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Amman, 5 – 7 December 2011. ITU Regional Workshop on Efficiency of the Frequency Spectrum use in the Arab Region (Amman, 5-7 December 2011 ) Terrestrial Services Department ITU Radiocommunication Bureau. Introduction to the Radio Regulations. Ilham Ghazi – BR/ITU. Introduction.
Amman, 5 – 7 December 2011 ITU Regional Workshop on Efficiency of the Frequency Spectrum use in the Arab Region (Amman, 5-7 December 2011) Terrestrial Services DepartmentITU Radiocommunication Bureau Introduction to the Radio Regulations Ilham Ghazi – BR/ITU
Introduction • The first International Radiotelegraph Convention was signed in Berlin in 1906. The annex (12-page ) to this Convention contained the world’s first set of service regulations on the use of radio. • Today, known as the Radio Regulations (over 2000 pages), the legal and technical provisions of this document have since been expanded and revised by numerous radio conferences in order to keep in step with the ever-expanding use of radio (over 40 services). • The Radio Regulations have the status of an international treaty and are binding on ITU Member States.
What are the RR? • Radio Regulations • principal instrument of the international radio regulatory arrangement • based on the use of two main concepts: • frequency block allocations intended for use by defined radio services (Table of Frequency Allocations as contained in AR 5) • generally provides common frequency allocations to mutually compatible services operating with similar technical characteristics in specific parts of the spectrum • stable planning environment for administrations, for equipment manufacturers and for users
Purpose of RR • to ensure interference-free operations of radiocommunication systems; • To provide ITU Member States with: • equitable access to the radio spectrum, and • orbital positions for space stations: • include a Table of Frequency Allocations for the various radio services (inter alia radio broadcasting, television, radio astronomy, navigation aids, point-to-point service, maritime mobile, amateur). • Include allotment and frequency plans (Appendices) • deal with ways of avoiding harmful interference and contain various other provisions, such as those relating to the qualifications required for station operators, and the nature and contents of essential documents for international radio service
Maintenance of RR • written and updated by ITU Member States through a procedure of negotiation based on the principles of multilateral cooperation and agreement. • At the heart of this process are ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs), normally take place every two to four years: • address issues related to all aspects of radiocommunication services including the revision of the Radio Regulations. • Regional and national preparatory work done in the period between conferences contributes to an important harmonization of national positions, and most decisions at WRCs are subsequently taken by consensus. • The implementation of the Radio Regulations is supported by the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR).
Volumes of the RR • Volume 1: Articles • Volume 2: Appendices • Volume 3: Resolutions • Volume 4:Recommendations incorporated by reference
Volume 1-Article 1 • Terms and definitions: • General terms: administration, radiocommunication… • Specific terms related to frequency management: allocation, allotment, assignment… • Radio services: Fixed service, broadcasting service… • Radio stations and systems: terrestrial station, earth station… • Characteristics of emissions and radio equipment: class of emission, assigned frequency, necessary bandwidth… • Frequency sharing: interference, coordination area, distance, contour… • Technical terms relating to space: satellite, orbit…
Article 3: Technical characteristics of stations Specifies the conditions that shall be filled for the use of equipment: • Use of equipment shall • satisfy the provisions of RR; • Be based on the most recent advances in the technique as indicated, inter alia, in ITU-R Recommendations • …..
Article 4: Assignment and use of frequencies • 4.1 Member States shall endeavourto limit the number of frequencies and the spectrum used to the minimum essential to provide in a satisfactory manner the necessary services • 4.2 assignments are to be made in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations and other provisions of these Regulations. • 4.3 Any new assignment or any change of frequency or other basic characteristic of an existing assignment (see Appendix 4) shall be made in such a way as to avoid causing harmful interference to services rendered by stations using frequencies assigned in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations in this Chapter and the other provisions of these Regulations, the characteristics of which assignments are recorded in the Master International Frequency Register. • 4.4 Administrations of the Member States shall not assign to a station any frequency in derogation of either the Table of Frequency Allocations in this Chapter or the other provisions of these Regulations, except on the express condition that such a station, when using such a frequency assignment, shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from harmful interference caused by, a station operating in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Convention and these Regulations.
Article 5: Frequency allocations • 5.2:Region and areas: delimitation
220-335.4 MHz Article 5-Section III: Frequency allocation
Article 8Status of frequency assignments recorded in theMaster International Frequency Register • 8.1 : The international rights and obligations of administrations in respect of their own and other administrations’ frequency assignments shall be derived from the recording of those assignments in the Master International Frequency Register (the Master Register) or from their conformity, where appropriate, with a plan. • 8.3: Any frequency assignment recorded in the Master Register with a favourable finding under No. 11.31 shall have the right to international recognition. • 8.4: A frequency assignment shall be known as a non-conforming assignment when it is not in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations or the other provisions of these Regulations. Such an assignment shall be recorded for information purposes, only when the notifying administration states that it will be operated in accordance with No. 4.4 (see also No. 8.5). • 8.5: If harmful interference to the reception of any station whose assignment is in accordance with No. 11.31 is actually caused by the use of a frequency assignment which is not in conformity with No. 11.31, the station using the latter frequency assignment must, upon receipt of advice thereof, immediately eliminate this harmful interference.
Article 9Procedure for effecting coordination with or obtaining agreement of other administrations 9.1 Before initiating any action under this Article or under Article 11 in respect of frequency assignments for a satellite network or a satellite system, an administration, or one acting on behalf of a group of named administrations, shall prior to the coordination procedure, described in Section II of Article 9 below, where applicable, send to the Bureau • a general description of the network or system for advance publication in the International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) • not earlier than seven years and preferably • not later than two years before the planned date of bringing into use of the network or system (see also No. 11.44). • The characteristics to be provided for this purpose are listed in Appendix 4. • The coordination or notification information may also be communicated to the Bureau at the same time; it shall be considered as having been received by the Bureau not earlier than six months after the date of receipt of the information for advance publication where coordination is required by Section II of Article 9. • Where coordination is not required by Section II, notification shall be considered as having been received by the Bureau not earlier than six months after the date of publication of the advance publication information.
9.2 Amendments to the information sent in accordance with the provisions of No. 9.1 shall also be sent to the Bureau as soon as they become available. • 9.2A If the information is found to be incomplete, the Bureau shall immediately seek from the administration concerned any clarification required and information not provided. • 9.2B On receipt of the complete information sent under Nos. 9.1 and 9.2, the Bureau shall publish it in a Special Section of its BR IFIC within three months. • 9.2B.1 If the payments are not receivedin accordance with the provisions of Council Decision 482, as amended, on the implementation of costrecovery for satellite network filings, the Bureau • send a reminder to the notifying administration not laterthantwomonthsprior to the deadline for the payment in accordance with the above-mentioned Council Decision 482 unless the payment has already been received. • shall cancel the publication, afterinforming the administration concerned. • inform all administrations of such action, and that the network specified in the publication in question no longer has to betakenintoconsideration by the Bureau and other administrations.
Sub-Section IA – Advance publication of information on satellite networks or satellite systems that are not subject to coordination procedure under Section II • 9.3 If, upon receipt of the BR IFIC containing information published under No. 9.2B, any administration believes that interference which may be unacceptable may be caused to its existing or planned satellite networks or systems, it shall within four months of the date of publication of the BR IFIC communicate to the publishing administration its comments on the particulars of the anticipated interference to its existing or planned systems. • A copy of these comments shall also be sent to the Bureau. • Thereafter, both administrations shall endeavour to cooperate in joint efforts to resolve any difficulties, with the assistance of the Bureau, if so requested by either of the parties, and shall exchange any additional relevant information that may be available. • If no such comments are received from an administration within the aforementioned period, it may be assumed that the administration concerned has no objections to the planned satellite network(s) of the system on which details have been published.
9.4 In the case of difficulties, the administration responsible for the planned satellite network shall explore all possible means to resolve the difficulties without considering the possibility of adjustment to networks of other administrations. • If no such means can be found, it may request the other administrations to explore all possible means to meet its requirements. The administrations concerned shall make every possible effort to resolve the difficulties by means of mutually acceptable adjustments to their networks. • An administration on behalf of which details of planned satellite networks have been published in accordance with the provisions of No. 9.2B shall, after the period of four months, inform the Bureau of the progress made in resolving any difficulties. If necessary, a further report shall be provided prior to the submission of notices to the Bureau under Article 11. • 9.5 The Bureau shall inform all administrations of the list of administrations which have sent comments under No. 9.3 and provide a summary of the comments received.
Sub-Section IB – Advance publication of information on satellite networks or satellite systems that are subject to coordination procedure under Section II • 9.5B : If, upon receipt of the BR IFIC containing information published under No. 9.2B, any administration considers its existing or planned satellite systems or networks or terrestrial stations to be affected, it may send its comments to the publishing administration, so that the latter may take those comments into consideration when initiating the coordination procedure. A copy of these comments may also be sent to the Bureau. Thereafter, both administrations shall endeavour to cooperate in joint efforts to resolve any difficulties, with the assistance of the Bureau, if so requested by either of the parties, and shall exchange any additional relevant information that may be available. • 9.5D: If the information under No. 9.30 has not been received by the Bureau within a period of 24 months after the date of receipt by the Bureau of the relevant complete information under No. 9.1 or 9.2, as appropriate, the information published under No. 9.2B and not covered by a coordination request under No. 9.30shall be cancelled, after the administration concerned has been informed at least three months before the end of the 24‑month period. The Bureau shall also publish the cancellation in its BR IFIC.
Section II – Procedure for effecting coordinationSub-Section IIA – Requirement and request for coordination • 9.27: Frequency assignments to be taken into account in effecting coordination are identified using Appendix 5 • 9.28: In the case of requests for coordination under No. 9.29, the requesting administration shall, by applying the calculation method and criteria contained in Appendix5 to those frequency assignments, identify, to the extent possible, the administrations with which coordination is to be effected. • 9.29 Requests for coordination made under Nos. 9.15 to 9.19 shall be sent by the requesting administration to the identified administrations, together with the appropriate information listed in Appendix 4 to these Regulations. • 9.30 Requests for coordination made under Nos. 9.7 to 9.14 and 9.21 shall be sent by the requesting administration to the Bureau, together with the appropriate information listed in Appendix 4 to these Regulations.
9.32 : If the responsible administration concludes that coordination is not required under Nos. 9.7 to 9.7B, it shall send the relevant information pursuant to Appendix 4 to the Bureau for action under No. 9.34. • 9.32A: If the responsible administration, following the application of Nos. 9.15 to 9.19, concludes that coordination is not required, it may send the relevant information pursuant to Appendix 4to the Bureau for action under Section I of Article 11. • 9.33: If for any reason an administration cannot act in accordance with No. 9.29, it shall seek the assistance of the Bureau. The Bureau shall then send the request for coordination to the administration concerned and take any necessary further action as appropriate under Nos. 9.45 and 9.46.
9.34: On receipt of the complete information sent under No. 9.30 or No. 9.32 the Bureau shall promptly: • a) examine that information with respect to its conformity with No. 11.31 • 9.36 b) identify in accordance with No. 9.27 any administration with which coordination may need to be effected • 9.37 c) include their names in the publication under No. 9.38; • 9.38 d) publish, as appropriate, the complete information in the BR IFIC within four months. Where the Bureau is not in a position to comply with the time-limit referred to above, it shall periodically so inform the administrations, giving the reasons therefor. • 9.40e) inform the administrations concerned of its actions and communicate the results of its calculations, drawing attention to the relevant BR IFIC. • 9.40A If the information is found to be incomplete, the Bureau shall immediately seek from the administration concerned any clarification required and information not provided.
9.41 Followingreceipt of the BR IFIC referring to requests for coordination under Nos. 9.7 to 9.7B, an administration believingthatitshould have been included in the requestor the initiating administration believingthat an administration identifiedunder No. 9.36 in accordance with the provisions of No. 9.7 (GSO/GSO) (items 1) to 8) of the frequency band column), No. 9.7A (GSO earth station/non‑GSO system) or No. 9.7B (non-GSO system/GSO earth station) of Table 5‑1 of Appendix5should not have been included in the request, shall, within four months of the date of publication of the relevant BR IFIC, inform the initiating administration or the identified administration, as appropriate, and the Bureau, givingitstechnicalreasonsfor doingso, and shallrequestthatitsnamebeincludedor that the name of the identified administration beexcluded, as appropriate. • 9.42 The Bureau shall study this information on the basis of Appendix 5 and shall inform both administrations of its conclusions. Should the Bureau agree to include or exclude, as appropriate, the administration in the request, it shall publish an addendum to the publication under No. 9.38. • 9.43 Those administrations not responding under No. 9.41 within the time limit specified therein shall be regarded as unaffected and the provisions of Nos. 9.48 and 9.49 shall apply.
Sub-Section IIB – Acknowledgement of receipt of a request for coordination • 9.45 An administration receiving a request for coordination under No. 9.29shall, within 30 days from the date of the request, acknowledge receipt by telegram to the requesting administration. In the absence of an acknowledgement of receipt of its request within the 30 days, the requesting administration shall send a telegram requesting an acknowledgement. • 9.46 If there is no acknowledgement of receipt within 15 days of its second request sent under No. 9.45, the requesting administration may seek the assistance of the Bureau. In this event, the Bureau shall forthwith send a telegram to the administration which has failed to reply requesting an immediate acknowledgement. • 9.47 If there is no acknowledgement of receipt within 30 days after the Bureau’s action under No. 9.46, it shall be deemed that the administration which has failed to acknowledge receipt has undertaken: • 9.48a) that no complaint will be made in respect of any harmful interference affecting its own assignments which may be caused by the assignment for which coordination was requested; and • 9.49b) that the use of its own assignments will not cause harmful interference to the assignment for which coordination was requested.
Sub-Section IIC – Action upon a request for coordination • 9.50 An administration having received a request for coordination under Nos. 9.7 to 9.21, or having been included in the procedure following action under No. 9.41, shall promptly examine the matter with regard to interference which may be caused to or, in certain cases, by its own assignments, identified in accordance with Appendix 5 • 9.50.1 In the absence of specific provisions in these Regulations relating to the evaluation of interference, the calculation methods and the criteria should be based on relevant ITU-R Recommendations agreed by the administrations concerned. In the event of disagreement on a Recommendation or in the absence of such a Recommendation, the methods and criteria shall be agreed between the administrations concerned. Such agreements shall be concluded without prejudice to other administrations. • 9.51 Following its action under No. 9.50, the administration with which coordination was sought under Nos. 9.7 to 9.7B shall, within four months of the date of publication of the BR IFIC under No. 9.38, either inform the requesting administration and the Bureau of its agreement or act under No. 9.52. • 9.51A Following its action under No. 9.50, the administration with which coordination was sought under Nos. 9.15 to 9.19 shall, within four months of the date of dispatch of the coordination data under No. 9.29, either inform the requesting administration of its agreement or act under No. 9.52.
9.52 If an administration, following its action under No. 9.50, does not agree to the request for coordination, it shall, within four months of the date of publication of the BR IFIC under No. 9.38, or of the date of dispatch of the coordination data under No. 9.29, inform the requesting administration of its disagreement and shall provide information concerning its own assignments upon which that disagreement is based. A copy of that information shall be sent to the Bureau. • 9.52A In the case of coordination requested under No. 9.14, on receipt of the Special Section of the BR IFIC referred to in No. 9.38, and within the same four-month period from the publication of that Special Section, an administration in need of assistance may inform the Bureau that it has existing or planned terrestrial stations which might be affected by the planned satellite network, and may request the Bureau to determine the need for coordination by applying the Appendix 5 criteria. The Bureau shall inform the administration seeking coordination of this request, indicating the date by which it may be able to provide the results of its analysis. When these results are available, the Bureau shall inform both administrations. This request shall be considered as a disagreement, pending the results of the analysis by the Bureau of the need for coordination. • 9.52C For coordination requests under Nos. 9.11 to 9.14 and 9.21, an administration not responding under No. 9.52 within the same four‑monthperiod shall be regarded as unaffected and, in the cases of Nos. 9.11 to 9.14, the provisions of Nos. 9.48 and 9.49 shall apply.
9.52D For coordination requests under Nos. 9.12 to 9.14, forty-five days prior to the expiry of the same four-month period the Bureau shall dispatch a circular-telegram to all administrations, bringing the matter to their attention. Upon receipt of the aforementioned circular-telegram, an administration shall acknowledge receipt immediately by telegram. If no acknowledgement is received within thirty days, the Bureau shall dispatch a telegram requesting acknowledgement, to which the receiving administration shall reply within a further period of fifteen days. • 9.53 Thereafter, the requesting and responding administrations shall make every possible mutual effort to overcome the difficulties, in a manner acceptable to the parties concerned. • 9.53A Upon expiry of the deadline for comments in respect of a coordination request under Nos. 9.11 to 9.14 and 9.21, the Bureau shall, according to its records, publish a Special Section, indicating the list of administrations having submitted their disagreement or other comments within the regulatory deadline. • 9.54 Either the administration seeking coordination or one whose assignments may be affected thereby may request additional information which it may require in order to assess the interference to its own assignments or to assist in resolving the matter. • 9.55 All administrations may use correspondence, any appropriate means of telecommunication or meetings, as necessary, to assist in resolving the matter. The results thereof shall be communicated to the Bureau, which shall publish them in the BR IFIC, as appropriate.
9.58 An administration which has initiated coordination, as well as any administration withwhich coordination is sought, shall communicate to the Bureau any modifications to the published characteristics of their respective networks that were required to reach agreement on the coordination. The Bureau shall publish this information in accordance with No. 9.38, indicating that these modifications resulted from the joint effort of the administrations concerned to reach agreement on coordination and that, for this reason, they should be given special consideration. • 9.59 If there is disagreement between the administration seeking coordination and an administration with which coordination is sought concerning the level of acceptable interference, either may seek the assistance of the Bureau; in such a case, it shall provide the necessary information to enable the Bureau to endeavour to effect such coordination.
Sub-Section IID – Action in the event of no reply, no decision or disagreement on a request for coordination • 9.60 If, within the same four-month period specified in Nos. 9.51 or 9.51A, an administration with which coordination is sought under Nos. 9.7 to 9.7B and 9.15 to 9.19fails to reply or to give a decision under Nos. 9.51 or 9.51A or, following its disagreement under No. 9.52, fails to provide information concerning its own assignments on which its disagreement is based, the requesting administration may seek the assistance of the Bureau. (WRC‑2000) • 9.61 The Bureau, acting on a request for assistance under No. 9.60, shall forthwith request the administration concerned to give an early decision in the matter or provide the relevant information. • 9.62 If the administration concerned still fails to respond within thirty days of the Bureau’s action under No. 9.61, the provisions of Nos. 9.48 and 9.49 shall apply. • 9.63 If there is continuing disagreement, or if any administration involved in the matter has requested the assistance of the Bureau, the Bureau shall seek any necessary information to enable it to assess the interference. It shall communicate its conclusions to the administrations involved.
Sub-Section IID – Action in the event of no reply, no decision or disagreement on a request for coordination • 9.64 If the disagreement remains unresolved after the Bureau has communicated its conclusions to the administrations involved, the administration which requested coordination shall, having regard to the other provisions of this Section, defer the submission of its notice of frequency assignments under Article 11 to the Bureau for six months from the date of the request or the BR IFIC containing the request for coordination, as appropriate. • 9.65 If, at the date of receipt of a notice under No. 9.64 above, the Bureau has been informed of a continuing disagreement, the Bureau shall examine the notice under Nos. 11.32A or 11.33 and shall act in accordance with No. 11.38.
Article 11Notification and recording of frequencyassignments • What should be notified: • Any frequency assignment to a transmitting station and to its associated receiving stations shall be notified to the Bureau: • 11.3 if the use of that assignment is capable of causing harmful interference to any service of another administration; or • 11.4 if that assignment is to be used for international radiocommunication; or • 11.5 if that assignment is subject to a world or regional frequency allotment or assignment plan which does not have its own notification procedure; or • 11.6 if that assignment is subject to the coordination procedure of Article 9 or is involved in such a case; or • 11.7 if it is desired to obtain international recognition for that assignment; or • 11.8 if it is a non-conforming assignment under No. 8.4 and if the administration wishes to have it recorded for information.
Article 11Section II – Examination of notices and recording of frequency assignments in the Master Register • 11.27 Notices not containing those characteristics specified in Appendix4 as mandatory or required shall be returned with comments to help the notifying administration to complete and resubmit them, unless the information not provided is immediately forthcoming in response to an inquiry by the Bureau. • 11.28 Complete notices shall be marked by the Bureau with their date of receipt and shall be examined in the date order of their receipt. On receipt of a complete notice the Bureau shall, within no more than two months, publish its contents, with any diagrams and maps and the date of receipt, in the BR IFIC which shall constitute the acknowledgement to the notifying administration of receipt of its notice. • 11.29 The Bureau shall not postpone the formulation of a finding on a complete notice unless it lacks sufficient data to reach a conclusion thereon. Moreover, the Bureau shall not act upon any notice having a technical bearing on an earlier notice which is still under consideration by the Bureau until it has reached a finding with respect to the earlier notice.
Article 11Section II – Examination of notices and recording of frequency assignments in the Master Register • 11.30 Each notice shall be examined: • 11.31 a) with respect to its conformity with the Table of Frequency Allocations and the other provisions of these Regulations, except those relating to conformity with the procedures for obtaining coordination or the probability of harmful interference, or those relating to conformity with a plan, as appropriate, which are the subject of the following sub-paragraphs; • 11.32 b) with respect to its conformity with the procedures relating to coordination with other administrations applicable to the radiocommunication service and the frequency band concerned; or • 11.32A c) and d) with respect to the probability of harmful interference that may be caused to or by assignments recorded with a favourable finding under Nos. 11.36 and 11.37 or 11.38, or recorded in application of No. 11.41, or published under Nos. 9.38 or 9.58 but not yet notified, as appropriate, for those cases for which the notifying administration states that the procedure for coordination under Nos. 9.7, 9.7A, 9.7B, 9.11, 9.12, 9.12A, 9.13 or 9.14, could not be successfully completed (see also No. 9.65); or • 11.34 e) where appropriate, with respect to its conformity with a world or regional allotment or assignment plan and the associated provisions.
11.36 When the examination with respect to No. 11.31 leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register or examined further with respect to Nos. 11.32 to 11.34, as appropriate. When the finding with respect to No. 11.31 is unfavourable, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register for information purposes and subject to application of No. 8.5, only if the administration undertakes that it will be operated in accordance with No. 4.4; otherwise the notice shall be returned with an indication of the appropriate action. • 11.37 When the examination with respect to No. 11.32 leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register indicating the administrations with which the coordination procedure has been completed. When the finding is unfavourable, the notice shall be returned to the notifying administration, with an indication of the appropriate action, if Nos. 11.32A or 11.33 do not apply.
11.38 When the examination with respect to Nos. 11.32A or 11.33 leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register indicating the names of the administrations with which coordination was completed and those with which it was not completed but in respect of which the finding was favourable. When the finding is unfavourable, the notice shall be returned with an indication of the appropriate action. • 11.39 When the examination with respect to No. 11.34 leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register. When the finding is unfavourable, the notice shall be returned to the notifying administration, with an indication of the appropriate action.
Volume 2: Appendices • APPENDIX 1 :Classification of emissions and necessarybandwidths • APPENDIX 2 :Table of transmitterfrequencytolerances • APPENDIX 3 :Tables of maximum permitted power levels for spurious or spuriousdomainemissions • APPENDIX 4: Consolidatedlist and tables of characteristics for use in the application of the procedures of Chapter III • APPENDIX 5: Identification of administrations with which coordination is to be effected or agreement sought under the provisions of Article 9 • APPENDIX 7: Methods for the determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 GHz
APPENDIX 8: Method of calculation for determining if coordination isrequiredbetweengeostationary-satellite networks sharing the samefrequency bands • APPENDIX 9: Report of an irregularity or infringement • APPENDIX 10 : Report of harmful interference • APPENDIX 11 : System specifications for double-sideband (DSB), single-sideband (SSB) and digitally modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service • APPENDIX 12: Special rules applicable to radiobeacons • APPENDIX 14 : Phonetic alphabet and figure code • APPENDIX 15 : Frequencies for distress and safety communications for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
APPENDIX 16 : Documents with which stations on board ships and aircraft shall be provided • APPENDIX 17 : Frequencies and channelling arrangements in the high-frequency bands for the maritime mobile service • APPENDIX 18 : Table of transmitting frequencies in theVHF maritime mobile band
Appendices 25, 26 and 27 • APPENDIX 25 : Provisions and associated frequency allotment Plan for coast radiotelephone stations operating in the exclusive maritime mobile bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz • APPENDIX 26 : Provisions and associated Frequency Allotment Plan for the aeronautical mobile (OR) service in the bands allocated exclusively to that service between 3 025 kHz and 18 030 kHz • APPENDIX 27 : Frequencyallotment Plan for the aeronautical mobile (R) service and related information
Article 11 for Appendices 25, 26 and 27 • Notices under Appendices 25, 26 or 27 which are in accordance with the technical principles of the relevant appendix but not with the associated allotment plan shall be treated as follows: • 11.39A In the case of a notice in conformity with the technical principles of Appendix 27, but not in conformity with the Allotment Plan, the Bureau shall examine whether the protection specified in Appendix 27 is afforded to the allotments in the Plan and to assignments already recorded in the Master Register with a favourable finding. • 11.39B When the examination under No. 11.39A leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register. When the finding is unfavourable, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register with a symbol indicating that it shall cause no harmful interference to any frequency assignment which is either in conformity with the Allotment Plan or recorded in the Master Register with a favourable finding with respect to No. 11.39A. • 11.39C A notice in conformity with the technical principles of Appendix 26, but not in conformity with the Allotment Plan, shall be examined with respect to the allotments in Part III of Appendix 26.
11.39D When the examination under No. 11.39C leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register. When the finding is unfavourable, the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register with a symbol indicating that it shall cause no harmful interference to any frequency assignment which is either in conformity with the Allotment Plan or recorded in the Master Register with a favourable finding with respect to No. 11.39C. • 11.39E In the case of a notice not in conformity with the Allotment Plan of Appendix 25, the assignment may be recorded provisionally in the Master Register on the condition that the administration has initiated the procedure of Appendix 25 in accordance with § 25/1.23 of Section I of Appendix 25. • 11.39F A notice which is not in conformity with the technical principles of Appendices 25, 26 or 27, as applicable, shall be returned to the notifying administration, unless the administration undertakes that it will be operated in accordance with No. 4.4; in such a case the assignment shall be recorded in the Master Register for information purposes and subject to application of No. 8.5.
11.41 After a notice is returned under No. 11.38, should the notifying administration resubmit the notice and insist upon its reconsideration, the Bureau shall enter the assignment provisionally in the Master Register with an indication of those administrations whose assignments were the basis of the unfavourable finding. The entry shall be changed from provisional to definitive recording in the Master Register only if the Bureau is informed that the new assignment has been in use, together with the assignment which was the basis for the unfavourable finding, for at least four months without any complaint of harmful interference being made (see Nos. 11.47 and 11.49). • 11.42 Should harmful interference be caused by an assignment recorded under No. 11.41 to any recorded assignment which was the basis of the unfavourable finding, the station using the frequency assignment recorded under No. 11.41 shall, upon receipt of advice thereof, immediately eliminate this harmful interference.
APPENDIX 30: Provisions for all services and associatedPlans and List for the broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands 11.7-12.2 GHz (in Region 3), 11.7-12.5 GHz (in Region 1) and 12.2-12.7 GHz (in Region2) • APPENDIX 30A : Provisions and associatedPlans and List for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service (11.7-12.5 GHz in Region 1, 12.2-12.7 GHz in Region 2 and 11.7-12.2 GHz in Region 3) in the frequency bands 14.5-14.8 GHz2 and 17.3-18.1 GHz in Regions 1 and 3, and 17.3-17.8 GHz in Region 2 • APPENDIX 30B : Provisions and associated Plan for the fixed-satellite service in the frequency bands 4 500-4 800 MHz, 6 725-7 025 MHz, 10.70-10.95 GHz, 11.20-11.45 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHz • APPENDIX 42 :Table of allocation of international call sign series
Thank youilham.ghazi@itu.intTerrestrial servicesRadiocommunication Bureau