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Business Drivers: Large Scale Downsizing in mid 1990 Major Changes in Business Model (Outsourcing)

Transportation Infrastructure Management System (TIMS) Presentation to Maintenance & Construction Standing Committee TAC Spring Meeting Ottawa, Ontario April 10, 2010 Moh Lali, Executive Director Alberta Transportation. Business Drivers: Large Scale Downsizing in mid 1990

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Business Drivers: Large Scale Downsizing in mid 1990 Major Changes in Business Model (Outsourcing)

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  1. Transportation Infrastructure Management System (TIMS)Presentation to Maintenance & Construction Standing Committee TAC Spring Meeting Ottawa, OntarioApril 10, 2010Moh Lali, Executive Director Alberta Transportation

  2. Business Drivers: • Large Scale Downsizing in mid 1990 • Major Changes in Business Model (Outsourcing) • Many legacy applications that were inefficient and non – responsive to business needs • Preservation, enhancement and value maximization of Knowledge Assets ( information and human capital)

  3. TIMS What is TIMS? • An integrated enterprise knowledge system • web applications • designed for lifetime highway asset development & management

  4. TIMS

  5. Enterprise Knowledge System

  6. TIMS Infrastructure Asset Analysis & Management Scope • What are the locations, attributes, conditions, capacities and functions of the existing assets • What new or enhanced assets are essential to meet expected socio –economic needs? • What assets or asset enhancements would deliver the highest socio-economic value. • What is the best time to execute the investment decisions • What are the lifetime performance impacts of the investments in each asset creation or enhancement? • Develop and manage programs that result from asset analysis • Measure the real impacts • Learn from performance measurements and introduce change

  7. TIMS Alberta’s Highway Network Assets • 30,000km of Roads • 4000 Bridges & Related Structures • 1m Supporting Objects, Structures & Features • Value ~ $ 50b • Annual Capital Investment ~ $ 1.5b • Annual Operations Budget ~ $ 0.4b

  8. TIMS TIMS Mandate-Scope • Web-Based Integrated System • Business Critical Information • Decision Analysis Applications • Program Management Applications • Integration or Retirement of Legacy Systems • Integrated Knowledge Transfer • Transactional & Transformational System

  9. TIMS What Does TIMS Do? • Creates a single, comprehensive, current and reliable source of data/information/experts • Enables efficient collection, preservation ,and updating of business-critical information • Enables rigorous engineering-economic-environmental evaluations of projects & programs • Enables collaborative problem solving and project execution • Provides an effective Web-based learning tool

  10. TIMS Why Develop TIMS in House? • Capturing tacit & explicit knowledge of the staff in the software. • Alignment of people, processes, practices with technology • Opportunity to improve prevailing processes and practices through TIMS • Concurrent training and richer learning experience for the business

  11. TIMS Applications Development: Business Sponsors (Champions) Business requirements Process innovation Business analyst drafts requirements for application development Application Development & Testing User Acceptance Testing Production

  12. Mission: Delivering Lifetime- Optimum Asset Performance: safe , effective, economic, environmentally sustainable & innovative transportation infrastructure TIMS Model: Integration with Business Strategy Divisional Goals Set Policy, Standards & Best Practices Deliver Planning &Programming Deliver Infrastructure Services Processes TIMS Business Sponsors: business requirements opportunities for innovations UAT TIMS Development & Delivery Team

  13. Decision Applications Information Applications Communication Applications Data Repository Program Management Applications Administration Applications TIMS TIMS Software Applications

  14. TIMS Applications

  15. TIMS Network Data • Location • Inventory • Performance Metrics: Conditions, Functionality & Capacity • Events

  16. TIMS Data Collection : • Annually – collect 1/3 of network • Upon Network Change or Events • Integrated Using GPS & Geographic Coordinates • Digital Video Logs

  17. TIMS WebMap • Map-based information portal • Supports business workflows and decision support via the most popular interface with users • Knowledge integration • Provides easy access to inventory and base map data, imagery, and digital videologs, and cartographic output.

  18. TIMS: Appurtenances Information Application

  19. TIMS Bridge Information System • Description: BIS contains Inventory and Inspection data of all structures on Public Roads outside Urban Areas. The city of Edmonton also uses this system for managing their structures. • Functionality: • Contractor and municipality access via extranet portal • Record inventory of structures (bridge, bridge culvert, sign structure, ferry, watercourse training structure, structure, low level crossing, retaining wall) • Initiate and record level 1 inspections (bridges, bridge culverts, sign structures) • Maintain Inspector list (training history, training requests) • Release 3 to implement Level 2 Inspections and enhancements is planned for this year.

  20. TIMS Network Expansion Support System: Functionalities • Based on safety and geometric analysis, recommend work activities: grade-widening, four-laning, curve improvements, traffic signals and intersection lighting. • Use historical collision data to highlight roads/intersections that exhibit poor collision performance • Predict network requirements based on traffic growth. • Publish road assessments and work activity recommendations to TDR

  21. HPMA Functions • Annual inventory and condition data updates • Dynamic sectioning for determining project limits • Maintenance and Rehabilitation needs (current and predicted conditions, triggers) • Treatment strategies selection(decisiontrees) • Prioritization with condition and budget constraints • Continued refinements/feedback • Providing Work Activities to the Network Optimization Application • TIMS

  22. Other Decision Support Applications Future NESS BEADS HPMA Work Activity Recommendations TIMS Data Repository RODA Work Activity Recommendations Work Activities, Programs & Projects Pre-Rationalization Benefit-Cost Analysis Rationalization Optimization Calculate economic rates for work activities / projects Create potential projects Create preliminary plans and programs Schedule Projects based on budget constraints and benefit-cost analysis Prepare work activities Review / Approve Projects & Programs Directives (overrides) and business Rules for RODA processing RODA packages the work to gain efficiencies in Delivery, applies Benefit-Cost Analysis to estimate the value of delivering the work, and provides capabilities to schedule the work according to various budget scenarios Rationalization & Optimization • TIMS

  23. TIMS RODA Functions • Provides automated “packaging” of Work Activities into potential Projects based on pre-defined business rules • Proximity of Work Activities to each other • Work Activities needed in a similar time-frame • Total Cost of the Project • Compatibility of Work Activities • Provides the ability to visually see Work Activities and Projects on a map and obtain detailed information about the work • Estimates the cost and material quantities for primary Work Activities • Performs automated Benefit-Cost Analysis on primary Work Activities

  24. TIMS: PMA - MCMS • Complete Work • Accept work sheets • Accept / reject work sheets • Identify Work • Maintain Work Orders • Create annual work orders • Maintain Proposed Work • Pay for Work • Progress Estimates • Budget Work • Maintain Activity and Bid Item Budgets • Maintain Activity and Bid Item Forecasts • Set-up • Maintain contracts, bid items, pricing • Maintain job numbers and their budgets

  25. TIMS TIMS Value Proposition: • Gaining best lifecycle returns on investments in highway assets through knowledge –driven decisions • Strengthening and documenting techno-economic rationale for investment decisions • Providing the tool to achieve excellence in all phases of asset development and maintenance • Preserving and optimizing the use of the department’s knowledge assets: data, information, business processes & practices, and human capital • Excelling in organizational learning

  26. Future Development • Enhancing data management and decision applications based on feedback from users and best practice benchmarking • Developing a talent repository to complete transformation into a knowledge system • Integration of unstructured data & textual analytics • Completing risk analysis and management applications • Refining the investment decision models to account for uncertainties and externalities such as environmental impact • Incorporating evolving technological innovations • TIMS

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