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This power point presentation describes about ayurvedic medicine to treat insomnia, sleeplessness.
Ayurvedic Medicine To Treat Insomnia Ayurvedic medicine to treat insomnia or any other condition for that matter aims at improving the own ability of the body to heal itself, such that the patient can recover from the problem. Rather than simply providing some remedies to suppress the ailment, this system of medicine aims at creating an ideal balance between spirituality, the physical and mental wellbeing of an individual to provide the best relief for his/her problem.
Ayurvedic Medicine To Treat Insomnia In this alternative system of medicine, insomnia or sleeplessness is always seen to have an association with vata imbalance. However, the system also states that imbalance in the other two doshas can also lead to sleeplessness.
AaramCapsules Recreating the balance: Ayurvedic medicine for sleeplessness generally aims at recreating the balance between all three doshas and so the ayurvedic remedy called as Aaram capsules also aims at bringing this balance in the following ways:
Aaram Capsules • When an individual has an imbalance in the vatadosha, he/she will have difficulty in falling asleep. This is a condition that is generally correlated with worry, anxiety, hypersensitivity and hyperactivity. This is why some ingredients in the ayurvedic medicine to treat insomnia called as Aaram capsules aims at relaxing the mind, such that patients can get 6 to 7 hours of sleep without any disturbance whatsoever.
Ayurvedic Medicine To Treat Insomnia • It is advised that individuals with vata type body having sleep disturbances should go to bed daily by 10 pm and they are recommended to choose the best sleep position suitable for them. They are generally advised to sleep on their left. • In the case of individuals with pitta type body or pitta imbalance, they will generally experience insomnia in the form of irregular awakening in between sleep.
Aaram Capsules Those with this type of body are recommended to avoid lights at bedtime and they can go to bed anywhere between 10 and 11 pm daily. Sleeping on the right is the best position and ayurvedic medicine for sleeplessness has ingredients that will help in correcting the imbalance in their body.
Aaram Capsules In the case of individuals with kapha type body, they will experience excessive sleepy feeling at daytime and they will also experience that they wake up daily in a lethargic state. Even though they have long night rest, they will feel lethargy and sleepy feeling on the following day. These individuals should have 8 to 9 hours of sleep at nights and also it is recommended that those with kapha body type should avoid daytime sleeping completely.
Aaram Capsules They can go to bed a little late as compared to individuals with other body types. Yes, they can choose between 11 pm and 12 am as their ideal sleep time. Also, they are recommended to sleep on their left. Besides following these tips, when they take the best ayurvedic medicine to treat insomnia, they can get the best results. What are the other areas of focus?
Aaram Capsules In addition to helping with an achievement of balance in doshas, ayurvedic medicine for sleeplessness will also help with detoxification to treat insomnia and it will also improve the digestive system functioning, which can bring an excellent improvement in the sleeping pattern.
Aaram capsules So, insomnia is a problem that should be treated with utmost care to avoid future complications and this is where ayurvedic medicine to treat insomnia called Aaram capsule can help. This ayurvedic medicine for sleeplessness will bring excellent results for individuals with sleep problems.
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