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Transition Plans

Transition. Transition Plans. Indicator 13, IDEA, & Successful Students. Based on information presented by OCALI - Secondary Transition Planning, June 9 & 10, 2011 M. Elia , 2012. Some Startling Statistics.

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Transition Plans

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  1. Transition Transition Plans Indicator 13, IDEA, & Successful Students Based on information presented by OCALI - Secondary Transition Planning, June 9 & 10, 2011 M. Elia, 2012

  2. Some StartlingStatistics • 30% of students receiving special education services will leave school without a diploma • 4% of students in special education had ever been enrolled in a four-year college 3–5 years after high school. • 12 to 30% of graduating LD students go on to college . • Two years after leaving high school, only about 11% of special education youth were living independently (Levine & Wagner, 2005).

  3. Did you know? • 70% of the 30 fasted growing jobs will require education beyond high school. • 40% of all new jobs will require at least an associate’s degree. • Students planning to go to work right after high school do NOT need a different and less rigorous curriculum than those planning to attend college. • Our students need more rigorous academic preparation than we thought. Rigorous Academics & Greater Success in College Paid Work Experience& Getting and Keeping a Job A Plan for the Future & Post School Success Data Trends

  4. 1997 Revision to IDEA – Transition Plan Added • Part of the transitional plan can include vocational education courses. In 2001, 60% of special education students, were taking a vocational education course in a semester. Half of which were in occupationally specific courses. • Participation in vocational education classes has declined 15% from 1995 – 2005 (increased emphasis on academic courses) • Occupational vs. College Bound Coursework • Schools foster dependence, the real world requires independence. IDEA & IEP’s ?

  5. Let’s Look At… • Future Planning • Age 14 Transition Statement • Age Appropriate Transition Assessment (AATA) • Course of Study

  6. Future Planning Statement • Pointer – points the direction of the IEP • The first step of the process – must create an accurate picture • Changes over time. • Starts out parent driven (elementary) • Student driven through high school (with parent input) • Opportunity to have meaningful discussion with parents and child each year in regards to their future.

  7. Future Planning Statement • If the first step is not meaningful, appropriate, and accurate, the plan will lack purpose and be ineffective. • Must include: • PINS – Preferences, Interests, Needs, Strengths • Parent & Student Input • IEP alignment • See Future Planning Development Tool

  8. Age 14 Transition Statement • A Statement of Transition Service’s Needs of the Child that Focuses on the Child’s Course Of Study. Include all of these things!

  9. Developing the Age 14 Transition Statement

  10. Course of Study COS should “lean” in the right direction Links goals to student’s course of study. Ohio Core College Prep, “Integrated”, or combination of courses? Functional Curriculum? Must be REASONABLE to meet goals. Ensure they have what they need to meet postsecondary goals. Starting with 9th graders – MUST address Ohio Core and how they will participate!

  11. Age Appropriate Transition Assessment • Look at your current data through a different lens! • Interpret what info you currently have as applied to adult contexts. • Ask, how does this work toward future goals? • Include Previously gathered info! (Date it) • PINS • Age appropriate means chronological, not developmental age. • Include Implications for Post School Goals & Implications for Current Program

  12. See handout

  13. Types of Assessments • Informal : • Interviews • Checklists • Questionnaires • Learning Style Assessments • Observations • Formal: • Inventories • Adaptive Behavior Scales • Brigance • ELSA • Achievement Tests • Evaluations • Preference Inventories Insert headings in the “bank” of IEP Anywhere with types of assessments and the implications for post school goals and current programs.

  14. BrainBreak

  15. It’s All about the C’s!

  16. There should be a transtion goal on the IEP, or • Tie an existing IEP goal into one of the post secondary transition goals. • Write a statement in the present levels linking to the transition goals. • Goals for study skills, behavior tie in more easily Link to Annual Goals Annual goal acts as a connector to the transition plan.

  17. Post Secondary Education Goal • Post Secondary Employment Goal • Independent Living Goal (optional) • Goals: • Based on AATA • Continue and refines the AGE 14 statement. • May change each year as the focus is refined. • Increase in detail. 3 Goals “…the Act requires a child’s IEP to include measurable postsecondary goals in the areas of training, education, and employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills.  Therefore, the only area in which postsecondary goals are not required in the IEP is in the area of independent living skills….  It is up to the child’s IEP Team to determine whether IEP goals related to the development of independent living skills are appropriate and necessary for the child to receive FAPE.”  [Emphasis added] 71 Fed. Reg. 46668 (Aug. 14, 2006).  

  18. Transition Goals

  19. Post Secondary Education Goal Sample Goals • “Upon completion of high school, Sarah will… • … enroll in a 4 year degree program at Walsh University in the field of engineering.” • …enroll in a training / journeyman program for electricity.” • …receive on the job training as a cashier.” • …continue to work with an occupational therapist and job coach in supervised employment.”

  20. Post Secondary Employment Goal Sample Goals This goal can be combined with Post Secondary Ed Goal, but some SERC’s do not recommend it. • “After graduation from high school, where and how does the student plan to… • “work part time while in college and then transition full time to employment in a field related to his course of study.” • “work at a sheltered workshop 5 days a week.”

  21. Independent Living Goal • Optional • More likely used with students with more severe disabilities. • If you do not have one, must explain why! • Upon graduation from high school, Joe will… … live in a semi independent setting, with the assistance of a caregiver. … live independently in a dorm while attending college. … utilize public transportation to get to and from his job at a sheltered workshop. … maintain a checking and savings account, using functional math skills.

  22. Indicator 13 Checklist

  23. Indicator 13 Checklist

  24. Compliant or Complacent?? • (Educ.) After graduation Paulo will participate in training to improve his work skills in his job agt the grocery store. • (Ind. Living) Rosalie should continue to use her facial expressions as a reliable mode to communicate her preferences as well as practice increasing her communication skills via eye gaze at concrete objects. • (Employment)After graduation, Jeremy will be employed part time in the community with supports. • (Employment) The summer after leaving high school, Jodi will obtain a part time position in a community retail. • (Educ.) After graduation, Paul will get a job at a grocery store, where he enjoyed job shadowing experiences during school.

  25. Compliant or Complacent?? • (Educ.) Upon graduation from high school, Jamie will successfully complete welding courses at Central Piedmont Community College to attain the Entry Level Welding Certificate. • (Ind. Living) Rolanda wants to participate in a community recreation program after graduation. • (Educ.) The fall after high school, Jodi will enroll in courses (non degree) at Gaston Community College. • (Employment) After high school, Evan will explore job opportunities that match his skills.

  26. Compliant or Complacent?? • (Ind. Living) Immediately following graduation, Kevin will participate in 1-2 age appropriate community and individual community based activities per week related to horticulture, socialization with young adults, animals, and music. • (Ind. Living) Kent uses a communication device to make his needs and wants known. • (Employment.) After graduation, Theo would like to get a job at a local home improvement store, part time, working in the paint department. • (Employment) Within 3 months of graduation, Kevin will obtain a supported employment position that allows him to work to his maximum stamina and incorporates the use of assistive technology.

  27. LunchBreak Woohoooo!

  28. Other Agency Involvement • “Bridge the Gap” from educational assistance at school to the “real world.” • MUST be included – in invitation, services, etc. • Can include: • BVR • Educational Service Centers (MCESC, TCESC) • MCBDD (MRDD) • Social Security • SST

  29. Transition Services • Based on individual child’s needs, taking into account PINS • Can include, but not limited to… • instruction • Related services • Community experience • Functional Vocational Evaluation • Employment Development • Acquisition of daily living skills • At least one per goal. • A great place to incorporate outside agencies. • The same service can be associated with more than one goal! Look at Transition Services Packet and add services related to CHS.

  30. Court Cases • Yankton School District v. Schramm, 93 F.3d 1369,1374 (8th Cir. 1996), 24 IDELR 704. • Transition plans could provide services such as drivers ed, independent living skills (cooking and cleaning), and self advocacy. • Student v. San Francisco Unified Sch. Dist., Case No. SN 476-98, 29 IDELR 153 (1998). • Transition plan should be based on students individual needs. In this case, student tested far below grade level in all subjects, but transition plan discussed researching colleges.

  31. Bibliography • ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R. n. (2000). New Ideas for Planning Transitions to the Adult World. Research Connections in Special Education. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. • ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R. n. (2000). New Ideas for Planning Transitions to the Adult World. Research Connections in Special Education. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. • Ingels, S. J., Dalton, B., Holder, T. r., Lauff, E., Burns, L. J., & National Center for Education Statistics, (. (2011). The High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): A First Look at Fall 2009 Ninth-Graders. NCES 2011- 327. National Center for Education Statistics, Retrieved from EBSCOhost. • Levine, P., & Wagner, M. The transition to adulthood for the special education population. Network on Transitions to Adulthood Policy Brief, July 2004 (24). Retrieved from http://www.transad.pop.upenn.edu/downloads/levine-special%20ed%20formatted.pdf • Ohio State Dept. of Education, C. n. (1999). Ideas for Transition: Planning for Transition Services during the IEP Process, Ages 14 through 21. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. • Pierangelo, R., & Giuliani, G. A. (2007). Understanding, Developing, and Writing Effective IEPs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators. Corwin Press. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. • Stanberry, Kristen. (January 2010). Transition planning for students with IEP’s. Retrieved from http://www.greatschools.org/special-education/health/873-transition-planning-for-students-with- ieps.gs • US Department of Education. (Revised 2011). Q and A: Questions and Answers on Secondary Transition. Retrieved from http://idea.ed.gov/explore/view/p/%2Croot%2Cdynamic%2CQaCorner%2C10%2C.

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