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How to Receive Your Rewards

Hebrews 11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. .

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How to Receive Your Rewards

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  1. Hebrews 11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. 

  2. 1 Corinthians 9:24 - 26 24Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!  25All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.  26So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 

  3. How to Receive Your Rewards Run to Win!

  4. I. Rewarded Balaam Style • Numbers 22-24 • King Balak attempts to bribe Prophet Balaam • Pay Balaam to curse Israelites • Don’t go – don’t curse Israel for they have been blessed • Balak tries again • Don’t let anything stop you • Pay well and do what you tell me

  5. Balaam’s “noble” response? – Even if Balak were to give me his palace filled with silver and gold, I would be powerless to do anything against the will of my God – but let me check again • God permits him to go – but angry about it • “not my will but yours be done” • Spiritual insight from a Donkey…

  6. Balaam blesses Israel 4 times • Balak – “the Lord has kept you from your reward”

  7. Israel’s downfall – Numbers 25:1-3 • Sexual relations with Moabite women • Idolatry • The Lord’s anger blazed against his people

  8. Balaam – Noble or Naughty? • Deuteronomy 23:4 - 5 4These nations did not welcome you with food and water when you came out of Egypt. Instead, they hired Balaam son of Beor from Pethor in distant Aram-naharaim to curse you.  5But the LORD your God refused to listen to Balaam. He turned the intended curse into a blessing because the LORD your God loves you. 

  9. Numbers 31:16 16“These are the very ones who followed Balaam’s advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD’s people. 

  10. Revelation 2:14 “But I have a few complaints against you. You tolerate some among you whose teaching is like that of Balaam, who showed Balak how to trip up the people of Israel. He taught them to sin by eating food offered to idols and by committing sexual sin.  • Jude 1:11 What sorrow awaits them! For they follow in the footsteps of Cain, who killed his brother. Like Balaam, they deceive people for money. And like Korah, they perish in their rebellion. 

  11. 2 Peter 2 • V.1 – False teachers among you • V.3 – In their greed, they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money • V.12 – these false teachers… • V.15-16 – followed the footsteps of Balaam who loved to earn money from wrong doing

  12. II. Rewarded Daniel Style • Daniel 5 • Many years later Belshazzar gives a great feast • The writing on the wall

  13. Royal robes, Gold necklace, third highest ruler if you will interpret • Keep your gifts or give them to someone else • I will tell you what it means • Daniel rewarded

  14. III. Let the Rewards Come • 1 Peter 5:1-6 • Care for (Shepherd) the flock • Not for what you will get out of it (your own gain) • When Jesus returns you will receive a crown of glory and honor • All serve each other in humility • God will lift you up in honor at the right time

  15. Psalms 18:20 The LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me. • Proverbs 11:18 The wicked earns deceptive wages, But he who sows righteousness gets a true reward. • Proverbs 22:4 The reward of humility and the fear of the LORD Are riches, honor and life.

  16. Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.  • ANTICIPATE A REWARDING YEAR!!!

  17. Interaction Time • What is the difference between a reward and a bribe? • What do you think should be our response to rewards as described in the Word of God? • What are some of the rewards you have received in this life and what are the rewards yet to come?

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