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WATER QUALITY ISSUES IN WSDP • The WSDP mentions the following water quality problems: • Umfolozi Catchment • Pollution from sewage plants into the Klipfontein Dam creating eutrophication problems and toxic blooms. No funds to properly correct this problem. • Coal mining has negative impact on WQ in upper reaches • Pollution from agriculture and humans leading to high ammonia, nitrate and phosphate levels • Mkuze/Hluhluwe Catchments • Sedimentation rates high • Coal mining has negative impact on WQ in upper reaches • The coastal aquifer is susceptible to contamination due to high permeability of sands • High salinity in lower Mkhuze catchment • Pongola Catchment • Saline and nutrient enriched return flows from irrigation • Groundwater can be saline on the Makhatini Flats
WATER QUALITY ISSUES IN WSDP • Way to address these issues: • Non point source pollution must be assessed and strategies developed to curb this. This requires national, WMA, and catchment level approaches to over irrigation and excessive fertilisation • Mine licensing, operations and closure policies need to be considered and managed. Staff and resources need to be allocated to achieve this • Proper supervision of borehole drilling will greatly reduce the chances of saline water being encountered and will improve the borehole developments
CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED • The large backlog in water and sanitation services • This leads to people still being reliable on untreated surface water sources and in some cases even shallow wells in the Umhlabuyalingana LM • These water sources are prone to faecal contamination • The shortage of funding to implement projects • The vast area of the District Municipality • This leads to high implementation costs and logistical problems • A shortage of sustainable raw water sources • Extended drought conditions experienced in the district • Skills shortages
WATER QUALITY AREAS OF CONCERN • Due to some areas reliance on untreated surface water the DM has always had a high risk of cholera outbreaks in times of flooding • This is being addressed by addressing the backlog in water services as shown in previous slides • Mtubatuba Water Treatment Works is under capacitated and has to deal with high levels of manganese • This is being addressed by sourcing funding from the DBSA for an upgrade of the system • Hand dug wells in the Manguzi area in the sandy conditions that become contaminated from Pit Latrines nearby • This is being addressed by the Kwangwanase and Enkanyezini and other large CWSS • High levels of iron in boreholes in Manguzi Area • These boreholes are going to be used for the Kwangwanase CWSS and will be pumped to a specially designed Water Treatment Works
Relationships Between Role-players • DWAF National is working with DM on the Water Conservation and Demand Management Project • DWAF Province is running training workshops with the DM on water quality management and reporting • We are currently establishing an M&E Unit through a DWAF initiated project
Awareness Programmes • Programmes with the Dept of Health are undertaken throughout the district that address the following: • User education for VIP’s • Education on washing hands (local wash campaigns) • Water conservation and demand management (incl. Water quality) • PHAST • Monthly community meetings with stakeholders
Funds Available for Water Quality Issues • The shortage of funds is seen as the biggest restriction in addressing water quality and quantity issues • The backlog in providing potable water has the biggest negative impact on water quality issues as people are reliant on untreated raw water sources • With current cash flow projections the backlog for the Umkhanyakude DM will be addressed by the 2019/2020 financial year • This is based on current MIG cash flow allocations
Funds Available for Water Quality Issues Cont…. • The high operational costs of running the water treatment plants and other water related operations vs the small amount of revenue being generated means that there are few funds available to address the backlog
Technical and Scientific Skills • An interim agreement has been in place appointing Mhlathuze Water as the WSP for the Operations and Maintenance of all schemes in the district • Linked to this Mhlathuze has been involved in the operations of the existing Water Treatment Works throughout the district • Mhlathuze has an in-house laboratory • Umkhanyakude has appointed WSSA to operate the Mtubatuba WTW as well as other package plants in use
Assistance Provided From Depts • DWAF regional works closely with the Umkhanyakude DM with the planning and implementation of large capital projects and regional master planning • Mhlathuze Water has been involved with the O&M of schemes in the district through a partnership agreement with the DM • DPLG through the DLGTA has supported the DM with funding for programmes such as Drought Relief, Project Consolidate and Feasibility Studies for water supply schemes • The Dept of Health Environmental has been actively involved with sanitation awareness campaigns and PHAST