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Brief Outline of Mexican History

Brief Outline of Mexican History. European Conquest. Pre-Columbian civilizations include the Olmec, Teotuhuacan, Mayan, Zapotec, Toltec, Aztec 1519: Conquest of Mexico by Cortes Aztec Emperor Moctezuma Prophecies of Quetzlcoatl La Malinche -- mestizaje

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Brief Outline of Mexican History

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  1. Brief Outline of Mexican History

  2. European Conquest Pre-Columbian civilizations include the Olmec, Teotuhuacan, Mayan, Zapotec, Toltec, Aztec 1519: Conquest of Mexico by Cortes Aztec Emperor Moctezuma Prophecies of Quetzlcoatl La Malinche -- mestizaje 1521-1810 New Spain – included Central America, southwestern North America, the Caribbean, the Phillipines

  3. New Spain 1521-1810 Feudal social system Conservative Roman Catholicism throughout the Empire Class divisions Spaniards – in charge of government Criollos (Creoles) – Spanish descent born in New Spain – major land holders Mestizos – mixed Spanish and Indian descent Indians – peasants, agricultural workers, often tied to landholdings as serfs had been in Europe

  4. 19th Century Mexico 1807: Napoleon invaded Spain 1810: Declaration of Mexican Independence 1810-1821: War of Independence 1821: 1st Empire of Mexico > Republic 1836: Republic of Texas declares independence 1845: Texas is annexed to the United States 1832-1855: Dominance of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna in Mexican government 1846-1848: War with U.S. led to annexation of territory that became CA, NV, UT, AZ, NM and CO 1855: Santa Anna overthrown

  5. 19th Century Mexico 1857: new Constitution that did not mandate Roman Catholicism as state religion 1857-1861: War of Reform – civil war 1860s: military occupation by France 2nd Mexican Empire: installation of Emperor Maximilian and Empress Carlota – favored limited monarchy Emperor overthrown and executed by Benito Juarez’s forces 1867: Restoration of Republic 1876-1911: Dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz

  6. 20th Century Mexico 1910-1921: Mexican Revolution Leaders with conflicting aims included Francisco Madero, Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco, Venustiano Carranza – most assassinated during revolution 1917: Mexican Constitution of 1917 1920: Alvaro Obregon elected President – instituted many reforms in social liberalizalition, curbed the power of the Roman Catholic church, improved education, granted women’s civil rights 1926-1929: Cristero War 1929: Formation of National Mexican Party (PNM) > Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) – dominant throughout 20th c.

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