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DPKO MISSION IN DRC: EVOLUTION OF GENDER MANDATE : « PROMOTING GENDER TO ACCOMPLISH PEACE » RESDAL, 26-28 April 2012 BUENOS-AIRES, ARGENTINA. Elsie Effange-Mbella Senior Gender Adviser MONUSCO Gender Affairs Office. The Conflict in DRC: A snapshot.
The Conflict in DRC: A snapshot • 1994 – Arrival in DRC of Rwandan refugees fleeing from the genocide. • August 1998 the DRC degenerated into an armed Conflict generally referred to as ’D R Congo’s second war’, or loosely as ‘Africa’s First War’; • The main theatre of action was the Eastern part of the DRC (North and South Kivu,Oriental Province including Ituri, Maniema and parts of Katanga; • Parties included the DRC and Regional neighbours (Rwanda, Namibia , Angola, Zimbabwe , Burundi and Uganda) . This gave the conflict the dimension of a regional conflict; • 1999 Southern African Development Community (SADC) brokered a Cease Fire (Lusaka Cease Fire Agreement which became instrumental in transforming the Conflict in DRC) • It also became the reason for establishing DPKO Mission in DRC (observe CS, support return to rule of law , protect civilians )
DPKO Mission in DRC : PHASES/Configurations • Following signing of Lusaka Cease Fire Agreement in 1999 ( DRC and the six regional neighbours ) the UNSC adopted Resolution 1279 (1999) establishing MONUC • Initial mission : plan for observation of Cease Fire/ disengagement of forces , and maintain liaison with all parties to Cease Fire Agreement. • Subsequent UNSC Resolutions responding to consequences of conflict for security and protection of civilian population in DRC: 1273(1999),1291 (2000)….1925(2010),1991(2011)
Mainstreaming gender in Peacekeeping MONUC police component mounting a guard of honour Mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping is the full incorporation of an analysis of the differential impact of peacekeeping activities on women, men, girls and boys It is the design of policies and operational activities which in turn foster equal rights and reverse gender-based discrimination in all aspects of the post-conflict and peace building processes
DSRSG/Rule of Law Leila Zerrougui with UNPOL The more women we have on board, the easier and more sustainable our efforts
Gender Aspects of Peacekeeping in DRC Three phases: (1999-2002 ),(2002-2010 ),(2010- present ) • Conflict and post-conflict contexts pose specific challenges for women ,men ,girls and boys .These must be taken in to accourt in Peacekeeping policies,strategies and related operations. • 1999 -2002: MONUC and Peacekeeping No coordinated work on gender by DPKO Mission, isolated initiatives by local civil society organisations • 2002 -2010: MONUC gender and Peacekeeping- 2002: - Creation of Gender Office to integrate gender perspective in all policies,strategies and activities including training for all Personnel pursuant to SCR 1325 (2000) / OP .12 SCR 1445(2002) -SCR 1493(2003) on needs to deploy women peacekeepers, - SCR 1565(2004)Prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse by Mission personnel, creation of Conduct and Discipline Unit(2005). -SCR 1820/1888 Combating impunity for sexual violence in conflict and post conflict and providing rehabiliation support for victms -SCR 1856 Supporting gender capacity-building for peacekeepers on cross-cutting issues including in prevention and response to gender-based violence(GBV - SCR 1889 –Contributing to the development of indicators for monitoring progress on gender equality and empowerment (PPP RR) - SCR 1960 – supporting the monitoring , analysis and reporting on sexual violence in conflict. (WPA / JPT training)
Gender Aspects of Peacekeeping in DRC 2010 – Present: MONUSCO gender and stabilisation UNSCR 1925 (2010) 1991(2011) - Capacity building for local partners ( GoDRC and CSO) on women’s effective participation in protection mechanisms - Psychosocial and rehabilitation support for displaced persons ( DDR/RRR) , - Technical and logistical support for victims of SGBV - Advocacy for rights awareness in policy formulation and implementation, including in security sector development - Supporting women’s effective political participation in peace-building processes and related decision -making
Female officers of FARDC Gender capacity-building of DRC security forces
RE-CONFIGURATION OF MONUC TO MONUSCO • UNSCR 1925 (2010)/1991(2011) : 1. Reconfiguration of MONUC to MONUSCO with Stabilization mandate 2. Strengthening (through training and capacity building) gender mainstreaming in: • Protection strategies / mechanisms in Eastern DRC : Joint Protection Teams, Community Alert Networks, Community Liaison Assistants , Mobile clinics, Research , Monitoring etc • Consolidation and peace building strategies : Sensitisation campaigns (early/ forced marriages for young girls),capacity building support for elections, etc
Women and political participation in DRC : Achievements / Challenges Achievements Advocated gender parity adopted in DRC constitution, Articles 14 and 15 Co-ordinated production of DRC 1325 National Action Plan adopted June 2010 Training of Trainers : Gender and Elections 2011 Sensitisation on prevention of electoral violence, Sub-regional workshop 2011 Monitoring gender-based electoral violence, 2011 Challenges Application of gender parity in electoral law and related processes Permanent civic education on electoral cycle / voting procedures Low representation of women in decision-making : no legal application of Articles 14 and 15 Lack of capacity and resources for gender mainstreaming at grassroots level
LEGAL & STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK GENDER IN DPKO DRC • Current mandate : UNSCR 1991 (2011) Assist GoDRC in protection of civilians, stabilization , elections , DDR/RRR etc. • DPKO policy Directive on Gender in Peacekeeping (2008) • DPKO Forward-looking Strategy for Gender Mainstreaming (2011-2014) • Guidelines on Gender for Political Affairs Officers/ Military/ UNPOL / DDR/ RR/Elections • UNSCR 1325 : - Four pillars as indicators : (i) Prevention (ii) Participation (iii) Protection (iv) Relief and Recovery Assistance - Establish NAP and annual itemised priority programme of action for 2011-2012 Others : UNSCR 1820( 2008),1889(2009),National Strategy on SGBV (2009), DRC 1325 National Action Plan 2010, DRC National Policy on Gender (2011), UNSCR 1960( 2011), Secretary General’s Seven-Point Action Plan on gender sensitive peace building (2012)
GENDER OFFICE AND PARTNERSHIP BUILDING • The UN gender thematic group ‘One UN Gender Team’ • The GoDRC (MGFAE & gender focal points in all ministries) • Bilateral and multilateral cooperation • Local NGOs and women’s networks in DRC
GENDER OFFICE AND PARTNERSHIP BUILDING GENDER OFFICE AND PARTNERSHIP BUILDING SRSG DSRSG / Rule of Law DSRSG /RC/HR UNPOL Corrections DDRRR SSD Military Rule of Law Political A Affairs GENDER GENDER Civil Affairs Human Rights Child Protection DMS Sexual Violence Unit CDU MONUSCO Integrated Office UN COUNTRY TEAM DRC Government Ministry of Gender, Family and Children Civil Societies / NGOs