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BI 354 Bible Doctrines 4

BI 354 Bible Doctrines 4. J. Michael Lester. Essay Questions for Final. Explain you view of the Lord’s supper (Open, Closed, Close) and explain from Scripture your theological basis for taking this position.

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BI 354 Bible Doctrines 4

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  1. BI 354 Bible Doctrines 4 J. Michael Lester

  2. Essay Questions for Final • Explain you view of the Lord’s supper (Open, Closed, Close) and explain from Scripture your theological basis for taking this position. • Describe the three main forms of Church government and identify arguments either for or against each view. • Discuss the differences between the literal and allegorical methods of interpretation, and using examples from eschatological passages, show how ones interpretive method will impact ones theological position. • Explain and discuss the covenant programs of God for Israel and demonstrate the relationship between the various covenants. Be sure to identify the major biblical reference for each covenant. • Defend the position that understands Daniel’s 70 weeks refers to a period of 490 years. • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Pretribulational rapture position. Be sure to identify all relevant Bible references.

  3. The Views of the Millennium

  4. The Millennium • Three Major Views: • Amillenialism • Postmillennialism • Premillennialism • Classic or Historic • Dispensational

  5. Amillennialism Second Coming of Christ Resurrection of Believers (Church Age) Millennium New Heaven and Earth Judgment of unbelievers Satan Bound

  6. Amillennialism • 2nd Coming of Christ • No distinction between rapture and 2nd coming • Not imminent • Tribulation • Experienced in present age with past and present struggle with the forces of evil • Millennium • No Literal Millennium on Earth after 2nd coming. Kingdom present in Church age. • Israel and the Church • Church has replaced Israel

  7. Views on the Millennium • Postmillennialism • The belief that the Church ushers in the millennium through the triumph of the Gospel. • World will become more Christian • Millennial age will result and be a time of peace. • Millennium will last for a long time.

  8. Postmillennialism Second Coming of Christ Resurrection of Believers The World is getting better New Heaven and Earth Church Age  Millennium Judgment of unbelievers Satan Bound

  9. Postmillennialism • 2nd Coming of Christ • Single event; no distinction between rapture and second coming; Christ returns after Millennium. • Tribulation • Experienced in present age with Past and/or present struggle with the forces of evil. • Millennium • Present age blends into Millennium because of progress of gospel. • Israel and the Church • Church has replaced Israel

  10. Arguments for Postmillennialism: • The Great Commission demands fulfillment during the present age, since Christ is the one who is the power behind it (1 Cor. 15:25). • Certain parables clearly state that the kingdom of heaven will continue to grow and eventually transform the entire world (Matt. 13:31–33). • All other eschatological views are too pessimistic. Only Postmillennialism provides for the true triumph of Christ through the Church (Matt. 16:18).

  11. Weaknesses of Postmillennialism: • The New Testament does not suggest that things will get better before Christ comes, but much worse (Matt. 24; 1 Tim. 4:1–3; 2 Tim. 3:1–5; 2 Pet 3:3–4). • Postmillennialism arose during a time of great hope and enlightenment, but that hope has turned to despair in the twentieth century. Man is not improving as we thought, and the Church is not triumphing over the world. • There is limited amount of scriptural support for this position.

  12. Premillennialism • The belief that in the future Christ will come and set up His kingdom on earth and reign for one thousand years. This event will be preceded by a period of seven years of tribulation which is the outpouring of God’s wrath.

  13. Premillennialism Second Coming of Christ Rapture Pretrib Rapture Midtrib Rapture Midtrib (Church Age) Millennium New Heaven and Earth Tribulation Judgment of unbelievers Satan

  14. Premillennialism(Dispensational or Classic) • 2nd Coming of Christ • (Dispensational) Second coming in two phases: rapture for church; second coming to earth 7 years later. • Rapture and second coming simultaneous; Christ returns to reign on earth. • Tribulation • Pre, Mid Trib. views • Millennium • (Dispensational) At second coming Christ inaugurates literal 1,000-year Millennium on earth. • Millennium is both present and future. Christ is reigning in heaven. Millennium is not necessarily 1,000 years. • Israel and the Church • (Dispensational) Complete distinction between Israel and church. Distinct program for each. • Some distinction between Israel and church. Future for Israel but church is spiritual Israel. Complete distinction between Israel and church. Distinct program for each.

  15. Arguments for Premillennialism: • The most natural reading of Rev. 20 demands that there be a one-thousand year reign of Christ on the earth. No other scenario can do justice to this passage. • It was the view of virtually all the early Church Fathers (pre-250). Irenaeus believed in a future millennium, and he received his views from the writings of Papias, who was an acquaintance of John the apostle. • History tells us that the Church’s subsequent rejection of Premillennialism was both reactionary and motivated by unchristian worldviews.

  16. Arguments for Premillennialism: • The millennium is necessary for God to fulfill His promises to Israel. • Although while Christ was on the earth, the kingdom of God was present through the advent of the King, Christ makes it clear that He did not set up His Kingdom during this time, but that it was still yet future (Acts 1:6–7, Matt. 6:9–10).

  17. Weaknesses of Premillennialism: • It is problematic to base such an important doctrine on one passage. The one thousand year reign of Christ is only mentioned in Rev. 20. If this passage were not in Scripture, we would not know about it. • Other Scriptures suggest that there is no interval between the second coming of Christ and the judgment.

  18. End Times Timeline

  19. End times Timeline Bema Judgment Marriage Supper of Lamb Battle of Gog and Magog Battle of Armageddon Eternity Future New Heaven and New Earth Great White Throne Judgment 7 Year Tribulation Millennium Unbelievers Death and Hell Satan Released Satan Bound Satan Bottomless pit The Lake of Fire

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