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Learning Outside the Classroom. Introducing the quality badge Sally Manser. What is learning outside the classroom?. LOtC Manifesto 2006. Defines learning Outside the Classroom as “ the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning ”
Learning Outside the Classroom Introducing the quality badge Sally Manser
LOtC Manifesto 2006 • Defines learning Outside the Classroom as “the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning” • Favours experiential and ‘authentic’ learning • Direct experience is of prime importance • Should be planned, progressive and regular • Seen as a vehicle to develop children’s capacity to learn • Seeks endorsement of a seven point pledge www.teachernet.gov.uk/learningoutsidetheclassroom
Which sectors are involved? Adventurous education; natural environment; built environment; school grounds; farming and countryside; sacred spaces; heritage; creativity and the arts
Rationale behind the LOtC badge • To develop one, trusted, easily recognisable badge that will help users recognise organisations which manage risk effectively, offer high quality teaching and learning and are responsive to the needs of young people. • The DCSF has brought together existing safety and quality badges under one umbrella system, to create one LOtC quality badge (launched February 2009) • The bar for this badge has been set at ‘good’ and the quality criteria will be the same for all kinds of providers
Flow chart illustrating two routes to achieve a quality badge
Benefits suggested by arts sector • Make learning more relevant and creative activities more effective 3.85 • Raise the profile and status of creative work with children beyond the classroom 3.91 • Help schools recognise a quality offer from a prospective creative partner 4.31 • Help the sector to demonstrate a rigorous approach to assuring quality 4.63 • Increase the confidence and skill of school staff 4.74 • Increase accountability for health and safety and child protection 5.17 • Increase the amount of self-evaluation and reflection in the sector 5.40 • Have an impact on the commercial as well as the subsidised sector 6.19 • Provide better value for money 6.47
The facts in summary • Generic quality indicators advocate a needs led approach and a ‘plan, do, review’ evaluative cycle • A planned approach to assuring staff competence will be a pre-requisite to receiving the award • The badge will cost £50.00 • 10% of organisations following route one – self evaluating against the code of practice – will receive a spot-check • Re-application every two years
The organisational indicators 5. The provider meets the needs of users. Effective communication; Policy development; Sustainability; Monitoring the overall quality of provision 6. The provider has safety management processes in place to manage risk effectively Identification and management of risk; compliance with external regulation; appropriate insurance cover; relevant safeguarding procedures e.g. child secure venues; maintaining Child Protection Standards.
Useful Websites www.lotc.org.uk www.lotcqualitybadge.org.uk