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Digestive / Skeletal System

Digestive / Skeletal System. Schuylar Holmes Tonecia Rich. Organs of Digestion. Mouth Tongue-Helps with both chewing and swallowing Salivary Glands-Begins chemical digestion, changes starch to maltose Esophagus Stomach Small intestines Pancreas Liver-Neutralizes stomach acid

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Digestive / Skeletal System

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  1. Digestive / Skeletal System Schuylar Holmes Tonecia Rich

  2. Organs of Digestion • Mouth • Tongue-Helps with both chewing and swallowing • Salivary Glands-Begins chemical digestion, changes starch to maltose • Esophagus • Stomach • Small intestines • Pancreas • Liver-Neutralizes stomach acid • Gallbladder • Large intestines

  3. Digestive System • The digestive system begins from the mouth-food is broken down by teeth and mixed with saliva • The digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body. • Peristalsis-the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal • In 4 hours you can digest a meal and have an empty stomach • Bolus-chewed food at the moment of swallowing. • Hydrochloric acid is a chyme causes burning when a person vomits • The esophagus is a muscular tube which carries food and liquids from the throat to the stomach for digestion after it has been chewed and chemically softened in the mouth. Food is forced into the stomach by powerful waves of muscle contractions passing through the walls of the esophagus. Because these contractions are so strong in the throat and the esophagus, we can swallow in any position, even upside-down.

  4. The gallbladder holds bile produced in the liver until it is needed for digesting fatty foods in the duodenum of the small intestine. • Its recommended that healthcare workers receive a vaccine to preventHepatitis B • Food leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum • The large intestine takes care of absorbing any water left in the food that hasn’t been digested yet, and then passing any unused waste from the body. • Small intestines is where digestion is completed and absorption occurs • The rectum is a short,muscular tube that forms the lowest portion of the large intestine and connects it to the anus. • The best way to treat constipation is high fiber diet, increase fluid intake, and exercise • The appendix is a part of the large intestines that does not serve as a passage way for fecal waste

  5. Cancer can be found during a colonoscopy • Alcoholism destroys the liver-overworks liver • Uvula- small muscular structure that hangs from the soft palate • The liver secretes bile that aids the digestion of fats • Digestive enzymes empty into the duodenum • Ulcer- bacterium burrows into the stomach membrane

  6. Common Disorders • Removal of the gallbladder can treat the disorder cholesystitis • Diverticulitis- disorder of the large intestine • The most life threatening digestive disorder is Cirrhosis • Peritonitis- complication of a ruptured appendix • Inguinal hernia- a disorder you can actually see, protrusion of abdominal-cavity

  7. Skeletal System

  8. Bone Types: Short bone- wrist Long bone- tibia Flat bone- sternum Irregular bone- vertebrae

  9. Skeletal type:Axial skeleton- contains skull, thoracic, lumbar and cervical vertebrae, sacrum, ribs, and coccyxAppendicular skeleton- shoulder and pelvic girdle, arms, hands, legs and feet - The skeletal system corresponds with the muscular system.- It is responsible for the production of red bloods cells.- The sternum has a greater chance of containing red marrow.- The periosteum is located outside the bone

  10. Bone Cells -Osteoblasts: form new bone tissue -Osteoclasts: secrete enzymes -Osteocytes: mature bone cell

  11. Skull:parietal, Occipital, Temporal, Frontal-Suture: joint that connects parietal and temporal bone.- sinuses are located in the skull-newborns have fontanels in there skull unlike most adults.Hands and Feet:-20 phalanges (fingers and toes) most bones in the body.- metatarsals are in the instep of the foot-metacarpals are the knuckles and articulate with phalanges.

  12. Conditions -Aspirin and exercise can treat arthritis inflammation of the joints. -Bursitis affects the joints. -A herniated disk can be treated with physical therapy, traction, or surgery. -Kyphosis: is a condition of over-curvature of the thoracic vertebrae (upper back). -Osteoporosis: bone disorder resulting from a loss of calcium and phosphorous. -Greenstick fracture is more common in children. -Gout usually affects the big toe the first time it occurs.

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