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What is Smart Move?

What is Smart Move?. Who are IRU?. Founded in Geneva in 1948 4 Regional Offices 170 Member Associations – 74 countries One of the 10 largest NGOs globally TIR system - $100m per day. Smart Move today – 105 partners worldwide. What are the benefits of ‘doubling’ in the EU?.

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What is Smart Move?

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  1. What is Smart Move? www.busandcoach.travel

  2. Who are IRU? • Founded in Geneva in 1948 • 4 Regional Offices • 170 Member Associations – 74 countries • One of the 10 largest NGOs globally • TIR system - $100m per day www.busandcoach.travel

  3. Smart Move today – 105 partners worldwide www.busandcoach.travel

  4. What are the benefits of ‘doubling’ in the EU? 1500 less road fatalities per year www.busandcoach.travel

  5. What are the benefits of ‘doubling’ in the EU? 40 – 50 million tonnes less CO2 per year www.busandcoach.travel

  6. What are the benefits of ‘doubling’ in the EU? 10 -12 % less car traffic www.busandcoach.travel

  7. What are the benefits of ‘doubling’ in the EU? 3 million green, sustainable jobs at lowest cost to society www.busandcoach.travel

  8. Intercity coach lines – the case of Germany • Market opening on 1 January 2013 • Results; January-November): • 125% increase in the number of lines (86 => 194) • 40 more waiting for approval in German MoT • Market boom, but lack of terminal infrastructures www.busandcoach.travel

  9. Coach tourism– the case of Southport (UK) www.busandcoach.travel

  10. Smart Move – from campaigning to making transport policy proposals Creation (2012) of the first of itskind EU public-private High LevelGroup (HLG) to work out recommendations for policy and decisionmakers and industry on how to achieve the Smart Move objective of doubling the use of collective passenger transport in the EU by 2025 www.busandcoach.travel

  11. EU Smart Move HLG - topics • Urban transport and taxis • Intercityscheduled bus/coach lines • Group tourism by coach www.busandcoach.travel

  12. EU Smart Move HLG – analytical framework • Usersneeds • Legislative and administrative frameworks • Fiscal matters and charging • Infrastructure and seamlessintermodality • Easyaccess to services throughbetter information and new technologies • Safety and environment • City-related aspects • International dimension • Innovation and best practices www.busandcoach.travel

  13. Results of the EU HLG • Recognise buses, coaches & taxis as the most dynamic part of the collective transport chain • Establish the objective of ‘doubling’ as a formal EU policy and business objective • 16 HLG recommendations proposed • Creation of a permanent European Citizens Mobility Forum • => European Action Programme 2015-2025 on doubling www.busandcoach.travel

  14. The private industry proposals to UN Establish at UN level - as aglobal UN objective -the ambitious and yet realistic objective of doubling the use of collective passenger transport by 2030 Create a UN High Level Group (HLG) of key public and private stakeholders to work out a proposal for a UN framework on how to achieve the objective of “doubling” Create, as a follow up, similar HLGs at regional and/or national level to work out specific regional/national plans Involve actively private industry and customers into this process www.busandcoach.travel

  15. The IRU’s plan Establish public private High Level Groups in most world regions Work out dedicated regional “road maps” on how to achieve the Smart Move objectives Ensure a follow up on the implementation of the regional road maps For the Middle East and the region – HLG to be launched in 2014 => work to be finalised in 2015 www.busandcoach.travel

  16. Middle East and region Smart Move HLG - Objective Establish a representative public-private High Level Group (HLG) of road transport professionals, civil servants and experts from the countries in the region, with the objective to work out a vision, as well as policy and business recommendations, and a short-, medium-, and long-term Action Plan on removing the barriers and substantially facilitating national and international bus and coach transport (both regular lines and tourist services) www.busandcoach.travel

  17. Middle East and region Smart Move HLG - Composition Representatives of countries’ transport and tourism authorities, interested international organisations/institutions active in the region, bus and coach trade associations and their member operators, researchers, and possibly bus and coach manufacturers. It shall consist of maximum 15 members from as many as possible countries. www.busandcoach.travel

  18. Middle East and region Smart Move HLG - Coordination The IRU shall assume the function of Secretariat and facilitate the functioning of the HLG, including the provision of required logistical support for documentary exchange and meeting facilities (almost exclusively by e-mail, Internet). Physical meetings only to start and conclude www.busandcoach.travel

  19. Middle East and region Smart Move HLG – Deliverables (12 months) A vision on the role and place of collective passenger transport by buses and coaches in the region Policy and business recommendations (short-, medium, and long-term) on how to facilitate national and international bus and coach transport within the region and with its neighbouring countries, with the objective of increasing its use substantially (double?) by 2030. www.busandcoach.travel

  20. What is Smart Move? • www.busandcoach.travel • Smart Move video www.busandcoach.travel

  21. www.busandcoach.travel

  22. www.busandcoach.travel

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