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Learn about the role of family work in supporting families affected by drug use, collaboration with other agencies, and impacts on relationships. Real-life examples and strategies for working together effectively.
Derbyshire Health Care NHS Foundation Trust Community Drugs Team (Adults) Montserrat Gomez Presedo 1 February 2013 FAMILY WORK
Agency Map DAAT SPODA GRID Criminal Justice COMMUNITY DRUGS TEAM Employment Social Care Supported Housing Health Housing
National aim to support families (NTA, 2011) Local commissioners requested support for families in their tender. (DAAT, 2011) Currently 2 workers in training. Why Family Work in the Community Drugs Team?
Internally, in team meetings. Talking to colleagues. Externally, collaborating, working with other agencies. How we promote the Family Work Team?
Opening opportunities to talk about suitability for Family Work. Encouraging key workers to introduce us to clients. Distributing leaflets for clients to warm up to the idea of Family Work. What do we talk about?
Talk to the person next to you in pairs or threes, and imagine you were the referrer: 1. What clients in the drugs team would benefit from family work? 2. Would there be any clients who wouldn't be eligible for family work? What clients would you refer for Family Work?
Sharing understanding of the nature, context and risks of drug use (Buchanan and Corby, 2005) Can this impact relationships between workers and clients? Can this impact relationships between professionals? Factors affecting collaboration
“A drug using parent could be involved with a variety of agencies and individuals, ... Each worker/agency could be giving different messages about how best to tackle drugs, what changes they expect, what risks are posed to the parent and to the unborn child. Getting these professionals to work collaboratively in partnership to provide the most effective service is not easy”. (pg 3) Buchanan and Corby, 2005
Patrick and Carol are not their names. Both clients have very generously agreed that their case can be shared with you for training purposes and we will be bringing back to them all the ideas that are discussed that could be helpful for them at this difficult time in their family life. An example from practice
An example from practice ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cr ? Pt ? ? ? ? FW FW KW KW CJ CJW 6 5 + CJW SW SW
Family work with Pt and Cr. • Pt and Cr have been living on their own since September. • Cr's eldest daughter reported incidents of abuse to social care from 3 years ago. • Social care were involved to support the family in preparation for the new baby.
Referral to Family Work • Key worker referred to Family Work due to complexity of professional network involved and family circumstances. • Carol and Patrick were more focused on the experiences with Social care than their treatment. • Key worker to both partners felt isolated working in a complex context. • Couple's main goal with Family Team is to stop taking street drugs so that the children have options to be returned to their home.
Probation 2 Probation officers Social care 2 social workers Children Parents (drug use) Court: Dealing with the allegations from eldest child (no evidence) and now with the protection of the younger siblings. How to support a family in a complex context? • Community drugs team • Key worker who supports Cr in their treatment. • Prescribing doctors. Managing their medical treatment • Family Work team(2) • Criminal Justice Drug worker, while they are in a 6 month Drug Rehabilitation Requirement for an offence they committed 1 year ago. • Children Centre
Volunteers • Patrick and Carol • Key worker • Criminal justice drug worker • Family work (2 practitioners) • 2 doctors prescribing methadone • 2 Probation officers • Social worker • Substance misuse social worker • Social worker manager • Drugs team manager • Health visitor • GP
Working together when families are affected by parental drug use
How well can we work together? • What we would like to know about the parents that would help us to work together?(Curiosity influencing Hypothesis and Care planning (Cecchin, G. 1987) • Discuss ideas on what factors would make these family's environment safer for the children to come home? (Agreeing on the meaning of terms used, sharing common language: Salmon and Faris, 2006); (Facilitating Resilience; Veleman & Templeton, 2007) • Can we identify 2 common goals/agenda points for the next meeting? (Reder. P. 1983)
Reflections on the exercise • Carol & Patrick:How did you experience the conversation between professionals? (Madsen, W 2007, pg 337) • How did professionals consider the presence of the clients in the room? (Keagan et al. 2000) • What helped professionals to find a shared goal? (Reder, P. 1983) • What were the obstacles in working towards a shared goal?
Conclusions from today • Family work in the drugs team depends on collaborative work, internally and externally. It would be rare that a family affected by drug use wouldn't have other needs. • The family agreed to share their story; what messages can we bring back? • Suggestions for professionals? • Suggestions for Cl and Pt?
References • Buchanan, J and Corby, B (2005) Problem drug use and safeguarding children: a mulit agency approach. Chapter in Problem drug use: a new conceptual framework. In R. Carnwell and J. Buchanan (Eds) Effective practice in health and social care: a partnership approach. Meidenhead: Open University • Cecchin, G. (1987) Hypothesising, Circularity and Neutrality Revisited: An Invitation to Curiosity. In Family Process. Vol.26. N4, pp.415-413 • Kegan, R. & Laskow Lahey, L. (2000). How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work : Seven Languages for Transformation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. • Madsen, W. (2007) Sustaining Collaborative Practice in the “Real” World. Ch 10 from Collaborative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families, Second Edition, by William C. Madsen. (pg 337) Also online: http://www.family-centeredservices.org/media/Ch$2010$20-$20Sustaining$20a$20Collaborative$20Practice$20in$20the$20Real$20World.pdf • Reder, P. (1983) Disorganized families and the helping professions: “Who is in charge of what?” In Journal of Family Therapy. Vol 5. pp 23-36 • Salmon, G., and Faris, J., (2006). Multi-agency collaboration, multiple levels of meaning: social constructionism and the CMM model as tools to further our understanding. Journal of Family Therapy. Vol.28, pp272-292 • Velleman, R and Templeton, L (2007) Understanding and modifying the impact of parent's substance misuse on children. Advances of Psychiatric treatment. Vol 13, 79-89. Bibliography: Cleaver, H., Cawson. P., Gorin, S., Walker, S., (2009) Safeguarding Children. A Shared Responsibility. Edited by Hedy Cleaver, Pat Cawson, Sarah Gorin and Steve Walker. NSPCC Wiley Series in Protecting Children: The multi-professional approach. Wiley-Blackwell