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Ch.1 The Sociological Perspective. Key People. Auguste Compte (p.5-6) Herbert Spencer (p.6) Karl Marx (p.6-7) Emile Durkheim (p.7) Max Weber (p.7-8) Harriet Martineau (p.8) Albion Small (p.9) Jane Addams (p.9) W.E.B. DuBois (p.9-10) Talcott Parsons (p.11) C. Wright Mills (p.11)
Key People • AugusteCompte (p.5-6) • Herbert Spencer (p.6) • Karl Marx (p.6-7) • Emile Durkheim (p.7) • Max Weber (p.7-8) • Harriet Martineau (p.8) • Albion Small (p.9) • Jane Addams (p.9) • W.E.B. DuBois (p.9-10) • Talcott Parsons (p.11) • C. Wright Mills (p.11) • George Herbert Meade (p.13-15) • Robert Merton (p.15-17) • Mario Brajuha (p.29-30) • Laud Humphreys (p.30)
Research Methods(aka Research Design) • Surveys • Participant observation • Secondary analysis • Documents • experiments • Unobtrusive measures
What is Sociology? • Think about the different rules & procedures each teacher presented to you. What was different? What was similar? Do those rules alter your behavior in each setting? • Now broaden the scope – What are unique behaviors here at Hempfield?
What do sociologists do? • They examine how groups influence people, especially how people are influenced by their society(vocab. sheet) • Sociologists look at social location (vocab. sheet) • Sociologists look at how jobs, income, education, gender, age, and race-ethnicity affect people’s ideas and behavior. • Conclusions: • C. Wright Mills – The society in which we grow up and our particular location in that society lie at the center of what we do and what we think. • The way you look at the world is the result of your exposure to specific human groups. THEREFORE: SOCIOLOGYIS…THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF SOCIETY AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR http://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/sociologists.htm
What Sociologist Do • Application Activity: Think & list reasons why people commit suicide. • What assumptions do you have about gender and suicide? Which age group do you suspect as having the highest rates of suicide? • Where do you believe suicide rates are more prevalent in the country?
U.S.A. Suicide: 2011 Official Final Data • Look at the data in front of you. • What conclusions could you draw about gender and suicide? • What conclusions could you draw about age and suicide? • Why do you think more people commit suicide in the western part of U.S. Compared to eastern? • Why is the rate of suicide (compared to population) so high in states like Alaska, Wyoming, or Montana?
INTERNAL FACTORS vs. EXTERNAL FACTORS People commit suicide because they are unhappy… • This is NOT a sociological theory. • Feelings (unhappiness) are internal factors that relate solely to individual / Non-sociological…psychological Sociological: • EXTERNAL factors (e.g. state/location, gender, age, income, race, or education) that affect behavior are sociologic • Suicides Rise In Middle-Aged Men, And Older Men Remain At Risk • by ALISON BRUZEK • September 10, 2014 http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/09/10/347386843/suicides-rise-in-middle-aged-men-and-older-men-remain-at-risk
Sociological Perspective: understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context • Remember : • Sociologists look at how jobs, income, education, gender, age, and race-ethnicity affect people’s ideas and behavior. • Could we analyze data on crimes in the same way as we did the suicide data? • Pregnancy? • Unemployment rates? • Homelessness? • Outreach programs?
Thinking Sociologically: Is who you are a result of where you are? The Solomon Asch Social Conformity Experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA
Stanford Prison Experiment Read “Tipping Point”
'Lucifer Effect' Asks Why Good People Go Bad http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9940824 http://www.zimbardo.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jdOoxnr7AI (6:54) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0jYx8nwjFQ (6:48)
The Unresponsive Bystander By Bibb Latane & John Darley What Really Happened to Kitty Genovese: http://www.npr.org/2014/03/03/284002294/what-really-happened-the-night-kitty-genovese-was-murdered (8:09)
Investigate the Key Sociologists • Some of you were given a card with a number and name/names of sociologists and a page number. You are to select your team (no more than 3 to a team), read about, and report out to the rest of the class their contributions to sociology.
Auguste Comteand positivism (p.5) • Positivism – the application of the scientific approach to the social world • What creates social order? What causes society to change? (French Revolution) • Sociology – “the study of society “ • logos – “study of” • socius – “companion” or “being with others” • The founder of sociology
Herbert Spencerand Social Darwinism (pg.6) • From “barbarian” to “civilized” • The “fittest” survive while the less capable die out – “The survival of the fittest” • Social Darwinism
Karl Marx and Class Conflict (p.6-7) • Believed the demise of society was “class conflict” - bourgeoisie (capitalists) vs. proletariat (the mass of workers) • Classless society – people work according to their abilities & receive goods and services according to their needs • NOT the same as communism!
Emile Durkheim and Social Integration (p.7) • Wanted to show how social forces affect people’s behavior. • Compared rates of suicide in differing European countries • Unmarried, Protestant, males • Concluded that social factors underlie suicide • social integration – the degree to which people are tied to their social group • People who are less socially integrated have higher rates of suicide
Max Weberand the Protestant Ethic (p.7-8) • Religion, not economics (Marx) is the central force in social change. • Roman Catholic = tradition Protestant = change • Accumulated wealth & the frugal life lead to salvation • The spirit of capitalism
Harriet Martineau and Early Social Research (p.8) • “Hidden writings” • Preceded Durkheim & Weber • Society in America – customs, family, race, gender, politics, & religion • Was mostly ignored because she was, well, a woman
Jane Addamsand Social Reform (p.9) • Social reformer • Hull House in Chicago founded in 1889 • Helped immigrants, the sick, elderly, & poor • Recognized the gap between powerful and powerless • Working conditions • 8hr day • Child labor • Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 (only sociologist to win the award)
W.E.B. DuBoisand Race Relations (p.9-10) • First A.A. to earn a doctorate @ Harvard • Wrote extensively on racial relations • Founded the NAACP • Disillusioned, he left the country for Ghana at age 93
Talcott Parsons & C.Wright MillsTheory Versus Reform (p.11) • Parsons examined how the parts of society work together • Mills warned of the power elite’s threat to freedom
Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology(pgs.13-18) • Symbolic Interactionism (vocab. #12) – society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, & communicate with one another • Functional Analysis (vocab. #13) – society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society’s equilibrium • Conflict Theory (vocab. #14) – society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources Examine Table 1.1 Major Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Model of Research(p.19-22) Your task: Get as many of your group members to remember the 8 basic steps in sociological research in order! Two people will judge for correctness. 8. Share 7. Analyze 6. Collect 5.Choose 4. Formulate 3. Review 2. Define 1. Select Reading: Doing Social Research
HANDOUT: 8 Steps of the Research Model & related, application questions • Reading – Doing Social Research • Durkheim & suicide • Suicides Rise In Middle-Aged Men, And Older Men Remain At Risk - http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/09/10/347386843/suicides-rise-in-middle-aged-men-and-older-men-remain-at-risk • Humphreys • Latane & Darley – Unresponsive Bystander
6 Research Methods(p.22-29) • Surveys • population, sample, random sample, respondents, closed-ended & open-ended questions, • Participant Observation • fieldwork • Secondary Analysis • Documents • Experiments • experimental & control group, independent & dependent variables • Unobtrusive Measures
Ray Rice Video Sets Off a Barrage of Conversations:http://www.npr.org/2014/09/10/347305854/ray-rice-video-sets-off-barrage-of-twitter-conversations
Ethics in Sociological Research(p.29-31) ARTICLE: Historical cases of Unethical Research by Marsden & Melander • Brajuha • FIRE!!!! – You thought your notebook was important? • Humphreys • “Tea for two” Max Weber stresses value free, but….! …which is why replication is important. A FINAL NOTE-THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO, HMMMMMM!!: Please read the paragraph REVIEWING THE TENSION IN SOCIOLOGY (p.31).