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Environmental Monitoring from Space

Spencer Anderson Brent Fogleman Daryl Vonhagel. Environmental Monitoring from Space. Objectives: C-band (w = 3.8 – 7.5 cm) & X-band (w = 2.4 – 3.8 cm) IFSAR to acquire topographic data over 80% of Earth’s land mass Produced digital topographic maps with: 30m x 30m spatial sampling

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Environmental Monitoring from Space

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  1. Spencer Anderson Brent Fogleman Daryl Vonhagel Environmental Monitoring from Space

  2. Objectives: • C-band (w = 3.8 – 7.5 cm) & X-band (w = 2.4 – 3.8 cm) IFSAR to acquire topographic data over 80% of Earth’s land mass • Produced digital topographic maps with: • 30m x 30m spatial sampling • <= 16 m absolute vertical accuracy • <= 10 m relative vertical accuracy • <= 20 m absolute horizontal circular accuracy

  3. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DATA COVERAGE: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission collected data over most of the land surfaces that lay between 60 degrees north latitude and 54 degrees south latitude. That's about 80% of all the land on the Earth. Data Statistics Land coverage: Targeted land was 80% of Earth landmass (119.56 M km2, 46.16 M mi2)99.968% targeted land mapped at least once (119.51 M km2, 46.14 M mi2)94.59% targeted land mapped at least twice (113.10 M km2, 43.66 M mi2)49.25% targeted land mapped at least 3 times (58.59 M km2, 22.73 M mi2)24.10% targeted land mapped at least 4 times (28.81 M km2, 11.12 M mi2) Land area missed:50,000 km2 (all in US) Radar system acquired topographic data for >47.6 million miles2 of Earth Total imaging time: ~10 days 99.96% of planned coverage area mapped during STS-99 Space Shuttle mission Sophisticated radar collected surface imaging data at a rate of 40,000 miles2 / min

  4. SRTM Coverage

  5. SRTM Coverage

  6. SRTM Application http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpegMod/PIA03377_modest.jpg

  7. SRTM Application SRTM SAR ASTER

  8. Shuttle Laser Altimeter http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/sla_app.jpg

  9. Shuttle Laser Altimeter 01 http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/research/laser/sla/sla1.html

  10. Shuttle Laser Altimeter 01 & 02 http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/lapf_web/claudia/plots/global_loc01_02.jpg

  11. SLA-01 Tree Canopy Height http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/research/laser/sla/canopy1.html

  12. LANDSAT http://events.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=10001248

  13. Landsat 7 Orbital Characteristics • Circular, sun-synchronous, and near polar • Nominal altitude: 705 km at Equator • Crosses Equator from N to S on descending orbital node between 10:00 and 10:15 AM each pass • Speed: 7.5 km/sec; period ~ 99 min; 14 orbits/day • Covers entire Earth between 81 deg N & S every 16 days • Multispectral data set with both high (30m) & medium to coarse (250 to 1000 m) spatial resolution acquired on a global basis repetitively

  14. Landsat 7: Enhanced Thematic Mapper + • Scene Size: • 183 km cross-track, 170 km along track • 3.6 Gbits in 24 seconds • Instantaneous FOV: 30m pixel • Radiometric Accuracy: 5% absolute, 2% relative • Data Rate: 150 Mbps on two 75 Mbps channels (I & Q) • Scan Frequency: 7 Hz

  15. Landsat 7 • Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Eight spectral bands, including panchromatic and thermal band: • Band 1 Visible (0.45 – 0.52 mm) 30 m • Band 2 Visible (0.52 – 0.60 mm) 30 m • Band 3 Visible (0.63 – 0.69 mm) 30 m • Band 4 Near-Infrared (0.77 – 0.90 mm) 30 m • Band 5 Near-Infrared (1.55 – 1.75 mm) 30 m • Band 6 Thermal (10.44 – 12.50 mm) 60 m • Band 7 Mid-Infrared (2.08 – 2.35 mm) 30 m • Band 8 Panchromatic (0.52 – 0.90 mm) 15 m • Ground sampling Interval (pixel size): 30 m reflective, 60 m thermal • Added the Band 6 Low and High gain 60 m thermal bands • On-board calibration was added to Landsat 7: a Full Aperture Solar Calibrator (FASC) and a Partial Aperture Solar Calibrator (PASC); in addition to the 2 calibration lamps

  16. Spectral Signatures http://landsathandbook.gsfc.nasa.gov/data_properties/

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