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This guide provides comprehensive information on various customs procedures such as Inward Processing, Outward Processing, Compensating Goods, Exports, Imports, Re-exports, Transit, and more. Learn about Trade Systems, Home Use, Temporary Admission, Customs Warehousing, and Foreign Country regulations.
Trade Systems Main Customs Procedures 6. Inward Processing 7. Outward Processing 8. Compensating Goods 9. Exports 10. Imports 11. Re-exports 1. Transit 2. Processing under customs control 3. Home use 4. Customs Warehousing 5. Temporary Admission
Foreign Country Customs Territory TIR + Entering Customs TRANSIT Leaving Customs Customs Border Customs Border TIR: Transport International Routier Trade Systems Transit
Foreign Goods Foreign Country, Free Zone { National Market • Imports duties • Tax on sales • Special Taxes Goods in free circulation Trade Systems Home Use
Professional equipment • Display goods • Commercial samples... Foreign Goods Foreign Country others taxes Customs Territory Imports duties Foreign Goods Under Customs Control National Market Trade Systems Temporary Admission
Foreign Country or Free Zone Foreign Goods others taxes * Customs Territory Imports duties Foreign Goods Value Added National Market * Two options: 1.- duty free in entry 2.- reimbursement in exit Trade Systems Procedure for Inward Processing
Foreign Country or Free Zone Value Added Goods others taxes Imports duties Customs Territory Goods in free circulation Trade Systems Procedure for Outward Processing
Foreign Country or Free Zone Customs Territory Goods in free circulation or nationalised Trade Systems Exports
Trade Systems • There are two Trade Systems by which International Merchandise Trade Statistics are compiled;- (a)The General Trade System, and (b)The Special Trade System. • Goods leaving or entering a customs territory are declared for different Customs Procedure Codes or Regimes which are crucial in determination of the trade system!
Trade Systems Home Use : (A) on Direct Imports F (B) (Z) after Warehouse or after Free Zone (Ci) on Temporary Imports for Inward Processing (Cd) after Temporary Admission E (Rm) on Re-imports of a Temporary Exports for Outward Processing P Q on Re-imports of a Temporary Exports in view to be returned unchanged (Rt) D Rt (D) Temporary Admission in view to be returned unchanged Customs Warehouse (I) Temporary Imports for Inward Processing Xd T Entry in Warehouse (E) of foreign goods B N Cd (N) of national or nationalised goods J A Exports: K National Market (J) of national goods (K) of nationalised goods L (L) for ship and aircraft supplies Ci (M) Temporary Exports for Outward Processing (T) Temporary Exports in view to be returned unchanged Re-exports: M Xi (P) from Warehouse Z (Q) for ship and aircraft supplies from Warehouse Rm (Xi) after Temporary Imports for Inward Processing I (Xd) after Temporary Admission in view to be returned unchanged Free Zone: W U V (W) entry from National Market (U) (V) entry from Foreign Country exit to Foreign Country Free Zone (F) Transit MAIN TRADE FLOWS : Overall view of movements
Trade Systems F F E E P Q P Q D D Rt Rt Customs Warehouse Customs Warehouse Xd Xd T T B N B N Cd Cd J J A A K K National Market National Market L L Ci Ci M M Xi Xi Z Z Rm Rm I I U U W W V V Free Zone Free Zone Special Trade General Trade Others Others Overall view of General Trade Overall view of Special Trade
Trade Systems General Imports consists of;- Imports of foreign goods(other than compensating products after outward processing) into free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from rest of the World or Custom Transit (b) Imports of foreign goods (other than compensating products after outward processing) into premises for Customs warehousing or commercial free zones, from rest of the World or Custom Transit. (c) Imports of foreign goods comprised of compensating products after outward processing into the free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial Free zones, from the rest of the world or from customs transit. General Trade System
Trade Systems General Imports consists of;- … ctd Imports of foreign goods comprised of compensating products after outward processing into premises for Customs warehousing or commercial free zones, from the rest of world or customs transit (e) Re-imports of domestic goods in the same state as exported, into free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from the rest of world or customs transit. (f ) Re-imports of domestic goods in the same state as exported, into premises of customs warehousing or commercial free zones, from the rest of world or customs transit. General Trade System
Trade Systems General Exports consists of;- Exports of domestic goods originating in the free circulation area or industrial free zones, directly to the rest of the world. (b) Exports of domestic goods originating in the free circulation area or industrial free zones but exported from premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones to the rest of the world. (c ) Exports of domestic goods comprised of compensating products after inward processing, directly to the rest of the world.. General Trade System
Trade Systems General Exports consists of;- … ctd Exports of domestic goods comprised of compensating products after inward processing but exported from premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones to the rest of the world. (e) Re-exports of foreign goods, in the same state as previously imported, from free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, directly to the rest of the world. (f ) Re-exports of foreign goods, in the same state as previously imported, from premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones, to the rest of the world. General Trade System
Trade Systems Special Trade System • The Special Trade System is used when the statistical territory comprises only the Free Circulation Area. • Imports include all goods entering the free • circulation area of a compiling country-cleared • through Customs for home use. • (b) Exports include all goods leaving the free • circulation area of a compiling country
Trade Systems Special Imports consists of;- Imports of foreign goods (other than compensating products after outward processing) into free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from rest of the World or Custom Transit Imports of foreign goods (other than compensating products after outward processing) into free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from premises for Customs warehousing or commercial free zones. (c ) Imports of foreign goods comprised of compensating products after outward processing into the free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from the rest of the world or from commercial free zones. Special Trade System
Trade Systems Special Imports consists of;- … ctd Imports of foreign goods comprised of compensating products after outward processing into the free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones. (e) Re-imports of domestic goods, in the same state as previously exported, into free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from the rest of world or customs transit. (f ) Re-imports of domestic goods, in the same state as previously exported, into free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, from premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones. Special Trade System
Trade Systems Special Exports consists of;- Exports of domestic goods originating in the free circulation area or industrial free zones, directly to the rest of the world. Exports of domestic goods originating in the free circulation area or industrial free zones into premises for Customs warehousing or commercial free zones. (c ) Exports of domestic goods comprised of compensating products after inward processing, directly to the rest of the world Special Trade System
Trade Systems Special Exports consists of;- … ctd Exports of domestic goods comprised of compensating products after inward processing, into premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones (e) Re-exports of foreign goods, in the same state as previously imported, from free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, directly to the rest of the world.. (f ) Re-exports of foreign goods, in the same state as previously imported, from free circulation area, into premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones. Special Trade System
Trade Systems It is recommended that the General Trade System be Used for compilation of international merchandise trade statistics and international reporting:- • It provides a comprehensive recording of external trade • It provides a better approximation of the change of ownership criterion used into Systems of National Accounts(SNA) and Balance of Payment (BP). UN Recommendation