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According to the principle of Trickle Impregnation, activated resin is trickled in a thin jet on to the rotating preheated winding. The resin immediately gets heated and its viscosity is reduced<br>
AR ENGINEERING Trickle Impregnation Technique Manufacturer https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
About Us AR Engineering is a company founded by Mr.ArvindMutalik in 1988, for manufacturing of transformer oil filtration machines. Since then AR Engineering has developed different types of Insulating Oil upgrading systems suitable for in-house and onsite operation. The plants are suitable for Transformer & Capacitor Manufacturers, Transformer Repairers, Transformer Owners, Oil filtration service providers etc. These plants work on low temperature, high vacuum principle. We also developed Trickle Impregnating Machines for varnishing of electrical machines windings such as armatures, rotors, field coils, stators. These machines are suitable for varnishing of electrical windings in mass production. Auto electrical parts, mixers, fans, electrical motors, Instrument transformers etc. are few to name. We also manufacture Vacuum Impregnation Plants for big electrical windings and Vacuum Drying Ovens for drying of transformers, capacitors etc. On line transformer oil regeneration plants are under development. https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
PRODUCTS • High-Vacuum Transformer Oil Filtration and Dehydration Plants • Varnishing Machine -Trickle Impregnation Technique - Batch Type Trickle Impregnating Machine - Index Type Trickle Impregnating Machine - Vacuum Impregnation Plants / Pressure ImpregnationPlants • Industrial Oil Purification Systems • http://arengg.co.in https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
ISO Certificate https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
Trickle Impregnation Technique : • According to the principle of Trickle Impregnation, activated resin is trickled in a thin jet on to the rotating preheated winding. The resin immediately gets heated and its viscosity is reduced. Due to the rotary motion of the winding the resin gets distributed evenly inside the winding without any drain loss. The heated winding accelerates the gelling and curing of the resin.The resin applied on the winding is quickly sucked through the slots. Assisted by the capillary action it pushes out the trapped air from the small voids and gaps in the winding and penetrates evenly in all the voids.The essential point for successful application of the trickle impregnating resin is the correct adjustment and the control of the winding temperature. https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
Trickle Impregnation Technique : https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
CONTACT US AR Engineering Address :L - 77, Additional M.I.D.C., Satara - 415004, Maharashtra INDIA Tel. No. : +91 - 2162 - 240384, 240385, Fax : +91 - 2162 - 240569, Mobile : +91 - 98223 93556, 94226 05890E-mail : info@arengg.net Visit Other Websites Also : www.tricklevarnishingmachines.comwww.oilfiltrationplants.comwww.oilfiltermachineindia.com https://arengg.co.in/trickle-impregnation-technique.html
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