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Motivation in the Workplace: Strategies for Engaging Employees

Explore the intricacies of workplace motivation with insights from LeDao Hsu and Marjorie Matthew. Discover the types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and common misconceptions about motivating individuals. Delve into motivation theories, such as Frederick Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Gain valuable insights from a motivation survey conducted across industries, including marketing, higher education, finance, and healthcare. Learn how managers can foster motivation and engagement in their organizations. Join the discussion on the importance of motivation and its impact on industry dynamics.

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Motivation in the Workplace: Strategies for Engaging Employees

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  1. Motivation in the Workplace By LeDao Hsu, Marjorie Matthew and Lee Zagorski May 4, 2011

  2. Motivation Research • Please take a few minutes to read over LeDao’s findings and thoughts on motivation

  3. Types of Motivation Extrinsic Motivation driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure comes from outside of the individual; commonly found in rewards Intrinsic Motivation

  4. Extrinsic Motivators • Rewards • Money • Recognition • Threat of punishment • Competition Intrinsic Motivators • Greater Good • Self-satisfaction • Religious beliefs • Values • Morals

  5. Each person has two answers to the question, “what motivates you?” • Read your card aloud and tell us if you feel it describes intrinsic or extrinsic motivators and why Motivators Exercise

  6. Motivator Misconceptions • Daniel Pink – former speech writer for Al Gore • Carrot and stick motivators only work with mechanical tasks • Creative tasks require • Autonomy • Mastery • Purpose • http://youtu.be/u6XAPnuFjJc

  7. Take each of your six motivators and rank them in order of importance for you personally • Share your findings with the class – do you think your motivators lend themselves to your industry? Motivation Exercise 2

  8. Motivation Survey Theories, Data and Results

  9. Motivation Survey • Used SurveyMonkey.com • Sent the survey to friends and co-workers • 71 participants

  10. What do we want to learn? • What are existing theories on motivation? • Can we test these theories on motivation? • Are there differences in motivation across industries in terms of these theories?

  11. Motivation- Hygiene Theory • Fredrick Herzberg’s two questions: • Can you describe, in detail, when you felt exceptionally good about your job? • Can you describe, in detail, when you felt exceptionally bad about your job?

  12. Positive Feedback • Negative Feedback Survey Feedback

  13. Motivation - Hygiene Theory

  14. Motivation - Hygiene Theory

  15. Motivation - Hygiene Theory • Fredrick Herzberg theory was developed on the premise that a worker’s mental health is tied to performing meaningful work.

  16. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  17. Must safety needs be met in order for us to be motivated? The Second Level

  18. The Social Workplace If you love them will they work?

  19. Self Esteem What motivates me to the core?

  20. What About The Industry? Does it make a difference?

  21. Industries

  22. Motivation in Marketing

  23. Motivation in Higher Education

  24. Motivation in Finance

  25. Motivation in Healthcare

  26. Summary • Motivation must be realized and fostered, regardless of industry. • Managers should make an effort to look at motivation levels in their organization to find ways they can best develop their staff’s engagement. • Managers must create a supportive environment and provide challenges to engage their staff.

  27. Discussion Are you surprised by any of the findings? Do you agree? Why or why not?

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