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√. “JUST LIKE ME”. PURPOSES FOR OUR WORK TOGETHER. To create greater awareness and clarity of the role of teacher leaders in facilitating others’ continued learning, self-direction and the achievement of excellence in teaching and learning. WORKSHOP I PURPOSES:.
PURPOSES FOR OUR WORK TOGETHER • To create greater awareness and clarity of the role of teacher leaders in facilitating others’ continued learning, self-direction and the achievement of excellence in teaching and learning.
WORKSHOP I PURPOSES: To understand our own identity and to choose congruent behaviors. To become more aware of our own and to understand others’ style preferences, belief systems, representational systems. To enhance our capacities to work effectively with others whose preferences may be different than our own.
1.Persistence Leaders remain focused. They have commitment to task completion. They never lose sight of their own and their organization’s mission, vision and purposes.
2.Listening Leaders strive to understand their colleagues. They devote enormous mental energy to comprehending and empathizing with others’ thoughts and ideas.
3.Managing Impulsivity Leaders think before they act; remaining calm, thoughtful and deliberative. Leaders often hold back before commenting, considering alternatives and exploring the consequences of their actions.
4.Thinking flexibly Leaders are adaptable. They can change perspectives, generate alternatives, and consider options. They see the big picture and can analyze the parts. They are willing to acknowledge and respect other’s points of view.
5.Thinking about your thinking Leaders are aware of their own thoughts, strategies, feelings and actions and their effects on others. Leaders “talk” to themselves as they evaluate their plans, monitor their progress and reflect on their actions.
6.Striving for Accuracy & Precision Leaders are truth-seekers. They desire exactness, fidelity and craftsmanship. Leaders do not accept mediocrity.
7.Questioning & Problem Posing Leaders have intellectual curiosity, a need to discover and a need to test ideas. They regard problems as opportunities to grow and learn.
8. Applying Past Knowledge Leaders draw on their rich experiences, access prior knowledge and transfer knowledge beyond the situation in which it is learned. They learn from their “mistakes”.
9.Gathering Data Through All Senses Leaders have highly tuned observational skills. They continually collect information by listening, watching, moving, touching, tasting, smelling.
10.Thinking & Communicating with Clarity & Precision Leaders articulate their ideas clearly in both written and oral form. They check for understanding and monitor their own clarity of terms and expressions.
11.Creating, Imagining, Innovating Leaders try to conceive problems differently examining alternatives from many angles. They project themselves into diverse roles, use analogies, take risks and push the boundaries of their own limits.
12. Responding With Wonderment & Awe Leaders find the world fascinating and mysterious. They are intrigued by discrepancies, compelled to mastery and have the energy to enjoy the journey.
13.Taking Responsible Risks Living on the edge of one’s competence, leaders are courageous adventurers. They dare to take calculated risks.
14.Finding Humour Leaders have such high self esteem that they do not take themselves too seriously. They are able to laugh at themselves and with others. They are capable of playfully interpreting everyday events.
15.Thinking Interdependently Leaders recognise the benefits of participation in collaborative efforts. They seek reciprocal relationships both contributing to and learning from interaction with others.
16.Remaining Open to Continuous Learning Leaders resist complacency about their own knowledge. They have the humility to admit their weaknesses and display a sincere desire to continue to grow and learn.
IDENTITY JIGSAW IN GROUPS OF FIVE: Read Nested Objectives. Identity Belief Systems Capabilities Activities Behaviors What meaning are you making? What are some implications for your work as teacher leaders?
BREAK Please return at 10:15.
ORIENTATIONS • Protector (Parent) • Instructor (Expert) • Advisor (Friend) • Authority (Boss) • Mediator (Coach)
Role Play: Scenario #1 You are mentoring a 1st year teacher, whom you think has a great deal of potential. One day she comes to you and says, “I’m quitting teaching. I think I’ve chosen the wrong profession.”
Role Play: Scenario #2 A colleague says to you, “We’ve done everything we know to do and and we’re still not making AYP.”
Role Play: Scenario #3 A colleague sees you at a meeting and loudly complains about the overload of forms and paperwork that is piling up.
Role Play: Scenario #4 A parent comes to the you and says, “I’ve had it with that teacher! I want my child taken out of her class TODAY!”
A MEDIATOR IS ONE WHO: • Is alert to the mediational moment—usually when a colleague is faced with a problem, a complex task, dilemma, discrepancy, or conflict. Often, the colleague exhibits tension and anxiety, the resolution of which is not immediately apparent.
A MEDIATOR IS ONE WHO: • Facilitates the mental processes of others as they understand more completely their own challenges, monitor their own strategies, make their own decisions, and generate their own creative capacities.
A MEDIATOR IS ONE WHO: • Invites the colleague to reflect on and learn from the problem-resolving process to find applications in future challenges.
A MEDIATOR IS ONE WHO: • Helps others become continuous self-directed learners.
A MEDIATOR IS ONE WHO: • Maintains faith in the human capacity for continuing intellectual, social, and emotional growth.
A MEDIATOR IS ONE WHO: • Possesses a belief in his or her own capacity to serve as an empowering catalyst for others’ growth.
PROPOSITIONS OF MINDFUL MEDIATION All Behavior is produced by Thought & Perception is Teaching Constant Decision Making To learn something new Engagement & Alteration in Thought requires Humans continue To Grow Cognitively MM Mediates
Mindful Mediation Process Observable Behaviors Enhanced Performance Mediator’sStrategies Internal Thinking Processes
MINDFUL MEDIATION IS UNIQUE …… A Mindful Mediator is concerned with the mental processes
THINK - PAIR - SHARE How do these concepts about mediation match your understanding and relate to your personal experience?
MEDIATION is …..a dynamic interpersonal interaction; between two persons; one who is engaged and participating and the other who is experienced and intentioned and who interposes him/herself between the client and the external sources of stimulation and response.
OR…to put it another way: An individual (0) encounters A response (R) A stimulus, problem or event (S) and produces
In A Mediated Learning Experience… A skillful person intervenes (M) An individual (0) encounters A more thought-full response (R) A stimulus, problem or event (S) and produces