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MEASUREMENT & SAMPLING. BUSN 364 – Week 9 Özge Can. Measurement. It connects invisible ideas or concepts in our mind with specific things we do or observe in the empirical world to make those ideas visible
Measurement • It connects invisible ideas or concepts in our mind with specific things we do or observe in the empirical world to make those ideas visible • It lets us observe/ helps to see things that were once unseen and unknown but predicted by theory • We need measures: • To test a hypothesis, evaluate an explanation, provide empirical support for a theory or study an applied issue
Measurement • Physical world or features are easier to measure • E.g. age, gender, skin tone, eye shape, weight • Measures of the nonphysical world are less exact • E.g. attittudes, preferences, ideology, social roles • “This restaurant has excellent food”, “Deniz is really smart”, “Ali has a negative attitude towards life”, “Mert is very prejudiced”, “Last nights’s movie contains lots of violence”
Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement • Quantitative mesurement: • It is a distinct step in the research process that occurs before data collection • Data are in a standardized, uniform format: Numbers • Qualitative measurement: • We measure and create new concepts simultaneously with the process of gathering data • Data are in nonstandard, diverse and diffuse forms
Measurement Process Two major steps: 1. Conceptualization => the process of developing clear, rigorous, systematic conceptual definitions for abstract ideas/concepts • Conceptual definition: A careful, systematic definition of a construct that is explicitly written down
Measurement Process 2. Operationalization => Process of moving from a construct’s conceptual definition to specific activities or measures that allow the researcher to observe it empirically • Operational definition: A variable in terms of the specific actions to measure or indicate in the empirical world
Reliability • Dependebility or consistency of the measure of a variable • The numerical results that an indicator produces do not vary because of the characteristics of the measurement process or instrument • E.g. A reliable scale shows the same weight each time
Reliability • How to Improve Reliability? • Conceptualization: clearly conceptualize all constructs • Increase the level of measurement: detailed info the measurement shows • Use multiple indicators of a variable: triangulation • Use pilot studies and replication
Validity • How well an empirical indicator and the conceptual definiton “fit” together • The better the fit, the higher the validity • Four types of measurement validity: • Face validity • Content validity • Criterion validity • Construct validity
Validity • Face Validity:It is a judgement by the scientific community that the indicator really measures the construct. • The construct “makes sense” as a measurement
Validity • Content Validity: Requires that a measure represent all aspects of the conceptual definition of a construct • Is the full content of a definition represented in a measure?
Validity • Criterion Validity: Uses some standard or criterion to indicate a construct accurately. Validity of an indicator is verified by comparing it with another measure • Concurrent and predictive validity
Validity • Construct Validity: Is for measures with multiple indicators. Do the various indicators operate in a consistent manner? • Convergent and divergent validity
Relationship between Reliability and Validity • Reliability is necessary for validity and easier to achieve BUT • It does not guarantee that the measure will be valid! • Sometimes there is a trade-off between them: • As validity increases, reliability becomes more difficult to attain or vice versa
Levels of Measurement • A system for organizing information in the measurement of variables. It defines how refined, exact and precise our measurement is. • Continuous variables: Variables that contain large number of values or attributes that flow along a continuum • Ex: temperature, age, income, crime rate • Discrete variables: Variables that have a relatively fixed set of separate values or attributes • Ex: gender, religion, marital status, academic degrees
Levels of Measurement The four levels from lowest to highest precision: • Nominal: indicates that a difference exists among categories • Ordinal: indicates a difference and allows us to rank order the categories • Interval: does everything the first two do and allows us to specifiy the amount of distance between categories • Ratio: does everything the other levels do and it has a true zero.
Levels of Measurement *Discrete variables are at nominal or interval levels *Continuous variables are at interval or ratio levels
Principles of Good Measurement • Mutually exclusive attributes: • An individual or case will go into one and only one variable category • Exhaustive attributes: • Every case has a place to go or fits into at least one of a variable’s categories • Unidimensionality: • A measure fits together or measures one single, coherent construct
Scales and Indexes • Scale => a measure in which a researcher captures the intensity, direction, level or potency of a variable and arrange responses/observations on a continuum • Likert Scale: ask people whether they agree or disagree with a statement • Index => a measure in which a researcher adds or combines several distinct indicators of a construct into a single score • Ex: crime index, consumer price index
Sampling • Sample: a small set of cases a researcher selects from a large pool and generalizes to the population • Population: large collection of cases from which a sample is taken and to which results from a sample are generalized
Sampling • In quantitative research: • Primary use of sampling is to create a representative sample. If we sample correctly, we can generalize its results to the entire population • We select cases/units and treat them as carriers of aspects/features of a population • Probability sampling techniques
Sampling • In qualitative research: • Primary use of sampling is to open up new theoretical insights, reveal distinctive aspects of people or social settings, or deepen understanding of complex situations, events, relationships • We sample to identify relevant categories at work in a few cases • We do not aim for representativeness or generalization • Non-probability sampling techniques
Probability Sampling • It is the “gold standard” for creating a representative sample • We start with conceptualizing a target population • We then create an operational definition for this population: sampling frame • A list of cases in a population or the best approximation of them • E.g. telephone directories, tax records, school records • We choose a sample from this frame
Probability Sampling Model of the Logic of Sampling:
Probability Sampling • Probability samples involves randomness • Random sampling => using mathematically random method so that each elements will have an equal probability of being selected • Four ways to sample randomly: • Simple random sampling • Systematic sampling • Stratified sampling • Cluster sampling
Probability Sampling Simple random sampling: Using a pure random process to select cases so that each elements in the population has equal probability of being selected Systematic sampling: Everyting is the same as in simple random sampling except, instead of using a list of random numbers, we calculate a sampling interval (i.e. 1 in k, where k is some number) There should not be some kind of pattern in the list
Probability Sampling Stratified sampling: We first divide the population into sub-populations (strata) and then use random selection to select cases from each category Example categories => gender, age, income, social class Cluster sampling: Uses multiple stages and is often used to cover wide geographic areas. Units are randomly drawn from these clusters. Addresses two problems: 1) lack of a good sampling frame for a dispersed population, 2) high costs to reach an element
How LargeShould a SampleBe? • The best answer is: It depends! • It depends on population characteristics, the type of data analysis to be employed, and the degree of confidence in sample accuracy is needed • Large sample size alone does not guarantee a representative sample • For small populations we need a large sampling ratio, while for large populations the gain is not that big • Everything else being equal, the larger the sample size, the smaller the sampling error
Nonprobability Sampling Convenience sampling (Availability/accidental sampling): A nanrandom sample in which the researcher selects anyone he or she happens to come across. Quick, cheap and easy but very unrepresentative Quota sampling: Researcher first identifies general categories and then select cases to reach a predetermined number in each category
Nonprobability Sampling Purposive sampling (Judgmental sampling): getting all possible cases that fit particular criteria, using various methods It is mostly used in exploratory research or in field research. Often used for difficult-to-reach, specialized populations Snowball sampling: The researcher begins with one case, and then, based on information from this case, identifies other cases. Begins small but becomes larger. A method for sampling the cases which are in an interconnected network
Nonprobability Sampling Deviant case sampling (Extreme case sampling): The goal is to locate a collection of unusual, different or peculiar cases that are not representative of a whole We are interested in cases that differ from the dominant pattern, mainstream Theoretical sampling: Selecting cases that will help reveal some features that are theoretically important about a particular setting/ topic. A theoretical interest guides the sampling