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In God is the Victory

In God is the Victory. C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H. Proverbs 3.5 – 6 Psalm 32.8 – 9 Psalm 119.105 Philippians 4.13. In God is the Victory. C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H. Three examples: Jehoshaphat – 2 Chronicles 20 Asa – 2 Chronicles 14

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In God is the Victory

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  1. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Proverbs 3.5 – 6 Psalm 32.8 – 9 Psalm 119.105 Philippians 4.13

  2. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Three examples: Jehoshaphat – 2 Chronicles 20 Asa – 2 Chronicles 14 Paul – Acts 16.6 - 10

  3. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Jehoshaphat - feared - set himself to seek the Lord - prayed - no strength - all Judah stood before the Lord - the battle is the Lords - stand still and see the salvation of the Lord - worshipped - the fear of God was on all the kingdoms

  4. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Asa - did what was good - prepared - they sought the Lord our God - had an army of 580,000 - he cried out to the Lord his God - the fear of the Lord came upon the enemy - Judah plundered the cities; took the spoils

  5. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Asa – the warning chapter 15 - the Lord is with you while you are with Him - if you forsake Him, He will forsake you chapter 16 - he did not rely on the Lord his God - he did foolishly - in his disease he did not seek the Lord

  6. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Could we not also tell of: - Moses - Joshua - Gideon - the heroes of faith (Hebrews 11) - etc etcetc

  7. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H Paul - forbidden by the Spirit to preach in Asia - Spirit did not permit them to go to Bithynia - a vision appeared to Paul - immediately they sought to go to Macedonia - the Lord called them to preach the gospel - they plundered the cities; took the spoils

  8. In God is the Victory C H R I S T S S T R E N G T H How 1 Corinthians 1.10 – 2.5 - the foolishness of preaching - to put to shame the wise - to put to shame the mighty - no flesh should glory in His presence - Jesus Christ and Him crucified OUR FAITH SHOULD BE IN THE POWER OF GOD

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