FLATLINERS • Released on September 29th 2017 in the USA • It was produced by Sony Pictures , Columbia Pictures, Cross Creek pictures • The main cast is Nina Dobrav, Dieogo Luna and Ellen Page
Narrative • At the begging of the scene we see a with a young girl most likely her child driving in a car • The atmosphere is dark mirror the mood or the scene which is monotone and sad • The mom is looking at her phone causing her to crash as she doesn’t look at the road cause the car to land in water – could lead to a flashback in the narrative and something happens based on these events this uses action and enigma codes to keep the audience happy • Montage of different colour lights this could connoted that when we die you see a white light before you go to the after life followed by photos of graveyards connoting death • Then there is an ekg heart monitor showing that that they could have been transported to hospital and are holding on by a thread before the monitor goes flat- Also connotes a hospital • We hear different eople voices in the background and they sound concered and worried about what is going on • Not many characted are introduced in the sequence creating mystery at what. Is to come and people who we may meet and so we can put face to the voices we hear and how relevant they are to the story line
Target Audience • 18-35: aimed toward 15 year old but sci fi movies tend to adopt an older audience due to the science nature of the movies • Not gender specificted but stereotypically scifi movie are aimed towards males as usually they are more into science and geeky topic like this
Key codes of SCI-FI • Hospital – are a key setting in scifi movies aswell as labs so the fact it has a hospital setting fits into the theme of science and medicine • The montage of light with purple, blues, reds give a sci fi vibe as connotes with other types of scifi movies like Star Wars • Also the fact the movie is dealing with deathand what happens after you die is subjects that scifi movies tend to cover
key Moments Camerawork sound • Worm eye wide shot of the car crash so we can see the whole event and scene take place and everything that happens I the crash • Non digectic sound of people talking creates question of who are they and why are they important an what are they saying • Intense non digectic music whch matches the car crash and what happens in the scene and build at the moments of most tension
Key Moments editing • Montage of the lights, grave yards, hospital monitor and locations inside the hospital- snippets of the motif that the movie might include further along so they are important symbols
conclusion • It is a successful opening sequence as have gotten he stereo typical Sci-Fi movie with being geeky or to nerdy as it mentions science and possibility of after life but doesn’t talk about mythical realms or creatures. • It also keeps people interested due to the montages of different images and it being fast paced so that thereis always something going on