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Erasmus Mundus www.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-mundus. Erasmus Mundus – Programme objectives: Promote European quality offer in higher education Encourage incoming mobility of third-country graduate students and scholars Foster structured co-operation with third-country higher education institutions
Erasmus Mundus www.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-mundus
Erasmus Mundus – Programme objectives: • Promote European quality offer in higher education • Encourage incoming mobility of third-country graduate students and scholars • Foster structured co-operation with third-country higher education institutions • Improve profile, visibility and accessibility of European higher education in the world
Erasmus Mundus – Programme structure: • Action 1 – Erasmus Mundus Master Courses • Action 2 – Scholarships • Action 3 – Partnerships • Action 4 - Enhancing Attractiveness • EU, EEA, Candidate countries are not eligible for Action 2 • Third countries are not eligible for Action 1
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Scholarships • Erasmus Mundus consortia and Commission publicise selected Masters Courses world-wide • Students and scholars apply directly to consortia • Consortia select students and scholars Funding: • Student mobility: 21,000 € per student for a one-year course and 42,000 € per student for a two-year course • Scholar mobility: 13,000 € per scholar (3 months x 4,000 € plus a fixed amount of 1,000 € for travel expenses)
Who can participate? • European higher education institutions (Actions 1, 2, 3, and 4) • Third-country higher education institutions seeking European partners (Actions 3 and 4) • Third-country students having obtained a first degree awarded by a higher education institution (Action 2) • European students having obtained a first degree awarded by a higher education institution (Action 3) • Third-country scholars (academics or professionals) who lecture or conduct research (Action 2) • European scholars (academics or professionals) who lecture or conduct research (Action 3) • Other public or private bodies active in the field of higher education (Action 4)
How to apply? • Third-country graduate students and scholars are invited to apply for a scholarship to a selected Erasmus Mundus Masters consortium, regardless of the year of selection of the Masters Course. • The deadline for application is usually 31.12. 2007 • Budget is around 2 million euro for Western Balkans – around 100 scholarships
Action 4 – What activities are eligible? • Promoting European higher education in the world • Facilitating access for third-country students to European higher education The development of courses or material for language training and cultural preparation, the development of more effective methods of hosting and integrating third-country students, services facilitating mobility, etc. • Complementary activitiessuch as the international dimension of quality assurance, of credit recognition, of curriculum development, surveys and studies, etc. • Projects can last between one and three years. • Normally projects cost between 100,000 and 350,000 euros • Call for proposals will be published in February 2008
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EM ECW)
The Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window is designed to: • Foster co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third Countries through a mobility scheme addressing student and academic exchanges • For following types of mobility: - Undergraduates - Masters - Doctorates - Post-doctorate fellowships - Academic staff • Provide scholarships for students and academic staff
EM ECW: Aims • Mobility of students and academic staff in priority fields according to national/ regional needs (agreed with partner countries) • Cooperation with high quality European institutions with extensive experience (Erasmus Charter) and on credit recognition • Improved cultural understanding & respect for diversity
EM ECW: Expected results • To enrich the educational & cultural environment of both the hosting and sending institutions • To enable students to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally from pursuing academic studies abroad • To improve the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications • To enhance in the medium term the political, cultural, educational and economical links between the European Union and Third-countries
EM ECW – Geographical Coverage 1. EU Members States, Acceding (Romania, Bulgaria) and Candidate Countries (Croatia, FYROM, Turkey) EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) 2. THIRD-COUNTRIES grouped in 9 “geographical lots” (windows) • Neighbouring Countries in South Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia) • Central Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan) • East Of Jordan (Yemen, Iraq and Iran)
So far there are 9 EM ECW Lots • As per January 2008, 10th lot will be established: Western Balkans • First call for proposals for HEIs in these countries - January 2008 • Budget will be around 2 milion euro. • First mobilities for students and staff from Western Balkan universities which joined the scheme - academic 2008/2009
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