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God sent his Son they called Him Jesus He came to love heal and forgive

God sent his Son they called Him Jesus He came to love heal and forgive. He bled and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future

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God sent his Son they called Him Jesus He came to love heal and forgive

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Presentation Transcript

  1. God sent his Son they called Him Jesus He came to love heal and forgive

  2. He bled and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives

  3. Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone

  4. Because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives

  5. And then one day I’ll cross the river I’ll fight life’s final war with pain

  6. Because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives

  7. A Man and his Mission: The Passion Matthew 28:18-20

  8. Matthew 28:18–20 (NASB95) 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

  9. STRENGTHEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF … • Our Priority – The great commandment • Matthew 22:37 • Our Purpose – The great commission Matthew 28:18-20

  10. The specific requirements Jesus gives for making disciples involve three participles: • going - passion • baptizing - evangelism • teaching - nurturing

  11. The word evangelism comes from the Greek word euangelizo.

  12. C. E. Autry has said, Any definition of evangelism, based on the biblical concept, will recognize that it is an attempt to con­front men with an invitation to an encounter with God. It's message is redemptive truth, and it's motive is love for Christ. The ultimate aim of evangelism is thus to make disciples who, in turn, will proclaim Christ.

  13. Mathetesis the Greek word which has been trans­lated as "disciple."


  15. power become your power • purpose become your purpose • passion become your passion - “of all nations”

  16. priorities become your priorities - “obey everything I have commanded you” • presence become very precious - “I will be with you always”


  18. Discipleship is personal, not impersonal • Discipleship is intentional, not conditional • Discipleship is continual, no occasional • Discipleship is confrontational, not casual • Discipleship is eternal, not temporal

  19. Take away: • Over the next week, do the following: • Identify the person who has been your “Paul.” Call them and thank them for the way they challenge you in your faith.

  20. Identify the person who has been your “Barnabas.” Call them and let them know what their encouragement has meant to you. • Identify the person who God may be calling you to help in their walk with Christ.

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