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Barclays Cycle Hire customer satisfaction and usage survey: Wave 4 Members Only Results September 2012 Debbie Shuttlewood Fiona Moss. Today's presentation. Survey methodology Key findings Key measures Customer journey Drivers of satisfaction Attitudes and behaviours. 1. Survey methodology.
Barclays Cycle Hire customer satisfaction and usage survey:Wave 4 Members Only ResultsSeptember 2012Debbie ShuttlewoodFiona Moss
Today's presentation... Survey methodology Key findings Key measures Customer journey Drivers of satisfaction Attitudes and behaviours
Methodology and approach • 2,526 interviews completed online • 11-28 June 2012 • 29,927 invites sent - response rate of 8.4% • Active only members invited to take part i.e. those who have hired a bicycle • Sample was taken from TfL’s database of registered users • Data is unweighted
Satisfaction continues to rise Satisfaction now back to wave 1 levels as members become familiar with scheme and issues around membership keys are resolved Wave 1 Satisfaction 70 Wave 4 Satisfaction 70 July 2010 July 2011 October 2011 June 2012 Decline in satisfaction as ‘novelty factor’ wears off and tolerance of initial teething problems declines Wave 3 Satisfaction 68 Wave 2 Satisfaction 63 Stable or improving scores show that remedial action to improve the BCH experience is taking effect
Key headlines • Overall satisfaction and advocacy have increased... • back to wave 1 levels • Satisfaction with all touchpoints has improved or remained the same as last wave • Satisfaction with ease of using the membership key - most improved touchpoint again this wave • Also the top performing touchpoint alongside the call centre • The availability of free docking points and availability of bicycles at docking stations are bottom performing touchpoints again despite increases in mean scores • Members are positive about cycling being enjoyable and good for rush hour journeys • But less positive about cycling in London, its safety and facilities
Where to focus improvements • The actual bicycles and the ease of using the membership key have the biggest impact on overall satisfaction • BUT these perform well and therefore need to be maintained not improved • The availability of bicycles at docking stations is a priority improvement area • Availability of free docking points is also important Overall satisfaction • Bicycles • Ease of use of membership key • Availability of bicycles • Availability of docking points Maintain Improve
Overall satisfaction has improved and is now at wave 1 levels Q Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with your overall experience of Barclays Cycle Hire? Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Casuals 69 85* Mean score 70 Mean score 63 Mean score 68 Mean score 70 Members 53% who cycle at least once a week are satisfied (scored 8, 9 or 10 out of10) Base: All members: W1: 3,754; W2: 2,652; W3: 947; W4: 2,526 *Source: SPA
Advocacy has remained stable since wave 3 Q How likely would you be to recommend Barclays Cycle Hire to friends or family Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Casuals 89* 78 Mean score 80 Mean score 75 Mean score 80 Mean score 81 Members 75% who use BCH at least once a week would recommend Weekday and weekend users are equally likely to recommend (68% and 69%) Base: All members: W1: 3,754; W2: 2,652; W3: 947; W4: 2,526 *Source: SPA
Members who are satisfied with VfM are significantly more likely to be satisfied with BCH overall and to recommend the scheme to others Overall satisfaction Likelihood to recommend Dissatisfied with VfM Satisfied with VfM Dissatisfied with VfM Satisfied with VfM Base: All members who are satisfied with vfm (1,896); dissatisfied with vfm (113)
Value for money mean score is steadily increasing Q How satisfied are you with the value for money to you of using Barclays Cycle Hire? (Asked of 288 who rated 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the value for money of Barclays Cycle Hire? (Mentions above 6%) Wave 4 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Mean scores 81 80 82 83 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526; all who are not satisfied with the value for money of BCH: W4: 288
Mean satisfaction with information on how BCH works is steadily increasing after wave 2 drop Q How satisfied are you with the information on how Barclays Cycle Hire works? (Asked of 621 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the information you have obtained or received on BCH? (Mentions above 16%) Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 1 Wave 2 Mean scores 73 74 71 72 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947; W4: 2,526 all who are not satisfied with information on how BCH works: W4: 621
Website ratings have been increasing since wave 2 Q Thinking specifically about the Barclays Cycle Hire website, how satisfied are you with ...? Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526
Significant increase in usefulness of BCH emails Q How useful is the information contained in the emails you receive from Barclays Cycle Hire? Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526
Satisfaction with registration is back to wave 1 levels but the process remains time consuming Q How satisfied are you with the process of registering as a member overall, on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is extremely satisfied and 0 is extremely dissatisfied? (Asked of 68 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the information you have obtained or received on BCH? (Mentions above 10%) Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 1 Wave 2 Mean scores 74 71 72 74 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: all who registered since Jan 2012: 300; all who are not satisfied with information on how BCH works: 68
Significant increase in satisfaction with terminals, but maps remain a problem Q How satisfied are you with the information panels, print outs, screens and ease of using the terminals? (Asked of 762 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the terminals? (Mentions over 6%) Wave 4 Wave 2 Wave 3 Mean scores 65 67 69 Base: W2: 2,652; W3: 947, W4: 2,526; all users who are not satisfied with the terminals: 762
Proportion satisfied with availability of bicycles has significantly increased; smaller proportion of dissatisfied members with availability Q How satisfied are you with the availability of bicycles at docking stations? Q How satisfied are you with the availability of free docking points to return bicycles at docking stations? * Wave 4 Core Wave 4 Core Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 4 Mean scores Mean scores 54 53 52 56 55 52 50 52 49 49 31% of Eastern Extension residents are satisfied vs 19% of Core Zone residents 28% of Eastern Extension residents are satisfied vs 18% of Core Zone residents Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2526 *Asked as “Availability of empty docking points to return bicycles” in wave 1
Lack of availability of free spaces and lack of bicycles at DS are main reasons for DS satisfaction Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with availability at the docking stations? (Mentions above 9%) Base: All who are not satisfied with the availability of free docking points and/or availability of bicycles: W4: 1,897
About half think availability of bicycles and docking points has stayed the same… Q Thinking specifically about the following areas, generally would you say things have improved, stayed the same or got worse The availability of bicycles at docking stations n/a 25% who use BCH at least once a week say availability of bicycles has improved Got worse (3%) Improved (24%) (20%) (53%) Stayed the same The availability of free docking points n/a Improved Got worse (3%) 26% of weekday users and 16% of weekend users say availability of free docking points has got worse (18%) (27%) (52%) Stayed the same Base: All members: W3: 947 (in brackets); W4: 2,526
In the last month less than a quarter have always found a bicycle at their first choice of docking station Q On how many of these occasions have you failed to find an available bicycle at your first choice of docking station? 21+ 11-20 2,184 members attempted to hire a bike in the last month 0 6-10 3-5 1-2 Q The last time you failed to find an available bicycle at your first choice of docking station, what did you do next? Base: All members: W4: 2,526; all who hired a bicycle in the last month: 2,184; all who failed to find a bicycle at first choice of DS: 1,696
In the last month nearly one-in-five have not hired a bicycle successfully Q How many times in the last month have you successfully hired a bicycle using the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme? Q On how many of these occasions have you failed to find an available space to return the bicycle at your first choice of docking station? 21+ 11-20 0 21+ 6-10 0 1-2 11-20 3-5 3-5 6-10 1-2 16% of weekday users have not hired successfully in the last month 34% of weekend users have never failed to find a space Base: All members: W4: 2,526; all who successfully hired a bicycle in the last month: 2,104
The majority of users have a second docking station in mind when their first choice of DS is full Q The last time you failed to find an available space at your first choice of docking station, what did you do next? Base: All who have failed to find a space at their first choice docking station: W4: 1,580
Half of members know how to get additional time when docking stations are full Q Were you aware that you can get 15 minutes additional time, at no extra cost, if a docking station is full and you are unable to dock a bicycle? 54% who use BCH at least once a week know how to do this Only 40% who use BCH less than once a week know how to do this Base: All members: W3: 947, W4: 2,526 (wave 3 in brackets)
Satisfaction scores are higher for most frequent trip Q Still thinking specifically about this most recent trip using Barclays Cycle Hire, how satisfied are you with the following on a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is extremely satisfied and 0 is extremely dissatisfied? The number of bicycles available to hire at docking stations The number of available spaces to return bicycles at docking stations Wave 4 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 3 Mean score Mean score 63 65 66 68 Significantly higher satisfaction with number of bicycles available rather than number of spaces 59% of Eastern Extension residents are satisfied vs 45% of Core Zone residents 56% of Eastern Extension residents are satisfied vs 47% of Core Zone residents Base: All members: W3: 947, W4: 2,526
Satisfaction with most recent trip is high and availability of bicycles is the main reason Q How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using Barclays Cycle Hire for this particular trip? Q Thinking about this last time using Barclays Cycle Hire what was particularly good about your experience? Mentions above 6% Wave 4 Mean scores 76 Base: All members: W4: 2,526
Reason for dissatisfaction with most recent trip is because of a lack of docking points Q How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using Barclays Cycle Hire for this particular trip? Wave 4 Q And what was particularly bad about your experience? (Mentions above 2%) Mean scores 76 Base: All members: W4: 2,526
Significant growth in satisfaction with general maintenance and working condition of docking stations but the main issue is that docking stations don’t always work Q How satisfied are you with the working condition and general maintenance of the docking stations overall? (Asked of 563 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the working conditions and general maintenance of the docking stations? (Mentions above 1%) Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 2 Mean scores 67 74 70 12% who useBCH less often than once a week are dissatisfied Base: All members: W2: 2,652 W3: 947, W4: 2,526 all who are not satisfied with the working condition and general maintenance: 563
Satisfaction with ease of using the membership key has improved significantly again but reliability is still an issue Q And how satisfied are you with the ease of using the membership key to access a bicycle? (Asked of 501 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the ease of using the membership key to access a bicycle? (Mentions above 1%) Wave 4 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Mean scores 64 79 73 78 70% of weekday users are satisfied Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652 W3: 947, W4: 2,526 :all who are not satisfied with the ease of using the membership key: W4: 501
Two thirds think their membership key working at the docking point has stayed the same Q Thinking specifically about the following areas, generally would you say things have improved, stayed the same or got worse Your membership key working at a docking point 26% of weekday and 21% of weekend users say the membership key working has improved n/a Got worse Improved (3%) My key tag did not work, even though my account was current, and the call centre was shut, so I could not call to fix the problem. Therefore, I had to buy access as a non-member. (11%) (32%) (54%) On this occasion my key did not work, I walked to another station on the other side of Euston Road and it still did not work. I had to phone and get them to reactivate it. It made me late for work and was very annoying. Stayed the same Base: All members: W3: 947 (in brackets); W4: 2,526
Satisfaction with bicycles is steady: fewer than half satisfied with BCH bicycles, mainly because they are too heavy Q In general how satisfied are you with the bicycles you have hired through Barclays Cycle Hire? (Asked of 677 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you not satisfied with the bicycles? (Mentions above 8%) Wave 4 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Mean scores 75 72 72 72 Low gearing - I could have gone a lot faster with a higher gear. Danger from the roads - I was cycling alongside heavy traffic, and this is harder when you have to go slowly on a bike like the hire bikes. Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526; all who are not satisfied with the bicycles: W4: 677
Significantly fewer have contacted the BCH contact centre in the last two months compared to last wave Q Thinking about the last time you contacted the centre, what was the reason or reasons? (Mentions above 1%) Complaints received in 2012 (1,624 in total): Docking station 22% Disputed charge 11% Docking point 8% Cycle 6% Account closure 4% Refund 4% Access key related 4% 37% have contacted the Barclays Cycle Hire contact centre in the last 2 months Base: All members: W4: 2,526; all who have contacted the contact centre: 932 *Source: TfL – BCH registered complaints
Contact centre satisfaction continues to improve significantly Q And still thinking about the last time you contacted the centre how satisfied were you with the service that you received? Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 (Asked of 224 rating 0-6) Q And why do you say you are not satisfied with the contact centre? (Mentions above 5%) Mean scores 66 55 74 Base: All members who have contacted the contact centre: W2: 1,314, W3: 525; W4: 932 all who are not satisfied with the service received: 224
Overall satisfaction: bicycles and membership key have the largest impact Total impact on overall satisfaction “Barriers” indicate where a touchpoint is a hygiene factor (getting it wrong will dissatisfy users; getting it right will not delight users); “drivers” indicate where it will delight users. TfL might consider looking at membership keys and contact centre performance as these are mainly “barriers”. The impact on overall satisfaction refers to the % increase in the mean overall satisfaction score based on a simulated 10% increase in the mean score of a particular driver
Overall satisfaction: availability of bicycles and free docking points are the main priorities for improvement for members Impact versus performance quadrants: a guide to interpretation Average performance (all touchpoints combined) Top improvement priority: Poor performance in an area of high impact on customer opinion Priority maintenance area: Strong performance in an area of high impact on customer opinion Secondary maintenance area: Strong performance in an area of low impact on customer opinion Second improvement priority: Poor performance in an area of low impact on customer opinion Average impact (all touchpoints combined) Performance Performance Impact Impact
Eight in ten agree cycling is enjoyable Q To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about cycling in general …? Wave 3 Wave 3 77% 2% 14% 49% 23% 30% It was great to get exercise, enjoy the good weather and see the city. Travelling during heavy congestion means I feel like I'm going faster than the cars and buses, and I also feel safer because the cars are travelling slowly. 16% 34% 29% 16% Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526
Two thirds use BCH at least once a week Q Typically how often do you use the following to get around London? Base: All members: W4: 2,526
Commuting remains most frequent with BCH Q And how frequently do you make each of the following type of trips using Barclays Cycle Hire? Leisure Commuting to or from work At least once a week: W1 26% W2 26% W3 26% W4 27% At least once a week: W1 57% W2 45% W3 52% W4 49% Personal business Socialising At least once a week: W1 23% W2 23% W3 25% W4 27% At least once a week: W1 22% W2 24% W3 26% W4 27% Base: All members: W4: 2,526
Travelling to/from place of education remains least frequent with BCH Q And how frequently do you make each of the following type of trips using Barclays Cycle Hire? Visiting/ meeting friends/ relatives Shopping At least once a week: W1 24% W2 21% W3 23% W4 24% At least once a week: W1 21% W2 16% W3 18% W4 17% Travelling to/from a place of education Employer’s business At least once a week: W1 18% W2 15% W3 15% W4 14% At least once a week: W1 5% W2 6% W3 7% W4 7% Base: All members: W4: 2,526
The majority use BCH to travel their whole journey Q What other methods of transport did you use on this journey? Q Did you use the Barclays Cycle Hire bicycle...? Base: All members: W4: 2,526; All who used BCH as part of a longer journey: 1,008
Most popular reason for choosing BCH is to reduce their journey time Q Why did you choose to make this trip using a BCH bicycle/the part of the journey you made using BCH? And which of these was the main reason? I had a very thorough workout, avoided traffic jams and overtook some people on decent bikes. Plus I just hopped off it when I got to my destination, no messing about with locks. Convenient, quick travel. Great for getting around if I’m going to meet friends / family for dinner and don’t want to (or can’t) take my own bike. Base: All members who have not made the trip before using another mode of transport or prior to BCH was introduced: W4: 438
Most users travel alone and are either residents or workers in London Q How many people made this trip/part of the journey using a BCH with you (i.e. Also hired a bicycle and travelled with you) Base: All members: W4: 2,526
Nearly half did not cycle before BCH was introduced Q Did Barclays Cycle hire prompt you to start cycling/start cycling more in London? Wave 4 Wave 3 Yes, prompted me to start cycling Yes, prompted me to start cycling more No Don’t know Base: All members: W4: 2,526
How we report satisfaction Throughout this survey, satisfaction is asked on a 0-10 scale, where 10 is extremely satisfied and 0 is extremely dissatisfied Satisfaction scores are broken down into three ‘boxes’ to distinguish between those who are satisfied, dissatisfied and in the middle Q How satisfied are you with xxx on a scale from 0 to 10? Extremely satisfied (10) The ‘top box’ includes those who are very satisfied – i.e. those giving answers of 8 or 10. The ‘middle box’ respondents are those saying 5-7 the ‘bottom box’ comprises those who are dissatisfied – i.e. those saying 0-4 Extremely dissatisfied (0) Indicates significant change in mean score since previous wave or