Slide 1: The Mom-Kid Connection
Presented by WonderGroup October, 2005 MARKETING TO THE SUPER CONSUMER
Kids Our Focus And Their Moms Our ClientsSlide 7:The Way to a Man’s Heart
Slide 8:The Way to a MOM’s Heart
Slide 9:Yesterday’s Mom
Slide 10:The New Millennial Mom
Family and children are important!
Slide 11:The New Millennial Mom
She’s smart Marketing & Net savvy Wants to be the best mom ever! - Happy children - Successful children
“I use grocery shopping with my child as a means of helping her make healthy choices for herself. She is a pretty savvy little shopper at three.” (WonderGroup Mom/Kid Influence Study, 2005)Slide 13:The New Millennial Mom
She wants to do it all…but she can’t!
Slide 15:Balancing Act
Actual motherhood vs. expectations Motherhood vs. career Only 25 % of today’s moms feel work and life are in balance.
There’s a NEW kid on the block! What Would You Do on a First Date That Was Turning Sour? What Do Most People Do on a Date?Slide 21:How Would You Make a Marriage Work?
Slide 24:New Kid on the Block
Consensual Marketing savvy Connected Informed and in control
Slide 25:The Inevitable Result???
Stressed, time-starved, very educated mom + Educated, market-savvy kid = NEW PARTNERSHIP!
The New School The Four-Eyed, Four-Legged ConsumerSlide 28:Fact: Mom’s and Children Have Always Bonded
“I was raised that adults make decisions and children comply without question or discussion. I disagree, and I raise my children completely different. Children need opportunities to make decisions in youth in order to make good decisions as adults. My children decide on a great deal in their lives, and I value their good sense in helping me make household decisions as well.” (Mom, girl 12-14)Slide 30:No Nag Here
Among Parents: 70% Makes my shopping easier when my child knows what brands he likes Source: Yankelovich Youth Monitor
Slide 31:Beware…Don’t Underestimate Types of Influence
Kids train parents Parents ask Parents expect kids to ask Parents watch kids programs—ads Negative influence!
Slide 33:Kid Influence!
What factors influence parents when buying food for children? PRICE 84% CHILD REQUEST 83% COUPON 49% BRAND NAME 38% ADS YOU SAW 31%
Generally in the 80% - 90% Range!
Examples Athletic Shoes 86% Kid Clothing 85% Movies/DVD 92% Music 92% Video Games 88% Frozn Dinner 86% Granola Bars 86% FF Rest 83% Kid Room Décor 79% Kid Furniture 64%* Kid Cleansing# 61% Computer 60% Vitamins 53% (* 75% among 8-11 year olds; 100% 12-14) (#70% among 8-11 year olds; 76% 12-14) “My childs’ influence on products I buy for them is very important. I would waste a lot of money if they didn’t like the products.” (Mom, boy 5-7)Slide 40:KID INFLUENCE ON ITEMS BOUGHT FOR THE FAMILY
Kids Matter!
Examples FF Restaurant 68% Ice Cream 63% Cookies 62% Frozn Dinner 49% Salty Snacks 55% Carb. Bevg’s 48% Casual Restnts 42% Room Décor 41% House 47% Bottled Wat’r 30% Family Car 32% Vacation 46% Home Computer 29% ISP 29% Laundry Detergent 25% Pet Food 19% “My daughter is very smart and I would Always take her opinion in considration” (Mom, Girl 12-14) “I always want my son to feel he has a say In our household purchases.” (Mom, Boy 8-11)Slide 43:KID INFLUENCE ON ITEMS BOUGHT FOR ADULTS
Kids Matter Here Too!
Examples Household Cleaners 34% Carbonated Bev’s 24% Adult Clothing 20% Adult Furniture 23% Adult Cleansing Products 20% Room Décor 18% “I ask her all the time if clothes look good on me.” (Mom, Girl 5-7) “He helps me stay current on all of the new products.” (Mom, Boy 8-11)Slide 46:KID INFLUENCE ON WHERE TO BUY
More than 80% agree that their child’s preference is important!
Slide 47:The Opportunity…
Slide 48:Market to Moms
through their children!
Slide 49:The New Rule
“If the children are happy, then Mom and Dad are happy.” (Jeff Weinstein, Editor-in-Chief, Hotels Magazine)
Slide 54:Kid Advertising is Word of Mouth Advertising
Slide 55:Kid Communication Model is Effective in Driving Child Request(% of Children requesting advertised product)
Slide 56:Kid Communication Model Also Drives Mom Awareness
Kids Moms
Medium Audience Kids can drive mom awareness at 1/3rd the cost of going to Mom directly!Slide 59:Kid Cuisine TV Spot
Slide 60:Lipton Sponsorship Spot
Slide 62:Lunchables TV Spot
Slide 66:So Remember……