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O rlando F oodservice P roposal E valuation. , Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre, . and the Citrus Bowl. SEEKING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. Approve the ranking for the foodservice at the Amway Center, Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre and Citrus Bowl.
OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation , Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre, and the Citrus Bowl
SEEKING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL Approve the ranking for the foodservice at the Amway Center, Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre and Citrus Bowl. Authorize the negotiation and execution of an agreement with the Top Ranked firm – Orlando Foodservice Partners. OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation
SCOPE AND TERMS OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Part of Magic use agreement approved in December 2007 Five (5) year term – plus a pre-opening period Option - five (5) additional one year renewal terms Commission contract vs. management contract
OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW RFP developed in conjunction with Chris Bigelow Consultant to the Sports, Entertainment & Convention markets 30+ years of operational and financial analysis experience • Issued – November 17, 2009 • First Venues, non-construction related RFP
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW (cont) OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Key Dates Community Meeting/B2B – October 27th 2009 RFP Released – November 17th Mandatory Pre-bid – December 1st Proposals Due – January 7, 2010
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation RFP Responses Aramark Orlando Culinary Food Partners Orlando Foodservice Partners Ovations Foodservice Service America Corp D/B/A Centerplate
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Selection Committee Michael Thompson, Deputy Director, Orlando Venues – Chair Frank Billingsley, Director, City’s Economic Development Department Ray Elwell, Deputy Chief Financial Officer Kevin Edmonds, Deputy CAO Scott Bowman, VP Franchise Relations, Orlando Magic Lucas Boyle, Director, Multi-Cultural Insights, Orlando Magic Bobby Bridges, Director of Premium Sales, Orlando Magic
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Selection Committee Role: Complete analysis of bid submittals –financial , operational & community impact Providing a ranking to City Council Selection Committee Received Proposals on Jan 8th 1st meeting January 13th – short listed all 4 proposers for oral presentations 2nd meeting – All day Jan. 20th
OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW Overview of RFP Selection Criteria Operating Plan 20 points Proposed management team exp. 20 Experience of proposer (emphasis on NBA venues) 15 MWBE participation/Blueprint responsiveness 20 Financial proposal & commission 23 Capital Improvements (Bob Carr/Citrus Bowl) 2
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation
OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation COMMISSION VS. MANAGEMENT FEE METHOD • Highest Ranked Proposer – blended commission rate of 47% vs. current management fee of 40% • Greater return with less risk for City than Management Fee method where City is at greater risk & less reward
OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation BOB CARR PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE AND FLORIDA CITRUS BOWL • Offers best commission rates • Innovative capital investment program to the City for the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre and Citrus Bowl • Resulting in needed revenue & improved fan experience • Benefit from OFP relationship with Wolfgang Puck to enhance the culinary experience at Bob Carr & Citrus Bowl
OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Joint Venture Partnership services more NBA/NHL arenas than other proposers – benchmark against the best for improved fan experience • Best use of technology with social media including iPhone in seat or advanced ordering • Highest proposed dollar amount to MWBE firms • Only proposer with a MBE as the Managing Partner • Only selecting prime company and some subcontractors • Many more opportunities remain
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation
RETURN TO THE CITY OVER FIVE YEAR CONTRACT Citrus Bowl Proposers Ranked by Return
RETURN TO THE CITY OVER FIVE YEAR CONTRACT Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre Proposers Ranked by Return
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW – MWBE SCORING OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation MWBE scoring breakdown – (20 points total) MWBE Joint Venture – true joint ventures in ownership arrangements, partnerships Maximum 12 points (9 for MBE & 3 for WBE) • 2. Prior experience in utilizing MWBE firms at comparable venues (Max. 2 pts.) • 3. Community Impact Plan – targeted at achieving the City’s Blueprint goals (Max. 6 pts) • Supporting MWBE’s • Provide training opportunities • Mentor/protégé
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Overall Scoring Each member scored each firm based on the points assigned to each category and developed a total Then assigned a numeric ranking -1,2,3 or 4 to each firm based on total number of points -1 being highest, and 4 being the lowest. Purchasing then aggregated the scores to determine the final rankings.
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW – FINAL RANKING OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Unanimous Ranking of top firm Orlando Foodservice Partners Aramark Orlando Culinary Partners, LLC Service America Corp D/B/A Centerplate Ovations Foodservices
PROCUREMENT PROCESS - NOTIFICATION: OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Jan. 20th - Posted Final Ranking & Notice of Intended Action on Internet and Demandstar @ 4:45 p.m. Jan. 27th - Deadline for Submission of Protests No protests received
PROCUREMENT OVERVIEW PROCESS OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Highlights of the top ranked firm’s proposal include: Financial Largest financial return/commission rates to the City Levy is an estimated $850 million restaurant and contract foodservice company. Owned by the largest foodservice company in the world, Compass Group, a $14 billion company Highest commission rates & innovative investment programs for Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre and Florida Citrus Bowl
PROCUREMENT OVERVIEW PROCESS OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Highlights of the top ranked firm’s proposal (cont.): MWBE Joint Venture with a local minority-owned company serving as the managing partner Highest annual revenue to MWBE firms participating As part of the BLUEPRINT and the Community Impact Plan, Orlando Foodservice Partners will fund a new community culinary and hospitality training program.
PROCUREMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW OrlandoFoodservice Proposal Evaluation Highlights of the top ranked firm’s proposal (cont.): Operating Experience Currently serves more NBA and NHL arenas than any of the other applicants Best plans for the use of technology to enhance sales (e.g. Social media, I-Phone ordering, etc.)