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ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS. Presenters: Mark Drennan and Nada Scott June 2008. DATA ELEMENT CHANGES. English Language Learners Format.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Presenters: Mark Drennan and Nada Scott June 2008
English Language Learners Format • 2. Submit a separate record during reporting periods 2, 3 and 5 for each 03-12 grade student in membership identified as "LP" for the data element English Language Learners, PK-12, if the "LP" student is enrolled in an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program pending assessment. (If the grade 03-12 student is identified as "LP" and enrolled in a regular program, do not submit a record.)
English Language Learners Format • 5. For Surveys 2, 3 and 5 test information should be submitted for the student's most recent entry into the program and exit from the program according to the following guidelines. a) For students in grades KG-02 report the aural/oral test scores that determined the student eligible and in need of services and/or no longer in need of services. These are reported in the test fields for Listening and Speaking. b) For students in grades 03-12, report aural/oral test scores plus reading and writing test scores, using all four sets of test elements.
Element Name: Date Entered United States Definition/Domain The month, day, and year on which the student entered the United States (any of the 50 states, excluding U.S. territories and possessions). This element is required for all students with affirmative responses to the Home Language Survey and who are coded LY, LF, LP or LZ on the element English Language Learners, PK-12. Examples: MMDDYYYY 09182006 Student entered the United States on September 18, 2006. 00000000 Not applicable. Student is not one for whom this data is required or student did not enter the United States from elsewhere. 99999999 Date not available. Student entered a Florida public school prior to July 1, 2006. 88888888 The student’s parent/guardian declined to provide this information. Note: It is recommended that this information be collected via the registration form completed by students when enrolling in a public school for students with affirmative responses to the Home Language Survey or whose country of birth is other than the United States (any of the 50 states). This data element is required for students enrolling July 1, 2006 or after.
Element Name: Immigrant Student Definition/Domain An indicator of whether or not the student meets the definition of Immigrant Children and Youth pursuant to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, Title III, Part C, General Provisions, Section 3301(6) at anytime during the school year. The term immigrant children and youth means individuals who: (A) are ages 3 through 21;and (B) were not born in any State or U.S. territory or possession; and (C) have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years. CODEDEFINITION Y Yes, the student is an immigrant student. N No, the student is not an immigrant student. Z Not applicable. This code can be used for students in District Number 71 and in School Numbers 3518 and 9997.
Element Name: English Language Learners: Program Participation • Definition/Domain • A code that indicates the program in which the English Language Learner is enrolled and is receiving services. CODEDEFINITION • E English for Speakers of Other Languages • H Home Language/Bilingual Education • L English for Speakers of Other Languages and Home Language/Bilingual Education • N Newcomer/New Beginnings Program (Primarily in grades 6- 12. May be implemented in grades 1-5 based on student needs.) • Z Not applicable
Element Name: English Language Learners: Basis of Exit Definition/Domain • A one-character code used to indicate the basis of exit out of the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. Codes B, C, D, E and F are composed of two or more measures. • CODEDEFINITION • A Aural/Oral - for use in grades K-2 only. • B CELLA Composite Score and CELLA Reading Score – CELLA oral skills, reading and writing scale scores for each grade cluster shall be added together to determine the composite score at grade level. Scores equal to or greater than the CELLA composite scores shall be used to determine the level of English proficiency for students tested in listening, speaking, reading and writing on grade level (see table below). The second measure must be a score at the proficient level on CELLA Reading tested on grade level. • Grade ClusterCELLA English Proficient Composite Scores • K-2 2050 and greater • 3-5 2150 and greater • 6-8 2200 and greater • 9-12 2250 and greater • C A score at or above the proficient level on a State approved listening and speaking assessment or above the publisher’s cut score on an aural and oral assessment. If this measure is used for students in grades 3-12, the second measure shall be an assessment in reading and writing. • D A score at or above the 33rd national percentile on the reading comprehension and writing or language usage subtests on a nationally norm referenced test. The second measure shall be a listening and speaking or aural and oral assessment.
Element Name: English Language Learners: Basis of Exit(Continued) Definition/Domain • CODEDEFINITION • E FCAT level 3 or greater or the equivalent developmental scale score on the Reading test of the Sunshine State Standards. The second measure shall be an assessment in listening and speaking or aural and oral, and writing • F FCAT level 3 or greater on the Writing+ of the Sunshine State Standards. The second measure shall be an assessment in listening and speaking or aural and oral, and reading. • G District-proposed alternative exit standard as amended into the District's ELL Plan and approved by the Department of Education. • L English Language Learners (ELL) Committee • Z Not Applicable
Survey 7 • Formats: • English Language Learners Information • Student Demographic Information • Exceptional Student • Federal/State Indicator Status Timeline: • Due date: January 12, 2009 • State processing : January 5-January 16, 2009
AVAILABLE REPORTS • F70803 – ELL by Code by School – a count of students by status codes by school. This count includes code ZZ. • F70897 – ELL by Native Language – a count of students by native languages. • F70898 – ELL by Country Code – a count of students by country of birth. • F70908 – ELL by Category –a count of students by status codes by school. This does not include code ZZ. • F70910 – ELL Comparison Report – a comparison of ELL counts by current year and previous year.
AVAILABLE SOON • ELL Error Report – counts of students in six areas of common reporting problems.
Accessing the MSID File • MSID information for each Florida public school is available on the web at: http://doeweb-prd.doe.state.fl.us/EDS/MasterSchoolID/index.cfm. The data are presented in three sections – 1) addresses, 2) administration and 3) accountability. Three ways are provided for the user to look up a school: 1) by the school name, 2) by the district in which the school is located and 3) by the city/town in which the school is located. • Information about the number of schools by type in each district is located at http://www.firn.edu/doe/eias/eiaspubs/reports.htm. • The Master School Identification Information is also stored in a file at North West Regional Data Center (NWRDC) named DPS.DISTRICT.G4.F25031.Yyyyy. This file can be accessed by district information services staff with access to NWRDC. The format layout is available in DPS.DISTRICT.FORMAT.Yyyyy. • Questions concerning the Master School Identification file, applications for activation of a new school number and requests for school information from the file should be directed to: Rhonda Forbes at 850-245-9080 or Rhonda.Forbes@fldoe.org
Nada Scott, Program Specialist Education Information Services nada.scott@fldoe.org 850-245-0400