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ITU Workshop on Accessibility/Atelier UIT sur l’accessibilité Bamako, Mali 13 – 15 October 2009. WTSA-08: the input by the African Region and the relationship between contributions submitted, the relevant outcomes and their implementation in the region. Dr. Alexandra Gaspari
ITU Workshop on Accessibility/Atelier UIT sur l’accessibilitéBamako, Mali 13 – 15 October 2009 WTSA-08: the input by the African Region and the relationship between contributions submitted, the relevant outcomes and their implementation in the region Dr. Alexandra Gaspari Accessibility Coordinator ITU-T/TSB International Telecommunication Union
ITU– Who we are • The UN agency for Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) • Membership of 197 governments and over 700 private sector entities • Three main areas • Radiocommunication • Standardization • Development • Mission is to connect the world
ITU – What we do • ITU is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues (ICTs) • ITU is the global focal point for governments and the private sector in developing networks and services. • ITU continues to play a central role in helping the world communicate: • From broadband internet to latest-generation wireless technologies • from aeronautical and maritime navigation to radio astronomy and satellite-based meteorology • from phone and fax services to TV broadcasting and next-generation networks
ITUgoal • Emphasize benefits of fixed wireless access in remote and sparsely-populated regions • Adopt a cooperative approach • Maximize the degree of commonality and harmonization • Facilitate interworking • Promote competition • Any new technology or standard – like the accessibility features - needs to be interoperable, and to be able to interface and work with other technologies
ITUStructure Plenipotentiary Conference ITU Council ITU-T World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference Radiocommunication Assembly ITU-D World Telecommunication Development Conference General Secretariat
Key Areas of work of ITU • Bridging the digital divide • Stewardship of the radio spectrum • Adopting international standards to ensure seamless global communications and interoperability • Building confidence and security in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) • Use of ICTs to mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change • Emergency communications • Accessibility
ITU-T Structure WP WP WP Q Q Q Q Workshops, Seminars, Symposia… WTSA World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Focus Groups IPR ad hoc SG Study Group SG Focus Group Working Party Questions: Develop Recommendations
WTSA-08 Resolutions • 49 Resolutions approved • 21 are new Resolutions • Resolutions taking into consideration the needs of developing countries • Standardization gap: 17, 44, 56, 59, 72 • Internet: 64, 69 • Conformance and interoperability testing: 76 • Other: 26, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 43, (50), 52, 53, 54, 58, 61, 63, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74
WTSA-08 Resolutions: Organization and Working Methods 18 Resolutions: 1,2, 18,22,26, 31,32,35,38,40,43,45,53,56,57,66, 67, 68 …. … and Series-A Recommendations
WTSA-08 ResolutionsStrategies and Cooperation 16 Resolutions concerning strategies and cooperation: 7,11,17,33,34,44, 54,55,58,59,62,69,71,74, 75 , … They call the attention of developed countries about the need to help and assist developing countries BUT also the attention of developing countries to put in place structures able to better contribute…..
WTSA-08 Resolutions Technical issues 15 Resolutions for operational and technical issued: 20,29,47,48,49,50,52,60,61,63,64,65,70, 72,73,et 76 Study Groups activities to produce Recommendations,, handbooks, supplements… Hot topics: cybersecurity NGN Climate change Accessibility Home Networking Future Networks ITU Conformity Mark
Accessibility in the milestone of ITU-T: Resolution 70 • In 2008, the World Standardization Telecommunication Assembly (WTSA-08) built on the momentum for mainstreaming accessibility and addressed • the need for advancement on standards for accessibility and • the need to include persons with disabilities in the standards making process
What Resolution 70 says 2/2 • This milestone text is the Resolution 70 “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities” • Among the main points, the Resolution invites the Director of the Standardization Bureau to (…): • to work collaboratively and cooperatively with other standardization organizations and entities, in the field of accessibility
What Resolution 70 says 2/2 • to work collaboratively and cooperatively with disability organizations in all regions to ensure that the needs of the disabled community are taken into account in all standardization matters • to consider the development of an internship programme for people with disabilities who have expertise in the field of ICTs, to build capacity amongst people with disabilities in the standards-making process • to create a disability coordination point within ITU-T to assist the Director of TSB in reporting the findings of the review of ITU-T services and facilities.
Actions from Resolutions • Actions for Member States • Actions for Sector Members & Associate • Actions for the TSB Director • Actions for the Study Group • Considerations by the Council-09 • Cooperation with other ITU Sectors (Radio, Development and General Secretariat)
Implementation TSB • TSB developing an Action Plan for implementation of all WTSA-08 Resolutions • Increased number of study group / regional groups meetings in the regions planned • TSB plans workshops on implementation of WTSA-08 actions in regions with assistance of or coordination with of BDT and Regional Offices • Fellowships now available for all ITU-T study group meetings
Expected benefits • Rational utilization of technologies • Motivation of universities and R&D institutions • Effectiveness of Information • Facilitation for strategic choices • Contribution to share knowledge
Critical Factors forsuccess • Go towards expertise and not wait for it, capacity building • Political decisions to implement Resolutions • Motivation and formation of youngsters • Contribution proportional to the available resources to ITU-T activities • Be the Actor and not the Spectator of the future of ICTs !
WTSA-08 Action Plan Who, What, When TSAG-TD 18informs on TSB Director detailed actions to implement all 49 Resolutions • Action: • General Secretariat, TSB, MS, SM, Study Groups, TSAG • Cooperation with: • General Secretariat, BDT, BR • Reporting to: • Annually to the Council • To Council-09 and -10 • To WTSA-12 • To TSAG
Reporting to Council-09 • Among other resolutions: • Resolution 56 - Roles of TSAG and ITU-T study group vice-chairmen from developing countries • Resolutions 71 & 74- Admission of academia, universities and their associated research establishments, Sector Members from developing countries to participate in the work of ITU-T • Resolution 70 -”Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities”
Commitment Where are you in this picture? WTSA Mgmt & Contributions SG, TSAG Chairs SG/TSAG VChair WP Ch Rapp WS, FG Particip SG/TSAG Contr Editor Recs Implem Read Recs SG, GSI Particip HIGH MEDIUM LOW Strategic role
Conclusions • The results of WTSA put ITU in excellent shape to tackle the challenges ahead. • TSB has immediately put in place many mechanisms to progress the implementation of WTSA-08 Resolutions. Many of them requiring close cooperation with BDT. • Particular attention is given to those actions relevant to the needs of developing countries. Collaboration is welcome to assist the Director of TSB, Mr. Malcolm Johnson, here present with us in Bamako today, in the effort to address your priorities in the evolving ICT environment.
Thank you for your attention!Questions? E-mail: alexandra.gaspari@itu.int Tel: +41 22 730 5158