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AGRMET - Recent Improvements and Future Plans

AGRMET - Recent Improvements and Future Plans. Mr. George Gayno Dr. Jerry Wegiel Air Force Weather Agency Offutt AFB, Nebraska Dr. Fei Chen NCAR/RAP. AGRMET. Global land data assimilation system. Hourly analyses at 48 km resolution. 4 soil layers, 1 atmospheric layer. Runs “off-line.”

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AGRMET - Recent Improvements and Future Plans

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  1. AGRMET - Recent Improvements and Future Plans Mr. George Gayno Dr. Jerry Wegiel Air Force Weather Agency Offutt AFB, Nebraska Dr. Fei Chen NCAR/RAP

  2. AGRMET • Global land data assimilation system. • Hourly analyses at 48 km resolution. • 4 soil layers, 1 atmospheric layer. • Runs “off-line.” • Analyzed fields include: • Soil moisture (liquid/frozen). • Soil temperature. • Evapotranspiration. • Short and longwave radiation.

  3. AGRMET Process INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT National Programs Soil Type. Vegetation Type. Greenness Fraction. GEOPRECIP rainfall. CDFSII cloud analysis. Snow depth. Low-level T, RH and winds. SOIL HYDROLOGY PHYSICS NCEP USDA NASA AFWA’s MM5 MODEL

  4. Soil Hydrology Physics

  5. Recent Improvements • Upgraded to NOAH 2.3. • CDFSII cloud analysis data. • New soil type database. • New vegetation type database. • Addition of METEOSAT-5 data to GEO-PRECIP analysis. • New output fields.

  6. Cloud Analysis Data • Cloud data used in radiation analysis. • Shortwave after Shapiro (1987). • Longwave after Idso (1981). • Real-Time Nephanalysis Model (RTNEPH). • Three-hourly global analyses at 48 km. • Cloud amounts and types for up to four atmospheric layers. • Polar-orbiting data. • Single IR channel. • Replaced by CDFSII on 7/18/02.

  7. CDFSII • Cloud Depiction and Forecast System II. • Several advantages over RTNEPH. • Uses geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data. • Hourly analyses. • Horizontal resolution of 24 km. • Uses multi-channel information.


  9. Soil Type Database • Thirty-second STATSGO / 5-min FAO. • Sixteen soil types. • Used by MM5/WRF. • Implemented 5/2/02. • Replaced 1-degree Zobler database.

  10. Vegetation Database • Thirty-second USGS/EROS data. • Twenty-four types. • Used by MM5/WRF. • Implemented on 4/19/02. • Replaced 1-degree Dorman and Sellers (1989) data.

  11. GEO-PRECIP Analysis • GEO-PRECIP analysis based on: • IR temperature and its trend. • Precipitable water. • 9 km resolution. • Important component to AGRMET’s precipitation analysis. • Added METEOSAT-5 data Dec. 01. • Complete coverage equatorward of 50 degrees.

  12. GEO-PRECIP Analysis

  13. New Output Fields • Twenty-two parameters at 3-hourly intervals. • Seven state variables. • Seven energy balance fields. • Three surface water balance fields. • Five surface characteristics • Half degree global lat/lon grid. • GriB format. • All parameters required for MM5/WRF initialization.

  14. Future Work • New bottom layer soil temperature database. • Based on annual mean of ISLSCP 1997 2-meter temperature. • One-degree resolution. • Applied at 8 meters depth. • Used in MM5/WRF. • Currently use a 4-degree database.

  15. Bottom Layer Soil Temps Current ISLSCP

  16. IHOP Data Comparisons • Verify and tune using IHOP data. • Some initial comparisons: • Booker, TX • 18Z Jun 6 thru 18Z Jun 8. • Downward solar radiation. • Downward longwave radiation. • Shelter height temperature.

  17. Downward Solar Radiation OBSERVED AGRMET W / m2 Jun 7 1800 GMT Jun 7 0600 Jun 8 1800 Jun 6 1800 Jun 8 0600

  18. Downward Longwave OBSERVED AGRMET W / m2 Jun 6 1800 Jun 7 1800 GMT Jun 7 0600 Jun 8 0600 Jun 8 1800

  19. Shelter Height Temps. OBSERVED AGRMET T (degC) Jun 6 1300 Jun 7 0100 Jun 7 1300 CDT Jun 8 0100 Jun 8 1300

  20. Future Work • Upgrade to NOAH 3.0. • The “unified” LSM. • Provide data to NWP models. • AFWA’s MM5/WRF. • NCEP’s global models. • Increase resolution to 24 km. • AFWA CDFSII data at 24 km. • AFWA GEO-PRECIP data at 9 km. • AFWA SNODEP data to 24 km (?)


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