reza Shah a trăit acolo din 1920. Şi fiul său, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi şi-a stabilit reşedinţa acolo în 1970. După revoluţia iraniană, complexul a devenit un muzeu. Palatul prezidenţial actual este situat adiacent acestui complex Tehran

  3. Internet image

  4. The Sa‘dabad Palaces (included 8 gates and 18 palaces ) are a group palaces built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran. White Palace is the largest palace in the 110-hectare ensemble of Sa‘dabad. Complexul de palate Saadabad este format din 18 palate şi muzee (8 porţi) dintre care cel mai mare palat este Palatul Alb, numit astfel din cauza culorii zidurilor sale exterioare. Entrance to Sa'd Abad

  5. Snowy Alborz Mountains, north of Tehran

  6. Internet images Large oil-paintings around the patio of the first floor's hall, depicting scenes of epic tales of shahnameh (The book of the Kings) of Ferdowsi, were completed in 1941 AD by maestro HoseynTaherzadehBehzad and his pupils. Oil on canvas 810x350cm, depicting the historic and legendary heros: North and south side: Bahramgour hunting West: combat between Rostam and Ashkebous East: combat between Rostam and Khan of China

  7. The palace interior architecture followed a mixture of Iranian-byzantine style and includes four main big columns in the halls four sides and four skylights around the central ceiling

  8. The Palace's grand halls are decorated in the style of European palaces of the recent two centuries, especially aristocratic ones of France; hence most of its valuable artworks of this palace were purchased from antique shops and art auctions in France.

  9. The ceremonial dining hall

  10. The most valuable works of this treasure are exquisite and unique carpets that reveal the endless artistic talent and taste of artful Iranian carpet weavers. These carpets were woven in Tabriz, Arjmand of Kerman and Amu Oghli of Mashad carpet weaving workshops by order of Rezashah Pahlavi for these halls. Celemaivaloroase obiecte din acest palat-muzeu sunt covoarele persane, adevărate opere de artă, care demonstrează neasemuitul talent artistic şi gustul ţesătorilor de covoare iranieni. Ele au fost comandate de Şahul Reza Pahlavi la atelierele de la Tabriz, Arjmand - Kerman şiAmu Oghli-Mashad The ceremonial dining hall

  11. The ceremonial dining hall

  12. The ceremonial dining hall

  13. Dining Hall with extra large Amu-Oghli carpet from Mashad

  14. The ceremonial dining hall

  15. The ceremonial dining hall

  16. The ceremonial dining hall

  17. The ceremonial dining hall

  18. The ceremonial dining hall

  19. The ceremonial dining hall

  20. The largest carpet in this place is a 145 square meter one (with 140 rows) woven in the workshop of Amu Oghli of Mashad, with roundel and candelabrum like designs (known as SheykhsafiArdabili design) that ornaments the ceremonial dining hall Covorul din sala pentru dineuri oficiale este cel mai mare covor din palat şi are 145 m² (140 de rânduri). El a fost executat de atelierele de la Amu Oghli- Mashad, având un model cunoscut sub denumirea „desenul Şeicului din Ardabil” The ceremonial dining hall

  21. The ceremonial dining hall

  22. Sitting Hall For private receptions and family leisure

  23. Sitting Hall For private receptions and family leisure

  24. Sitting Hall For private receptions and family leisure

  25. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's resting place, in Joséphine (wife of Napoléon) style

  26. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's resting place

  27. Currently, parts of the Saadabad Palace compound are museums (like White Palace), in whichvisitorscanroamthrough and look at the richhistory of Iran, and some parts of the compound are used by the Iranian Cultural HeritageOrganizationwhichisresponsilbe for most of the artifacts, locations, and cultural aspects of Iran.

  28. Farah Pahlavi's resting room

  29. Farah Pahlavi's resting room

  30. Snowy Alborz Mountains, north of Tehran

  31. Southern Magnolia fruit Text: Internet Pictures:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Sanda Potroviţă All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda http://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Dariush –Yavareh Hamisheh Momen

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