2. 2
3. 3 PM2.5 NAAQS Final rule published 9/21/06
Updated the 24-hour NAAQS from 65 ug/m3 to 35 ug/m3
Retained the annual NAAQS for PM2.5 of 15.0 ug/m3
Retained the 24-hour standard for PM10 at 150 ug/m3
Designations for 24 hour standard signed 10/8/09, published 11/13/09
Effective date: 12/14/09
Based on 2006-2008 air quality data
All of VA, DC, and MD designated attainment
Attainment date is 2014
Based on court challenges to the annual standard, D.C. Court of Appeals remanded annual standard back to EPA in 2009.
CASAC recommendation: 12.0-14.0 ug/m3 on annual average
New proposal in February 2011
4. 4 PM2.5 Annual Data, Out West
5. 5 PM2.5 24-Hour Data, TRO
6. 6 Evolution of Federal Ozone Requirements 1991 Standard
0.12 ppm
Averaged over one hour
1997 Standard
0.08 ppm
Averaged over eight hours
2008 Standard-published March 27, 2008
0.075 ppm
Averaged over eight hours
2008 Standard Proposed Reconsideration
Proposed Jan 5, 2010
0.060-0.070 ppm over eight hours (human health)
7-15 ppm-hrs (environment)
7. 7 Proposed Reconsiderationfor Ozone Why the reconsideration of the 2008 standard?
New standard schedule:
Proposal published Jan 5, 2010
Final pushed back to October 31, 2010
Final designations of areas 10/2011
Plans to improve air quality due to EPA end of 2013
Air quality improvement milestones: 2014-2031
8. 8 Virginia Ozone Air Quality Values 2007-2009
9. 9 VA Potential Nonattainment Areas (0.060 ppm)
10. 10 Fredericksburg Area Ozone Values, ppb
11. 11 Western VA Ozone Values, ppb
12. 12 Richmond-Petersburg Ozone Values, ppb
13. 13 Fairfax Ozone Values, ppb
14. 14 Other NoVA Ozone Values, ppb
15. 15 Lead NAAQS Original Lead NAAQS set in 1978 at 1.5 ug/m3 averaged over a calendar quarter
Revised October 15, 2008
0.15 ug/m3
Averaged over a rolling quarter
New monitoring requirements
Recommendations sent October 15, 2009
Unclassifiable for entire state
No FRM data since 1998 in VA; only special purpose monitoring data
Jun 14, 2010 letter from EPA – no designation action at this time
Final designations by October 15, 2011 based on update monitoring data
16. 16 New Lead FRM Network Winchester/GE Lamp
Significant amount of monitoring data shows area well beneath standard
Request for exemption granted by EPA
Originally suggested as >0.5 tpy
Piston engine aviation fuel has lead
Has been removed from list (estimated emissions <<0.5 tpy)
17. 17 Fairfax (NoVA) Urban Air Toxics SiteLead Monitoring Data, ug/m3
18. 18 Hopewell (Richmond MSA) Urban Air Toxics Site Lead Monitoring Data, ug/m3
19. 19 Hampton Roads Urban Air Toxics SiteLead Monitoring Data, ug/m3
20. 20 NO2 NAAQS-Revised Jan 22, 2009
Previous standard for primary and secondary was 53 ppb on an annual average
Previous standard unchanged since 1971
Revised primary standard to include a 1-hour standard of 100 ppb, 3 year average of 98th percentile of daily max 1 hour values
Secondary standard being reviewed separately
Modeling test – very hard for existing and even new sources to show compliance
21. 21 Community Monitoring
1 monitor in urban areas with = 1,000,000 population
Other monitors may be required
Road Side Monitoring
1 monitor “near” major road in any urban area with = 500,000 population
Other monitors may be required
Near = no more than 50 meters
Road must have high traffic level NO2 Monitoring Network Revisions
22. 22 Governor’s recommendations due Jan 2011
Either unclassifiable or nonattainment
No near road data to support an attainment designation recommendation
EPA’s designations due Jan 2012 – either unclassifiable or nonattainment
2016-2017: EPA will make another round of designations using new monitoring data NO2 Area Designation Process
23. 23 07-09 Data from Current NO2 Monitoring Sites
24. 24 Current SO2 NAAQS set in 1971:
Primary: 0.03 ppm annual arithmetic average 0.14 ppm 24 hour average
Secondary: 0.5 ppm 3 hour average
EPA new primary standard
1 hour standard set at 75 ppb
Revoking 24 hour and annual standards
Some monitoring network revisions proposed
Designations based on monitoring and source specific modeling!
Secondary standard is being reviewed separately
Modeling test – very hard for existing and even new sources to show compliance
SO2 NAAQS-Revised June 22, 2010
25. 25 EPA’s SO2 NAAQS Implementation Timeline
26. 26 SO2 Monitoring Data, 2007-20093 year average of 4th highest hourly values
27. 27 Other Pending EPA Actions Carbon Monoxide
Final due May of 2011
Combined secondary NO2 and SO2 standard
Final due March 2012
Transport Rule 1
Proposed August 2010
To address the 1997 ozone and PM standards
Transport Rule 2
Due in 2011
To address the pending ozone standard
May include industrial boilers