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Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Applicant’s Briefing FEMA DR-LA 1521 Flooding May 12, 2004 Briefing Conducted from LSU / October 27, 2004. Applicant Briefing for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

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Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

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  1. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Applicant’s Briefing FEMA DR-LA 1521 Flooding May 12, 2004 Briefing Conducted from LSU / October 27, 2004

  2. Applicant Briefing for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program To prepare local officials and potential applicants for application for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The briefing will help applicant’s to more effectively manage the program in accordance with New Revised State Guidelines.

  3. Eligible Parishes • FEMA 1521 – June 8, 2004 • Acadia, Iberville, Jeff Davis, • Lafayette, Livingston, • Pointe Coupee • St. Landry, St. Martin • West Baton Rouge

  4. Let’s get Started…… • Roll Call /Only Speak when asked to • Please include: • Your Name/Agency • VTC Locations • LSU –BR • Acadia Auditorium • FEMA Region VI / Denton, Tx • Sign in Sheet

  5. Goals of the HMGP • Support the State / Local Hazard Mitigation Plans by funding Hazard Mitigation measures that are in line with the respective plans. • Assist local governments in using safer building practices and improving existing structures and supporting infrastructure.

  6. Amount of Funding Available • The program may provide a State with up to 7.5 percent of the total disaster grants awarded by FEMA. • This grant may be used to fund up to75 percent of eligible mitigation measures. • The applicants must provide the remaining 25 percent cost share from non-Federal sources.

  7. Who is Eligible? GOVERNMENT ENTITIES State Agencies Local Agencies Special/Regional Districts INDIAN TRIBES PRIVATE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Section 501 (c), (d), (e) of the Internal Revenue Service Code Medical, Residential Health Care Facilities, Educational, Emergency Utility.

  8. Key Regulatory/Guidance Resources • The Stafford Act • The Code of Federal Regulations,44 Part 206, Subpart N • The HMGP Desk Reference

  9. Hazard Mitigation . . . Any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards and theireffects.

  10. Key Applicant Responsibilities • Manage the implementation of the approved project. • Comply with HMGP requirements, grants management procedures, the grant agreement, and applicable laws. • Responsible for determining that cost are reasonable.

  11. Key Applicant Responsibilities • Maintain appropriate records. • Responsible for project costs even if the services of a contractor are utilized. • Responsible for determining that Federal funds are only spent on FEMA approved projects. • Issue 1099’s if applicable.

  12. Key State Responsibilities • Manage the HMGP Program. • Solicit program interest and help potential applicants to complete applications. • Prepare and submit applications to FEMA. • Notify applicants of FEMA decisions. • Monitor program activities. • Conduct periodic/compliance reviews

  13. Key FEMA Responsibilities • Oversee the State management of the HMGP. • Assist the State in setting priorities for the use of HMGP funds. • Approve or deny applications for funding that are submitted from the applicant thru the Grantee (State).

  14. Identifying Grant Projects The project should be consistent with the State / local Hazard Mitigation priorities and Plan.

  15. The Applicants Role Develops, adopts and updates local mitigation strategy. Submits HMGP projects to LHLS/EP. Implements the project and maintains all project documentation. Ensures all project costs are reasonable and in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local requirements governing the use of federal funds.

  16. HMGP Financing • HMGP is a cost-reimbursement grant program • The recipient (Subgrantee) of the funds should initially make arrangements to fund the entire project (up-front money), unless circumstances provide for the limited advance of funds.

  17. Types of Mitigation Activities • Acquisitions, Elevations, Relocations of flood insured repetitive-loss properties • Retrofitting existing public buildings and facilities • Minor structural flood control projects

  18. Acquisitions/Elevations 1. Substantially damaged structures. 2. Target repetitive loss structures by ranking (Proof of Flood Insurance required). 3. Repetitive loss structures in order based on cost-benefit analysis. Note – Structure must be primary residence or for non recreational use.

  19. Retrofitting of Public Facilities 1. Potable water systems 2. Sewer systems 3. Forced drainage systems 4. Emergency Operations Centers - 911 Facilities

  20. Minor Drainage Projects 1. Federal share of $500,000 or less 2. Have all environmental consultation letters. 3. Have applied for all applicable Federal, State and Local permits. 4. Must be in design and development stage at time of submittal 5. Demonstrate cost to benefit analysis

  21. Ineligible Projects • Communication systems • Emergency support equipment • Vehicles • Most warning systems • Retrofitting places of worship • Projects already in progress • Other Federally Funded Projects (NRCS & USACE) • No Levees

  22. Applicants Submit: (1) Pre – Application/Letter of Intent (2) Engineering Checklist (3) Copy of Benefit Cost Analysis Deadline:December 6, 2004 State Hazard Mitigation Team Reviews Pre –Applications Projects and selects projects for complete application submission.(Finalist) Deadline:December 20, 2004 LHLS/EP Conducts Eligible Applicant Briefings October 27, 2004 The Application Process Continued on next slide

  23. Complete Applications submitted to LHLS/EP for submission to FEMA. Deadline:February 25, 2005 If Approved and funds obligated, Subgrantee notified and LHLS/EP begins Grant Management Deadline:TBA SHMT team reviews complete applications; makes selections for FEMA Review and approval FEMA Review and approval The Application Process (con’t)

  24. Make Sure That . . . • The following information is accurate. • Pre-Application/Letter of Intent • Name of Subgrantee & local POC • Location of Project / Description of Measure • Cost Estimate for the Measure must be detailed and include an analysis of the cost-effectiveness & substantial risk reduction, consistent with 206.434(c) “minimum project criteria”

  25. Make Sure That . . . • Work schedule & Justification for selection • Alternatives considered • Consulting Fees Must be disclosed • No hidden costs are included • Required Environmental information

  26. Pre – Application/Notice of Intent(Refer to Pre-Application Form) • Identifies vital project information such as: Point of Contact Project Location Detailed Project Description Project Impacts/Area(s) Effected • Also included with the Pre –Application is the completed Engineering Checklist

  27. Eligible Projects for Disaster 1521: • Minor structural flood control • Stormwater Management • Phase I design, engineering,or feasibility study

  28. Examples of Drainage Projects:(Refer to Engineering Checklist) • FLAP GATES/FLOOD GATES • BERM/FLOODWALL • CULVERT/BRIDGE • CHANNELIZATION • DIVERSION

  29. Eligible Projects Must . . . • Meet the requirements of 44 CFR 206.434(b) – Local Plan Requirements created by DMA 2000 • 206.434(c) – Minimum Project Criteria • Be in conformance with State/local Plan approved under Part 201 • Solve a problem and be cost-effective and substantially reduce the risk of future flooding

  30. Cost of expected damages • Consider the life of the project (typically 30 years for drainage, 50 years for elevation, 99 years for acquisition) together with possible annual damages. • Costs benefits will accrue if the project is implemented. Analyze how the costs of the project, through its lifetime, compares with the anticipated value of future damage reduction.

  31. Allowable Project Costs • Reasonable costs to implement project: • Project design • Administrative costs • Eligible Property • Construction, Labor and materials • State determines guidelines • Subgrantee must justify costs

  32. Contractor Guidelines • Make sure: • The Subgrantee follows the procurement guidelines in 44 CFR Part 13. • Objective criteria used when selecting contractors. • Local/State Bid laws used

  33. Administrative Costs: Subgrantees • Covers HMGP subgrantee costs to: • Request subgrants • Obtain subgrants • Administer subgrants • Based on net eligible costs

  34. Unallowable Project Costs • Costs incurred prior to grant approval. • Items covered by the subgrantee administrative costs. • The loss of tax revenue due to public acquisition of land for open space. • Maintenance of the project after initial implementation.

  35. Additional Considerations • Environmental Laws • Natural Resources • Social & Cultural Concerns/Impacts

  36. Additional Resources • EMI Training Course on BCA • The Yellow Book • Technical Manual for Full Data Modules • OMB Circular No. A-94 • Marshall and Swift’s “Residential Cost Handbook” • R.S. Means “Square Foot Building Costs”

  37. Additional Resources • HMGP Desk Reference andHMGP Applicant Handbook • FEMA Property AcquisitionHandbook • State Floodplain manager (DOTD) • Newsletters • Other Federal, State, and private websites

  38. Utilize Available Technology • Communicate/researchvia Internet. • www.dhs.gov or fema.gov • www.ohsep.louisiana.gov • Floodplain Manager websites • Use disks/websites/CD-ROMs for references.

  39. Payments and Reimbursement Procedures In general: • All project funds’ disbursements will be processed on a REIMBURSEMENT BASIS. • Advance of Federal funds will only be approved by exception and where allowed by Federal Regulations. A participant must demonstrate that an advance for a project is necessary in order to accomplish the work.

  40. Payments and Reimbursement Procedures (con’t) • The request for advance funding will only be considered with compelling documentation to support the need and in only the amount necessary to execute the project. • The Deputy Director of Emergency Preparedness will be the approving authority for advance funding.

  41. Payments and Reimbursement Procedures (con’t) • All payment requests require a SF 270 with the original signature of the authorized certifying official on the reverse side of the form. Payment requests will be accepted on the first day of each Federal fiscal quarter (October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1) or at project completion. Appropriate documentation of the expended funds must accompany the request for payment.

  42. Payments and Reimbursement Procedures (con’t) Construction Projects: For construction projects, a percentage of completion calculations should be included with the SF 270. Payments will not be processed without a current signed quarterly report on file with our agency.

  43. Payments and Reimbursement Procedures (con’t) Construction Projects: No more than 80% of the total Federal funds obligated to the project will be paid until the project is closed out. Projects with total costs greater that $100,000, the subgrantee will inform the grantee when the project is at or near 50% completion. Periodic or compliance reviews will be conducted by the State at its discretion.

  44. June 2004 - IRS Ruling • Section 61 (Gross Income) • National office concluded that property owners of grant elevation programs must report the Federal grant amount • Requires State/local governments to file information • S. 2886 / HR 5206 introduced in October to exclude HM assistance from reporting requirements.

  45. Appeals IAW 206.440 • Follow a two-tier process • Must be submitted within 60 days after receipt of notice of the action that is being appealed and • Should offer new data

  46. STATE HAZARD MITIGATION TEAM Selection Criteria: Applications will be ranked based upon the following criteria…….. Cost/ Benefit of the project 40% Completeness of application 30% Time frame of project 30%

  47. STATE HAZARD MITIGATION TEAM FOR DISASTER 1521 (SPRING FLOODING) THE APPROVED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY THE $452,892 HMGP FUNDS IS AS FOLLOWS…….. DRAINAGE PROJECTS: Projects (construction activities that would protect from flooding or alleviate flood waters more rapidly) with an approximate Fed share of up to 150K on each project. (This rational would expend all funds available for 1521)

  48. TIMELINE FOR APPLICANTS Pre – Application/Notice of Intent…….….DEC. 6, 2004 Notice to finalist…………………………..DEC. 20, 2004 Complete Application to State…………….FEB. 25, 2005 Notice of Approval……………………………TBA Obligation of Funds/FEMA award……………TBA

  49. QUESTIONS • Colonel Jeff Smith • Major Bob Kyger • 2LT Jeffrey Giering • (225) 925-7500

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