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New Satellite Energy and Water Balance and Water Cycle Products for the Study of Interactions between Atmospheric Hydrology and the ERB T. S. L’Ecuyer ( tristan@atmos.colostate.edu ) , G. L. Stephens ( stephens@atmos.colostate.edu ) , and Z. Luo ( luo@sci.ccny.cuny.edu ). SCSMEX Region.
New Satellite Energy and Water Balance and Water Cycle Products for the Study of Interactions between Atmospheric Hydrology and the ERB T. S. L’Ecuyer (tristan@atmos.colostate.edu), G. L. Stephens (stephens@atmos.colostate.edu), and Z. Luo (luo@sci.ccny.cuny.edu) SCSMEX Region Science issue:The implications of cloud-induced changes in the vertical distribution of atmospheric radiative heating is not well understood due to a lack of accurate global QR(z) obs. Approach: Combine cloud, precipitation, atmospheric, and surface property information from mutliple sensors to estimate profiles of LW and SW fluxes and heating rates Satellite-based data: PMW and IR radiances from TRMM and the A-Train, CloudSat reflectivity profiles, CERES TOA fluxes, and AIRS T and q profiles Models: ECMWF and NCEP reanalysis Study Particulars: QR(z) products covering the TRMM and A-Train eras at 0.25 degree spatial and daily time resolution From top down: time-height cross-sections of TRMM-based net radiative heating, latent heating, and total diabatic heating associated with the onset of the Asian monsoon in the SCSMEX region compared with corresponding Q1 estimates from sounding-based budget analyses (bottom). Project status: Year 1 (complete) – refined TRMM-based QR(z) estimates and apply first few years of data to examine radiative heating in IPCC-AR4 models (L’Ecuyer and Stephens, 2007) Year 2 (now) – augment error analysis of TRMM product and adapt technique to A-Train (AMSR-E, AIRS, and MODIS with CloudSat/CALIPSO as constraints) Year 3 (plan) – analyze profiles of heating in GCMs and MMF in the context of large-scale circulations and known modes of atmospheric variability (eg. ENSO) NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Fetzer – AIRS T and q profiles provide input to A-Train QR product McFarlane/Dong – QR profiles from ARM sites to evaluate products and export regional information to global scales Olson - analyze total diabatic heating from TRMM on various space/time scales Analysis of vertical heating associated with MJO (Waliser) Important component of TRMM LH intercomparison project Updated: October 28, 2007