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S c r een i ng G e n e ra l p r o ce s s

S t andar d o p e ra t in g p r o c e dur es for recruiting Sonoma County Indian Health Project. D iab e t es P r e ve n t i o n P r o g r a m – R e c rui t in g S t andar d O p e ra t in g P r o c e dur es. S c r een i ng G e n e ra l p r o ce s s

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  1. Standardoperatingprocedures for recruiting Sonoma County Indian Health Project DiabetesPreventionProgram–Recruiting StandardOperatingProcedures • Screening • General process • Fill outEligibilityAssessmentWorksheet-by gathering informationfromiCare,chart, communityscreeningworksheet,etc.Check toseeifNATIVE beforecontinuing.If not, NOTELIGIBLE. Donotassign numberormakechart. • Createa folder for theparticipantwithLastName, FirstNameandDPP#(whenyouget it). StapletheDPIParticipationRecord Formtothelefthand sideof thefolder. TheDPP# will beobtainedwhentheinformationis addedtotheDPPresgistry. • Call participantandseeiftheyareinterested,makean appttocomeintoHT. • Screening Appointment: Performglycemictesttocheckeligibility. Showthe video-“Messageof Hope” Completeriskassessment(R6.D)(if notalreadycompleted). ContinuetofilloutEligibilityForm. GothroughDPPRegistry formwith participant. Explaintheprogram(givethemtheinformationsheet). ReviewtheHIPAA form and havetheminitialeach pageand signthelastpage (if interested).Givethemacopyoftheir signedHIPAAform. If they areeligibleandwanttosign up-makebaselineappointmentfor labs,PE, measurements(Forms C1&C2)(withinone monthofstartof nextclass). viii. • Enter dataintoDPPregister, ParticipationRecordFormand updatestatusinDPP recruitmentlog. • If participantis notinterested atthistime(or ever)whenyoucontactthembyphone (seeC.) completethe DPPEligibilityWorksheet(record under RecruitmentRecord) and updateDPP recruitmentlog(Highlightspreadsheetwith appropriatecolor. • RED-Don’tcallback • Blue- Didnotqualify(DNQ) • Yellow- Startedclass butdropped • LimeGreen- In intensiveclass now. • Forestgreen- recruited fornext class • Lightpurple- interested butnotnow. • If unableto reachbyphone ortheydo notrespondtothefirst “Left Message”phone call- sendthe DPPRecruitmentletteror postcard. MakenoteintheRecruitmentLog. This letter can befollowedup bya second phonecall. • ReferralsandRPMSLists • RPMSMonthlyListsor Referrals- firstcheck thepotential participants nameagainstthe DPPregistry(2010and2011) in HT-ALL. Use“Cnt-F”keystroketo“Find” and putintheir nameor birthdate. Alsochecktheactiverecruitmentlog(alsoHT-ALL-DPP- Lastrevised1/18/12

  2. DiabetesPreventionProgram–Recruiting StandardOperatingProcedures • Recruitment).If thenamedoes notappear- then proceedwiththegeneral process for screening. If theyareonone oftheselists, processaccordingly. • b. Referrals-Whenreferralsarereceived fromthePCP, thegeneral process isstartedtosee if they qualityand areinterested. Completethe“For Healthy TraditionsStaffUse” • sectiononthereferralandsend backtothePCPfor thechart(keepa copy). Ifthe patientself-refers, generatea referral (includingtheinformationcollected) andhavethe • PCP sign. Keepacopyandhaveoriginal putintochart. • PhoneScriptsTemplate • Firstcall:”Hello, mynameis fromHealthyTraditions atSonoma County Indian Health. Is thisa goodtime totalk?Ijustwantedtocalltotellyouwearestartingnew classes forDiabetesPrevention. Your namewas giventous by(yourPrimaryCare • doctor, lobbyscreen,tribalpicnic etc) because_(reason-e.g. yourblood sugar is slightlyelevatedandyouareatriskfordeveloping diabetes).Doyouknow • anything abouttheprogram?(If no, explain). Wouldyou liketo seeif you qualifyforthe • program?(Ifyes, schedulean appt). If notatthistime-“whenweoffer classesinthe future- canwekeepyouonthelistandcontact you?” • CommunicationwithPCP • If a patientqualifies andexpresses interestinthe16week curriculumbutthedoes not completetesting requiredfor theclass,orcompletes testing butdoes notattendthe class, communicatethis informationtothePCP on“ “form. Lastrevised1/18/12

  3. DiabetesPreventionProgram–Recruiting StandardOperatingProcedures • Baseline-measurements mustbecompletedwithinonemonthofthestartof thefirstclass. • Call andmakeanappointmentfor theirlabs tobedrawn. Seeifwecan alsomakePE appt for thesameday. If not, havethemmakeappointmentwithPCPforDPPphysicaland exerciseclearanceASAP( buthaveitscheduledfor –withinonemonthoftheclass start date). • Beforetheycomeinto SCIHPfor theirbaselinevisit, checkwhich insurancetheyqualifyfor and preparetheirlaboratoryslips. • Confirm insurancecoverage. LabQuest-PHC(MediCal);LabCorp-Private insurance, BillDPP, CMSP(MediCal)andMedicare. IftheyhaveMedicarewith any other insuranceusetheLab CoreLab Slip. • Partnership- log in lastnameandDOB- itwill determine- yesor no. If thename showsup, thescreenwill alsoshowiftheyhaveanyother insurancecoverage( i.e. Medicare). • MediCal HomePage- goto“Transaction”useTHP11643F, and0840734for login. Select“singlesubscriber”.FromRPMS findtheir subscriber #,DOB, IssueDate. For • Servicedate-usetoday’s date. Ifyou usesocial securitynumber thantheIssuedate and servicedateneedtobethesame- souse today’sdatefor both. • Call themthedaybeforethebaselineapptand remindthemof theapptandtell themtobe sureandcallthelab tomakesuresomeoneis there. • After theyhavefinished inthelab, comeupstairs for therestofthevisit.Completeforms C1 • and C2withtheparticipants. Makean apptforthePEwith. • Whencompletedremindthemwhentheclasses start. Alsocall and reminda fewdays before. Lastrevised1/18/12

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