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NINJA (TSK) float – recent operation Toshio Suga (JAMSTEC / Tohoku Univ.)

NINJA (TSK) float – recent operation Toshio Suga (JAMSTEC / Tohoku Univ.). 7 profiling floats with oxygen/chlorophyll sensors were funded by Japanese Fisheries Research Agency and deployed in March-May 2008. 3 floats were NINJA floats. 40-db parking depth following mixed layer

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NINJA (TSK) float – recent operation Toshio Suga (JAMSTEC / Tohoku Univ.)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NINJA (TSK) float – recent operationToshio Suga (JAMSTEC / Tohoku Univ.) • 7 profiling floats with oxygen/chlorophyll sensors were funded by Japanese Fisheries Research Agency and deployed in March-May 2008. • 3 floats were NINJA floats. • 40-db parking depth following mixed layer • 500-db profiling with 5-day interval • Wetlabs FLNTU sensor with TSK shutter • Data compression enabling data transmission from >200 levels through ARGOS • 2 floats and their FLNTU sensors are still working properly almost after one year from deployment.

  2. Wetlabs FLNTU and TSK Shutter FLNTU FLNTU with shutter shutter Cf. OEM model of FLNTU for APEX float

  3. Transmitted data Data compressing Restored data P T diff_t S diff_s CHLA diff_chl NTU diff_ntu (dbar) (deg.C) (psu) (microg/l) (NTU) 4.2 15.517 5 34.523 -5 0.647 2 0.090 0 6.1 15.522 -1 34.518 2 0.671 -2 0.090 0 8.2 15.521 0 34.520 0 0.647 -2 0.090 -1 10.515.521 111111 34.520 111111 0.622 111111 0.083 111111 12.3 15.519 1 34.520 0 0.634 -2 0.090 0 14.3 15.520 1 34.520 0 0.610 0 0.090 0 16.3 15.521 2 34.520 0 0.610 0 0.090 2 18.1 15.523 2 34.520 0 0.610 1 0.102 -2 20.015.525 111111 34.520 111111 0.622 111111 0.090 111111 21.9 15.522 -3 34.520 -1 0.610 -2 0.090 -1 24.4 15.519 2 34.519 1 0.586 6 0.083 1 25.9 15.521 -4 34.520 -1 0.659 -1 0.090 -1 28.1 15.517 2 34.519 -2 0.647 -2 0.083 1 30.115.519 111111 34.517 111111 0.622 111111 0.090 111111 32.2 15.516 3 34.518 1 0.598 0 0.083 1 34.1 15.519 -7 34.519 -2 0.598 3 0.090 0 36.1 15.512 0 34.517 0 0.634 11 0.090 4 38.4 15.512 5 34.517 0 0.769 -11 0.115 -4 40.015.517 111111 34.517 111111 0.634 111111 0.090 111111 … …

  4. Back into the market

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