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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela. English Language Learners. Larlyn Muller – room 1236 Val Ludwig – room 1201. Purpose—Why are we doing this?? How do I know if a student is an ELL? S:English Language Learner2012-2013
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela English Language Learners Larlyn Muller – room 1236 Val Ludwig – room 1201
Purpose—Why are we doing this?? • How do I know if a student is an ELL? S:\English Language Learner\2012-2013 • What does it mean if a student is an ELL? • ELL Support Room - 1201 • ELL English Class – 1236/1201 ELL Program @ Tech
Sign-in and show your Pink Support Room pass (academy offices) • Come with work, prepared to work • Tests • Classwork (after the lesson) • Projects • Graduation Projects • STUDYING ELL SUPPORT ROOM
_______ ELLs can be requested to stay at their home school (to improve their English skills), before being admitted to York Tech. _______ PDE is responsible for providing translation and interpretation services in the parents’ language. _______ ELLs can be retained a grade if their English does not improve at least one level. _______ Any certified teacher can provide ESL instruction. _______ Parent permission is not required to assess for ESL services. _______ PDE recommends one instructional model for ESL for public schools. _______ The PA English Language Proficiency Standards are designed solely for the ESL teacher. _______ ELLs must be graded using the same grading system as all other students. _______ ELLs may exit ESL when the teachers and administrators both agree and sign. _______ ELLs are closely monitored for 2 years upon exiting ESL. _______ ELL students are not required to participate in annual assessment of English language, only if the school district opts to participate. _______ Participation in the PSSA is optional for ELL students. Work in table groups to find the answers to these questions in the document provided. B.E.C. Activity
Page 2 Student Identification for placement in an instructional program for ELLs • _______ Parent permission is not required to assess for ESL services. Page 3 Planned Instruction for English Language Acquisition (ESL) classes • _______ PDE recommends one instructional model for ESL for public schools. Page 4 Planned Instruction in Academic content areas • _______ The PA English Language Proficiency Standards are designed solely for the ESL teacher. • _______ ELLs must be graded using the same grading system as all other students. Page 5 Language Instructional Program Exit Criteria • _______ ELLs may exit ESL when the teachers and administrators both agree and sign. Page 6 Monitoring of ELLs after language instructional program exit • _______ ELLs are closely monitored for 2 years upon exiting ESL. Page 6 Area Vocational-Technical Schools (AVTSs)/Career and Technical Centers (CTCs) • _______ ELLs can be requested to stay at their home school (to improve their English skills), before being admitted to York Tech. Page 6 Retention/Promotion • _______ ELLs can be retained a grade if their English does not improve at least one level. Page 7Requirement for annual English language proficiency assessment • _______ ELL students are not required to participate in annual assessment of English language, only if the school district opts to participate. Page 7 Participation in Assessments • _______ Participation in the PSSA is optional for ELL students, as well as ELL students with a disability. Page 9 Communication with parents • _______ PDE is responsible for providing translation and interpretation services in the parents’ language. Page 9 Staffing • _______ Any certified teacher can provide ESL instruction. ACCOMODATION STRATEGY
Hold up your TRUE/FALSE sign after the question is read. REVIEW ANSWERS TO QUIZ
Parent permission is not required to assess for ESL services. Page 2: Parent permission to assess IS NOT REQUIRED. TRUE
PDE recommends one instructional model for ESL for public schools. Page 3: • The model must be: • 1) based on an educational theory recognized as sound by some experts in the field or considered by experts as a legitimate experimental strategy; • 2) reasonably calculated, including provisions for resources and personnel, to implement the theory effectively; and • 3) evaluated and adjusted where needed to ensure language barriers are actually being overcome. • Castañeda v. Pickard, 648 F.2d 989 (1981) • Program administrators planning the instructional models should consider LEA demographics, and student characteristics. Program administrators may choose between an ESL -only and a bilingual education with ESL model. FALSE
The PA English Language Proficiency Standards are designed solely for the ESL teacher. Page 4: • -The language instructional program must also provide ELLs with meaningful, comprehensible access to instruction in all content areas required by Pennsylvania academic standards. • -The PA ELPS PreK–12 are an overlay to the academic standards and must be incorporated in planned instruction for ELLs by all teachers. FALSE
English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS. English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS. English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE. English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES. PA E.L.P. Standards
ELLs must be graded using the same grading system as all other students. Page 4: ELLs must be graded using the same grading system as all other students. TRUE
ELLs may exit ESL when the teachers and administrators both agree and sign. Page 5: BOTH OF THE REQUIRED AND ONE OF THE ADDITIONAL Required Criteria 1. Score of BASIC on the annual Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). For students that are in a grade that is not assessed with the PSSA, LEA’s must use each of the remaining criteria listed below to exit students. 2. Scores of 5.0 on a Tier C ACCESS for ELLs assessment W-APT may be administered between April and June to students who scored below the minimum cutoff for program exit on the January administration of the ACCESS in order to demonstrate sufficient progress to justify exit. * A student must score 5.0 in each domain (listening, speaking, reading and writing). -A score of PROFICIENT on the reading PSSA can be used along with all other required criteria outlined in this policy to justify exit for students who achieve a composite proficiency score of 4.5 to 4.9 on the January administration of the ACCESS. Additional Exit Criteria: 1. Final grades of C or better in core subject areas (Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies). 2. Scores on district-wide assessments that are comparable to the BASIC performance level on the PSSA. FALSE
ELLs are closely monitored for 2 years upon exiting ESL. Page 6 • Monitoring is required for two years after a student exits an ESL /Bilingual program and appropriate records of student progress must be maintained. • Monitoring may include any or all of the following: -Periodic review of grades , Local assessments, Required state assessments, Teacher observation TRUE
ELLs can be requested to stay at their home school (to improve their English skills), before being admitted to York Tech. Page 6 -ELLs may not be denied access to participate in programs at AVTSs/CTCs based solely on English language proficiency. -ELLs participating in vocational programs must be provided ESL instruction appropriate to their level of proficiency and properly adapted content-area instruction. -Comprehensive AVTS/ CTC schools are responsible for providing ESL programs and staffing for students identified as ELLs as outlined in this document. FALSE
ELLs can be retained a grade if their English does not improve at least one level. Page 6 A student may not be retained in a grade based solely on his/her lack of English language proficiency. • If an ELL is retained in a grade, the LEA must be able to demonstrate that all appropriate modifications were made to instruction and assessment in order to allow ELLs meaningful access to the general curriculum as well as to promote second language learning. Lau v Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974) FALSE
ELL students are not required to participate in annual assessment of English language, only if the school district opts to participate. Page 7 Both Titles I and III of NCLB require LEAs and state educational agencies (SEAs) to provide an annual assessment of English language proficiency for all ELLs in the state enrolled in public schools in grades Kindergarten through twelve in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This includes students with disabilities. FALSE
Participation in the PSSA is optional for ELL students, as well as ELL students with a disability. Page 7 -ELLs with disabilities participate in all assessments, including the annual state ELP assessment and PSSA (or PASA , if appropriate) in accordance with 34 CFR § 300.160. -An ELL student with a disability may participate in assessments through the use of one or more state-approved accommodations appropriate for his/her disability. FALSE
PDE is responsible for providing translation and interpretation services in the parents’ language. Page 9 Communication with parents must be in the parent’s preferred language and mode of communication. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI It is the LEA’s responsibility to provide for translation (written) and/or interpretation (oral) services. In order to do this, LEAs must determine the preferred mode of communication of the parent and develop a plan for translation and interpreter services. PDE provides translated documents necessary for communication with parents and students regarding general education and NCLB requirements via TRANSACT. Other translated PA forms for special education can be found at the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN). Individualized LEA documents must be provided by the LEA and must be part of the regular budget planning of the LEA for core language instructional programs. FALSE
Any certified teacher can provide ESL instruction. Page 9 All teachers in language instructional programs must hold the certification and endorsements required by PDE . FALSE
Write in on a notecard and leave it at your table. Make sure to put your name on it so we can email you a response. QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?
REFERENCES • Holly Niemi, PhD hnieme@bwschools.net • PA ESL Basic Education Circular http://www.education.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/pa_codes/7501/educating_students_with_limited_english_proficiency_(lep)_and_english_language_learners_(ell)/507356 • PA English Language Proficiency Standards http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/measurements,_standards___policies/7531/elps_for_ells