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Recent Improvements of the mechanisms

Explore the significant enhancements in the categorization, procedures, and outreach of the Clean Development Mechanism. Susanne Häfeli-Hestvik sheds light on training, decisions, and future improvements from the PD-Forum.

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Recent Improvements of the mechanisms

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  1. Recent Improvements of the mechanisms 24th March 2012 Susanne Häfeli-Hestvik Member of the PD-Forum’s Executive Committee VP, Director Technical Department, Tricorona

  2. What has improved • The categorization and documents, procedures and decisions, including the Catalogue of decisions • Webpage and outreach • Better trained assessment teams, both for completeness checks and reviews

  3. Outcome PDF-DIA workshop February

  4. Other things to improve • Publish rejection notes faster • Streamlining additionality • Strengthened role of DNAs

  5. Jo Leinen, MEP (German, S) Chairing the IETA-UNFCCC event on 1 March at the EU Parliament: « The CDM should help developing countries reduce emissions and not be a money making machine. » It is not and-or, it is and-and: « The CDM should help developing countries reduce emissions and one important ingredient is for it to be a money making machine. »

  6. The Project Developer Forum (PD-Forum) is a collective voice to represent the interests of companies developing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction projects in international markets under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI) and other carbon emission reduction schemes and programs: www.pd-forum.net susanne@tricorona.se

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