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Development of NQF for HE a legal obligation (foreseen by the HE Act 2004) Development of a statistical system KLASIUS Targeted research project on development of NQF Agreement between ministers of education and HE on 8 level comprehensive NQF. NQF SWOT SLOVENIA: S TRENGTHS.
Development of NQF for HE a legal obligation (foreseen by the HE Act 2004) Development of a statistical system KLASIUS Targeted research project on development of NQF Agreement between ministers of education and HE on 8 level comprehensive NQF NQF SWOT SLOVENIA: STRENGTHS
Discontinuity in decision-making process due to the change of Government Inadequate order of adoption of decisions: legislative change – consensus reaching process – preparations of NQF Late agreement on “comparability of old and new programmes” (two years after amendments to HE Act , followed by the rule of the Constitutional Court) Persistence of strong divide between social / human sciences and natural / technical sciences regarding the adequate levels of old qualifications Strict implementation of Bologna principles Gradual implementation of Bologna study programmes /slow phasing out of pre-Bologna programmes NQF SWOT SLOVENIA: WEAKNESSES
Availability of examples of good practice of more advanced countries and the expertise and support offered within the Bologna Process and in the context of EU Influences and positive pressures arising from student mobility Implementation of LLL and recognition of prior learning in HE NQF SWOT SLOVENIA: OPPORTUNITIES
Statistical official data on finished education differ from real state on competences achieved ???? Blockade because of academic disagreements Weak responsiveness business sphere for active and constructive cooperation NQF SWOT SLOVENIA: THREATS
NQF SWOT SLOVENIA WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS • Discontinuities in decision-making proces -differences between “old” and “new” programmes defined only in 2006 – and still not accepted in practice (strong division of oppinions in the field of social and humane sciences and natural sciences and engineering) • Graduate implementation of reformed study programmes • Constitutional judgement on installation of “old” diplomas • Long term counselations on competences for the preparation of NQF • Irregular order of acceptance of legal basis • Preparation of new curricula under very strict consideration of bologna guidelines • Development of KLASIUS system • Targeted research project – NQF • Agreement between ministers on 8 grade scale • At ministerial level - good knowledge on development of EQF OPPORTUNITIES • Using the experiences of countries ahead in NQF development, the skillful support of the Council of Europe • Linkage to countries with common starting points as well as to EU countries as a member country • Positive consequences of student mobility and exchange • Enforcement of national system of valuableness and confirmation of informal education THREATS • Statistical official data on finished education differ from real state on competences achieved • Disagreement and blockade of parties in interest at establishing NQF • Efforts should be made to convince the academic sphere as well as employers for active and constructive cooperation